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public function OrderAdminTest::testAdminOrderView in Commerce Core 8.2

Tests that an admin can view an order's details.


modules/order/tests/src/FunctionalJavascript/OrderAdminTest.php, line 405


Tests the order admin UI.




public function testAdminOrderView() {

  // Start from an order without any order items.

  /** @var \Drupal\commerce_order\Entity\OrderInterface $order */
  $order = $this
    ->createEntity('commerce_order', [
    'type' => 'default',
    'store_id' => $this->store
    'mail' => $this->loggedInUser
    'state' => 'draft',
    'uid' => $this->loggedInUser,

  // First test that the current admin user can see the order.

  // Confirm that the order item table is showing the empty text.
    ->pageTextContains('There are no order items yet.');

  // Confirm that the transition buttons are visible and functional.
  $workflow = $order
  $transitions = $workflow
    ->getId(), $order);
  foreach ($transitions as $transition) {
    ->pageTextContains('Are you sure you want to apply this transition?');

  // Note, there is some odd behavior calling the `press()` method on the
  // button, so after asserting it exists, click via this method.
    ->linkNotExists('Place order');
    ->linkNotExists('Cancel order');

  // The order was modified and needs to be reloaded.
  $order = $this

  // Add an order item, confirm that it is displayed.
  $order_item = $this
    ->createEntity('commerce_order_item', [
    'type' => 'default',
    'unit_price' => [
      'number' => '999',
      'currency_code' => 'USD',
    ->pageTextNotContains('There are no order items yet.');

  // Logout and check that anonymous users cannot see the order admin screen.
    ->pageTextContains('Access denied');