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public function OrderRefresh::needsRefresh in Commerce Core 8.2

Checks whether the given order needs to be refreshed.

An order needs to be refreshed:

  • If a refresh was explicitly requested via $order->setNeedsRefresh() due to the order being modified.
  • If it was not refreshed today (date changes can affect tax rate amounts, promotion availability)
  • If it was not refreshed for longer than the refresh frequency.


\Drupal\commerce_order\Entity\OrderInterface $order: The order.

Return value

bool TRUE if the order needs to be refreshed, FALSE otherwise.

Overrides OrderRefreshInterface::needsRefresh

1 call to OrderRefresh::needsRefresh()
OrderRefresh::shouldRefresh in modules/order/src/OrderRefresh.php
Checks whether the order should be refreshed.


modules/order/src/OrderRefresh.php, line 116


Default implementation for order refresh.




public function needsRefresh(OrderInterface $order) {

  // Only draft orders should be automatically refreshed.
  if ($order
    ->getId() != 'draft') {
    return FALSE;

  // Only unlocked orders should be automatically refreshed.
  if ($order
    ->isLocked()) {
    return FALSE;

  // Accommodate long-running processes by always using the current time.
  $current_time = $this->time
  $order_time = $order
  if (date('Y-m-d', $current_time) != date('Y-m-d', $order_time)) {

    // Refresh on a date change regardless of the refresh frequency.
    // Date changes can impact tax rate amounts, availability of promotions.
    return TRUE;

  /** @var \Drupal\commerce_order\Entity\OrderTypeInterface $order_type */
  $order_type = $this->orderTypeStorage
  $refreshed_ago = $current_time - $order_time;
  if ($refreshed_ago >= $order_type
    ->getRefreshFrequency()) {
    return TRUE;
  return FALSE;