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public function MultistepDefault::getSteps in Commerce Core 8.2

Gets the defined steps.

Return value

array An array of step definitions, keyed by step ID. Possible keys:

  • label: The label of the step.
  • previous_label: The label shown on the button that returns the customer back to this step.
  • next_label: The label shown on the button that sends the customer to this step.
  • has_sidebar: Whether the step has a sidebar.
  • hidden: Whether the step is hidden. Hidden steps aren't shown in the checkout progress block until they are reached.

Note: If the previous_label or next_label keys are missing, the corresponding buttons will not be shown to the customer.

Overrides CheckoutFlowBase::getSteps


modules/checkout/src/Plugin/Commerce/CheckoutFlow/MultistepDefault.php, line 18


Provides the default multistep checkout flow.




public function getSteps() {

  // Note that previous_label and next_label are not the labels
  // shown on the step itself. Instead, they are the labels shown
  // when going back to the step, or proceeding to the step.
  return [
    'login' => [
      'label' => $this
      'previous_label' => $this
        ->t('Go back'),
      'has_sidebar' => FALSE,
    'order_information' => [
      'label' => $this
        ->t('Order information'),
      'has_sidebar' => TRUE,
      'previous_label' => $this
        ->t('Go back'),
    'review' => [
      'label' => $this
      'next_label' => $this
        ->t('Continue to review'),
      'previous_label' => $this
        ->t('Go back'),
      'has_sidebar' => TRUE,
  ] + parent::getSteps();