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comment_notify.schema.yml in Comment Notify 8



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  1. comment_notify.settings:
  2. type: config_object
  3. mapping:
  4. bundle_types:
  5. type: sequence
  6. label: Bundle types to enable for comment notification
  7. sequence:
  8. type: string
  9. available_alerts:
  10. type: mapping
  11. label: Available subscription modes
  12. mapping:
  14. 1:
  15. type: boolean
  17. 2:
  18. type: boolean
  19. enable_default:
  20. type: mapping
  21. mapping:
  22. watcher:
  23. type: string
  24. label: Default state for the notification selection box
  25. entity_author:
  26. type: boolean
  27. label: Subscribe users to their entity follow-up notification emails by default
  28. mail_templates:
  29. type: mapping
  30. label: Default mail text for sending out notifications
  31. mapping:
  32. watcher:
  33. type: mapping
  34. label: Notifications to commenters
  35. mapping:
  36. node:
  37. type: mapping
  38. label: Default mail text for sending out notifications for nodes
  39. mapping:
  40. subject:
  41. type: label
  42. label: Subject
  43. body:
  44. type: text
  45. label: Body
  46. entity_author:
  47. type: mapping
  48. label: Notifications to owner of commented entity
  49. mapping:
  50. node:
  51. type: mapping
  52. label: Default mail text for sending out notifications for nodes
  53. mapping:
  54. subject:
  55. type: label
  56. label: Subject
  57. body:
  58. type: text
  59. label: Body