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GlobalConfigurationTest.php in Collapsiblock 3.x

Same filename and directory in other branches
  1. 4.x tests/src/Functional/GlobalConfigurationTest.php


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namespace Drupal\Tests\collapsiblock\Functional;

 * Test the Collapsiblock global configuration form.
 * @group collapsiblock
class GlobalConfigurationTest extends CollapsiblockFunctionalTestBase {

   * A user with permission to administer global collapsiblock settings.
   * @var \Drupal\user\UserInterface
  protected $collapsiblockGlobalAdminUser;

   * {@inheritdoc}
  protected function setUp() {
    $this->collapsiblockGlobalAdminUser = $this
      'administer site configuration',
      'access administration pages',

   * Test the global config form exists and functions correctly.
  public function testGlobalConfigForm() {

    // Test that the form controls are present, have the expected options, and
    // are set to the default configuration values.
      ->optionExists('slide_speed', 50);
      ->optionExists('slide_speed', 100);
      ->optionExists('slide_speed', 200)
      ->optionExists('slide_speed', 300);
      ->optionExists('slide_speed', 400);
      ->optionExists('slide_speed', 500);
      ->optionExists('slide_speed', 700);
      ->optionExists('slide_speed', 1000);
      ->optionExists('slide_speed', 1300);

    // Submit the form with new values.
    $configFormValues = [];
    $configFormValues['default_action'] = 2;
    $configFormValues['active_pages'] = 1;
    $configFormValues['slide_type'] = 2;
    $configFormValues['slide_speed'] = 500;
      ->drupalPostForm('admin/config/user-interface/collapsiblock', $configFormValues, t('Save configuration'));

    // Test that the form controls now show the updated configuration.
      ->optionExists('slide_speed', 500)

   * Test global configuration is output to pages.
   * Note this is a slow test because we have to repeatedly flush caches after
   * changing each global configuration setting in order for it to be output.
  public function testGlobalConfigOutput() {

    // Test that the default configuration values are output when the site has
    // been freshly installed. Note that the default_action is NOT output.

    // Test that the default action still is not output, even after changing
    // settings.
      ->setCollapsiblockGlobalSetting(2, 'default_action');

    // Test that a changed active_pages is output. Note we (intentionally) did
    // not reset global settings to their default since the last global settings
    // change.
      ->setCollapsiblockGlobalSetting(TRUE, 'active_pages');

    // Test that a changed slide_type is output. Note we (intentionally) did not
    // reset global settings to their default since the last global settings
    // change.
      ->setCollapsiblockGlobalSetting(2, 'slide_type');

    // Test that a changed slide_speed is output. Note we (intentionally) did
    // not reset global settings to their default since the last global settings
    // change.
      ->setCollapsiblockGlobalSetting(500, 'slide_speed');



Namesort descending Description
GlobalConfigurationTest Test the Collapsiblock global configuration form.