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public function CollapseText::tips in Collapse Text 8

Same name and namespace in other branches
  1. 2.0.x src/Plugin/Filter/CollapseText.php \Drupal\collapse_text\Plugin\Filter\CollapseText::tips()

Generates a filter's tip.

A filter's tips should be informative and to the point. Short tips are preferably one-liners.

@todo Split into getSummaryItem() and buildGuidelines().


bool $long: Whether this callback should return a short tip to display in a form (FALSE), or whether a more elaborate filter tips should be returned for template_preprocess_filter_tips() (TRUE).

Return value

string|null Translated text to display as a tip, or NULL if this filter has no tip.

Overrides FilterBase::tips


src/Plugin/Filter/CollapseText.php, line 127


Provides a filter to display Collapsible text blocks.




public function tips($long = FALSE) {
  if ($long) {
    return t('<p>You may surround a section of text with "[collapse]" and "[/collapse]" to it into a collapsible section.</p><p>You may use "[collapse]" tags within other "[collapse]" tags for nested collapsing sections.</p><p>If you start with "[collapsed]" or "[collapse collapsed]", the section will default to a collapsed state.</p><p>You may specify a title for the section in two ways. You may add a "title=" parameter to the opening tag, such as "[collapse title=&lt;your title here&gt;]". In this case, you should surround the title with double-quotes. If you need to include double-quotes in the title, use the html entity "&amp;quot;". For example: \'[collapse title="&amp;quot;Once upon a time&amp;quot;"]\'. If a title is not specified in the "[collapse]" tag, the title will be taken from the first heading found inside the section. A heading is specified using the "&lt;hX&gt;" html tag, where X is a number from 1-6. The heading will be removed from the section in order to prevent duplication. If a title is not found using these two methods, a default title will be supplied.</p><p>For advanced uses, you may also add a "class=" option to specify CSS classes to be added to the section. The CSS classes should be surrounded by double-quotes, and separated by spaces; e.g. \'[collapse class="class1 class2"]\'.</p><p>You may combine these options in (almost) any order. The "collapsed" option should always come first; things will break if it comes after "title=" or "class=". If you need to have it come after the other options, you must specify it as \'collapsed="collapsed"\'; e.g. \'[collapse title="foo" collapsed="collapsed"]\'.</p><p>If you wish to put the string "[collapse" into the document, you will need to prefix it with a backslash ("\\"). The first backslash before any instance of "[collapse" or "[/collapse" will be removed, all others will remain. Thus, if you want to display "[collapse stuff here", you should enter "\\[collapse stuff here". If you wish to display "\\[collapse other stuff", you will need to put in "\\\\[collapse other stuff". If you prefix three backslashes, two will be displayed, etc.</p><p>If you prefer, you can use angle brackets ("&lt;&gt;") instead of straight brackets ("[]"). This module will find any instance of "&lt;collapse" and change it to "[collapse" (also fixing the end of the tags and the closing tags).</p><p>You may override the settings of the filter on an individual basis using a "[collapse options ...]" tag. The possible options now are \'form="form"\' or \'form="noform"\', and \'default_title="..."\'. For example, \'[collapse options form="noform" default_title="Click me!"]\'. Only the first options tag will be looked at, and the settings apply for the entire text area, not just the "[collapse]" tags following the options tag. Note that surrounding &lt;p&gt; and &lt;br&gt; tags will be removed.</p><p>This module supports some historical variants of the tag as well. The following are <strong>not</strong> recommended for any new text, but are left in place so that old uses still work. The "class=" option used to called "style=", and "style=" will be changed into "class=". If you don\'t put a double-quote immediately after "class=", everything up to the end of the tag or the string "title=" will be interpreted as the class string. Similarly, if you don\'t have a double-quote immediately following "title=", everything up to the end of the tag will be used as the title. Note that in this format, "style=" <em>must</em> precede "title=".</p>');
  else {
    return t('Use [collapse] and [/collapse] to create collapsible text blocks. [collapse collapsed] or [collapsed] will start with the block closed.');