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collapse_text.test in Collapse Text 7.2

Tests for the Collapse Text module

Most of the test functions are currently empty; they can be filled as things come up.


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 * @file
 * Tests for the Collapse Text module
 * Most of the test functions are currently empty; they can be filled
 * as things come up.
class CollapseTextTestCase extends DrupalUnitTestCase {

   * tests to be added:
   * - test non-ascii titles
  public static function getInfo() {
    return array(
      'name' => t('Collapse Text tests'),
      'description' => t('Tests for the Collapse Text module.'),
      'group' => t('Collapse Text'),

   * Enable modules and create user with specific permissions.
  function setUp() {
    drupal_load('module', 'collapse_text');

   * Make sure that the filter doesn't prevent text from being cached.
  function testFilterInfo() {
    $filter_info = collapse_text_filter_info();
      ->assertTrue($filter_info['collapse_text_filter']['cache'], t('hook_filter_info() should return "cache" => TRUE.'), t('Filter info'));

   * Tests of the prepare step
  function testPrepareFunction() {

    /* test for changing angle brackets to straight brackets */
      ->prepareWrapper('<collapse>'), '[collapse]', t('&lt;collapse&gt; should become [collapse]'), t('Prepare - angle brackets'));
      ->prepareWrapper('\\<collapse>'), '\\<collapse>', t('Prefixing &lt;collapse&gt; with "\\" should escape it'), t('Prepare - angle brackets'));
      ->prepareWrapper('</collapse>'), '[/collapse]', t('&lt;/collapse&gt; should become [/collapse]'), t('Prepare - angle brackets'));
      ->prepareWrapper('\\</collapse>'), '\\</collapse>', t('Prefixing &lt;/collapse&gt; with "\\" should escape it'), t('Prepare - angle brackets'));
      ->prepareWrapper('<collapse extra stuff>'), '[collapse extra stuff]', t('Extra content in a &lt;collapse&gt; span should be retained'), t('Prepare - angle brackets'));

    /* test collapsed changes */
      ->prepareWrapper('[collapse collapsed]'), '[collapse collapsed="collapsed"]', t('[collapse collapsed] should become [collapse collapsed="collapsed"]'), t('Prepare - collapsed'));
      ->prepareWrapper('[collapsed]'), '[collapse collapsed="collapsed"]', t('[collapsed] should expand to [collapse collapsed="collapsed"]'), t('Prepare - collapsed'));

    /* test class= / style= changes */
      ->prepareWrapper('[collapse style="foo"]'), '[collapse class="foo"]', t('style= should be converted to class='), t('Prepare - class='));
      ->prepareWrapper('[collapse style=foo]'), '[collapse class="foo"]', t('style= simple unquoted support'), t('Prepare - class='));
      ->prepareWrapper('[collapse class=foo]'), '[collapse class=foo]', t('class= should not add quotes'), t('Prepare - class='));
      ->prepareWrapper('[collapse style=foo bar baz title="stuff"]'), '[collapse class="foo bar baz" title="stuff"]', t('style= should grab up until title='), t('Prepare - class='));

    /* title tests */
      ->prepareWrapper('[collapse title=this is a title]'), '[collapse title="this is a title"]', t('title= should add quotes'), t('Prepare - title='));
      ->prepareWrapper('[collapse title=this is a title class="stuff"]'), '[collapse title="this is a title" class="stuff"]', t('title= should grab until class='), t('Prepare - title='));

    /* combined tests */
      ->prepareWrapper('[collapse collapsed style=foo bar title=more stuff]'), '[collapse collapsed="collapsed" class="foo bar" title="more stuff"]', t('combined test 1'), t('Prepare - combined'));
  function prepareWrapper($text) {
    $test_filter = new StdClass();
    $test_filter->settings = array(
      'form' => 1,
      'default_title' => COLLAPSE_TEXT_DEFAULT_TITLE,
    return _collapse_text_filter_prepare($text, $test_filter, NULL, NULL, NULL, NULL);

   * Tests of the process step.
  function testProcessFunction() {
  function processWrapper($text) {
    $test_filter->settings = array(
      'form' => 1,
      'default_title' => COLLAPSE_TEXT_DEFAULT_TITLE,
    return _collapse_text_filter_process($text, $test_filter, NULL, NULL, NULL, NULL);

   * Tests of _collapse_text_process_recurse_levels
  function testRecurseLevels() {

   * Tests of _collapse_text_process_recurse_tree
  function testRecurseTree() {

   * Tests of _collapse_text_process_text_item and _collapse_text_process_child_item
  function testProcessItems() {

   * Tests of collapse_text_preprocess_page and _collapse_text_preprocess_page_walk_callback
  function testPreprocessPage() {

   * Tests of the theme functions
  function testTheme() {



Namesort descending Description
CollapseTextTestCase @file Tests for the Collapse Text module