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collapse_text.module in Collapse Text 6.2

collapse_text is an input filter that allows text to be collapsible

Attributions not otherwhere noted:

  • #259535 and #233877, ability to specify title in tag. Thanks rivena, Justyn
  • #233877 requested ability to have nested tags.


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 * @file
 * collapse_text is an input filter that allows text to be collapsible
 * Attributions not otherwhere noted:
 * - #259535 and #233877, ability to specify title in tag. Thanks rivena, Justyn
 * - #233877 requested ability to have nested tags.

// #1245584 per Nikdilis; change default text because arrow isn't actually clickable.
define('COLLAPSE_TEXT_DEFAULT_TITLE', t('Click here to expand or collapse this section'));

 * Implementation of hook_filter_tips().
function collapse_text_filter_tips($delta, $format, $long = false) {
  if ($long) {
    return t('<p>You may surround a section of text with "[collapse]" and "[/collapse]" to it into a collapsible section.</p>' . '<p>You may use "[collapse]" tags within other "[collapse]" tags for nested collapsing sections.</p>' . '<p>If you start with "[collapsed]" or "[collapse collapsed]", the section will default to a collapsed state.</p>' . '<p>You may specify a title for the section in two ways. You may add a "title=" parameter to the opening tag, such as "[collapse title=&lt;your title here&gt;]". In this case, you should surround the title with double-quotes. If you need to include double-quotes in the title, use the html entity "&amp;quot;". For example: \'[collapse title="&amp;quot;Once upon a time&amp;quot;"]\'. If a title is not specified in the "[collapse]" tag, the title will be taken from the first heading found inside the section. A heading is specified using the "&lt;hX&gt;" html tag, where X is a number from 1-6. The heading will be removed from the section in order to prevent duplication. If a title is not found using these two methods, a default title will be supplied.</p>' . '<p>For advanced uses, you may also add a "class=" option to specify CSS classes to be added to the section. The CSS classes should be surrounded by double-quotes, and separated by spaces; e.g. \'[collapse class="class1 class2"]\'.</p>' . '<p>You may combine these options in (almost) any order. The "collapsed" option should always come first; things will break if it comes after "title=" or "class=". If you need to have it come after the other options, you must specify it as \'collapsed="collapsed"\'; e.g. \'[collapse title="foo" collapsed="collapsed"]\'.</p>' . '<p>If you wish to put the string "[collapse" into the document, you will need to prefix it with a backslash ("\\"). The first backslash before any instance of "[collapse" or "[/collapse" will be removed, all others will remain. Thus, if you want to display "[collapse stuff here", you should enter "\\[collapse stuff here". If you wish to display "\\[collapse other stuff", you will need to put in "\\\\[collapse other stuff". If you prefix three backslashes, two will be displayed, etc.</p>' . '<p>If you prefer, you can use angle brackets ("&lt;&gt;") instead of straight brackets ("[]"). This module will find any instance of "&lt;collapse" and change it to "[collapse" (also fixing the end of the tags and the closing tags).</p>' . '<p>You may override the settings of the filter on an individual basis using a "[collapse options ...]" tag. The possible options now are \'form="form"\' or \'form="noform"\', and \'default_title="..."\'. For example, \'[collapse options form="noform" default_title="Click me!"]\'. Only the first options tag will be looked at, and the settings apply for the entire text area, not just the "[collapse]" tags following the options tag. Note that surrounding &lt;p&gt; and &lt;br&gt; tags will be removed.</p>' . '<p>This module supports some historical variants of the tag as well. The following are <strong>not</strong> recommended for any new text, but are left in place so that old uses still work. The "class=" option used to called "style=", and "style=" will be changed into "class=". If you don\'t put a double-quote immediately after "class=", everything up to the end of the tag or the string "title=" will be interpreted as the class string. Similarly, if you don\'t have a double-quote immediately following "title=", everything up to the end of the tag will be used as the title. Note that in this format, "style=" <em>must</em> precede "title=".</p>');
  else {
    return t('Use [collapse] and [/collapse] to create collapsible text blocks. [collapse collapsed] or [collapsed] will start with the block closed.');

 * Implementation of hook_filter().
function collapse_text_filter($op, $delta = 0, $format = -1, $text = '') {
  switch ($op) {
    case 'list':
      return array(
        0 => t('Collapse text'),
    case 'description':
      return t('Make collapsing text sections');
    case 'settings':
      return collapse_text_settings($format);
    case 'no cache':
      return FALSE;
    case 'prepare':
      return collapse_text_prepare($text);
    case 'process':
      return collapse_text_process($text, $format);
      return $text;

 * Implementation of hook_filter($op='settings').
function collapse_text_settings($format) {
  $form = array();
  $form['collapse_text'] = array(
    '#type' => 'fieldset',
    '#title' => t('Collapse text filter'),
    '#collapsible' => TRUE,
    '#collapsed' => FALSE,
  $form['collapse_text']["collapse_text_default_title_{$format}"] = array(
    '#type' => 'textfield',
    '#title' => t('Default title'),
    '#description' => t('If no title is supplied for a section, use this as the default. This may not be empty. The original default title is "@default_title".', array(
      '@default_title' => COLLAPSE_TEXT_DEFAULT_TITLE,
    '#default_value' => variable_get("collapse_text_default_title_{$format}", COLLAPSE_TEXT_DEFAULT_TITLE),
    '#required' => TRUE,
  $form['collapse_text']["collapse_text_use_form_{$format}"] = array(
    '#type' => 'checkbox',
    '#title' => t('Surround text with an empty form tag'),
    '#description' => t('Collapse text works by generating &lt;fieldset&gt; tags. To validate as proper HTML, these need to be within a &lt;form&gt; tag. This option allows you to prevent the generation of the surrounding form tag. You probably do not want to change this.'),
    '#default_value' => variable_get("collapse_text_use_form_{$format}", 1),
  return $form;

 * Implementation of hook_filter($op='prepare').
function collapse_text_prepare($text) {

  // fix any html style (ie, '<>' delimited) tags into our '[]' style delimited tags
  $text = preg_replace('/(?<!\\\\)     # not preceded by a backslash
      <             # an open bracket
      (             # start capture
        \\/?         # optional backslash
        collapse    # the string collapse
        [^>]*       # everything up to the closing angle bracket; note that you cannot use one inside the tag!
      )             # stop capture
      >             # close bracket
    /ix', '[$1]', $text);
  $text = preg_replace_callback('/(?<!\\\\)     # not preceded by a backslash
      \\[            # open bracket
      collapse      # the string collapse
      [^\\]]*        # everything up to a closing straight bracket; note that you cannot use one inside a tag!
      \\]            # closing bracket
    /ix', '_collapse_text_filter_prepare_regex_callback', $text);
  return $text;

 * callback function for the prepare replacement.
 * attempt to clean up poorly formatted tags
function _collapse_text_filter_prepare_regex_callback($matches) {

  // all regexes here are running against an already extracted tag
  $tag = $matches[0];

  // allow the [collapsed] open tag
  $tag = preg_replace('/^                  # start of tag
      \\[                 # open bracket
      (                  # start capture
        collapsed        # the string collapsed
        (?: |\\])         # either a space or a close bracket
      )                  # end capture
    /ix', '[collapse $1', $tag);

  // fix the collapsed element
  $tag = preg_replace('/^\\[collapse collapsed( |\\])/i', '[collapse collapsed="collapsed"$1', $tag);

  // fix the style element. going forward, we prefer "class=".
  $tag = preg_replace('/ style=([^"].*?)(?= collapsed=| title=|\\])/i', ' class="$1"', $tag);
  $tag = preg_replace('/ style="/i', ' class="', $tag);

  // fix the title element
  // not sufficient if title includes double-quotes
  $tag = preg_replace('/ title=([^"].*?)(?= collapsed=| class=|\\])/i', ' title="$1"', $tag);
  return $tag;

 * Implementation of hook_filter($op='process').
 * This function uses a pseudo-"parser". Earlier versions used a
 * (very complex) regular expression, but I think this verion will
 * work better and have fewer memory issues.
function collapse_text_process($text, $format) {

  // initialize the options, then check to see if an options
  // tag is provided and if so, parse it. Note that only one
  // options tag is supported per invocation.
  $options = array(
    'form' => variable_get("collapse_text_use_form_{$format}", 1),
    'default_title' => variable_get("collapse_text_default_title_{$format}", COLLAPSE_TEXT_DEFAULT_TITLE),
  list($text, $options) = _collapse_text_check_options($text, $options);

  // find all of the collapse tags and their location in the string
  $tags = _collapse_text_find_tags($text, $options);

  // determine the level of nesting for each element.
  $levels = _collapse_text_find_levels($tags, $options);

  // process the text if there are any collapse tags...
  if (count($levels)) {

    // turn the levels and the string into a structured tree
    $tree = _collapse_text_process_recurse_levels($text, 0, strlen($text), $levels, $options);

    // take the tree, and turn it into FAPI elements, then embed
    // them in a form if requested
    // see #634666, per deviantintegral
    static $render_number = 1;

    // used to generate unique ids to prevent an E_NOTICE
    $holder = array();
    if ($options['form']) {
      $holder = array(
        '#type' => 'form',
        '#theme' => 'collapse_text_form',
        '#id' => 'collapse-text-dynamic-form-number-' . $render_number++,
    else {
      $holder = array(
        '#type' => 'markup',
        '#prefix' => '<div id="' . 'collapse-text-dynamic-div-number-' . $render_number++ . '">',
        '#suffix' => '</div>',
    $holder['collapse_text_internal_text'] = _collapse_text_process_recurse_tree($tree, $options);

    // render the elements back to a string
    $text = drupal_render($holder);
  return $text;

 * see if there is an options tag available.
 * if so, remove it from the text and set the options.
function _collapse_text_check_options($text, $options) {
  $matches = array();
  $regex_text = '
    (?<!\\\\)     # not proceeded by a backslash
    \\[            # opening bracket
    collapse      # the word collapse
    \\s+           # white space
    options       # the word options
    [^\\]]*        # everything until the closing bracket
    \\]            # a closing bracket
  if (preg_match('/' . $regex_text . '/smx', $text, $matches)) {
    $opt_tag = $matches[0];

    // remove the "collapse" from the front of the tag, baking in an "options" tag
    $opt_tag = preg_replace('/^\\[collapse /', '[', $opt_tag);

    // change to angle brackets, so it can be parsed as XML
    $opt_tag = preg_replace(array(
    ), array(
    ), $opt_tag);

    // turn HTML entities into XML entities
    // Issue #1109792 by eronte
    $opt_tag = _collapse_text_html_to_xml_entities($opt_tag);
    $opt_tag = simplexml_load_string($opt_tag);

    // form options are either 'form="form"' or 'form="noform"'
    if ($opt_tag['form'] == 'form') {
      $options['form'] = 1;
    elseif ($opt_tag['form'] == 'noform') {
      $options['form'] = 0;
    if ($opt_tag['default_title']) {

      // Issue #1096070 by Asgardinho: issues with UTF8 text
      $options['default_title'] = htmlspecialchars(trim($opt_tag['default_title']), ENT_QUOTES, 'UTF-8');

    // remove the options tag, including any miscellaneous <p>, </p>, or <br> tags around it.
    $text = preg_replace('/(?:<\\/?p>|<br\\s*\\/?>)*' . $regex_text . '(?:<\\/?p>|<br\\s*\\/?>)*/smx', '', $text);
  return array(

 * find all of the [collapse...] tags and return an array of their locations
function _collapse_text_find_tags($text, $options) {
  $matches = array();
  $regex = '/
    (?<!\\\\)     # not proceeded by a backslash
    \\[            # opening bracket
    \\/?           # a closing tag?
    collapse      # the word collapse
    [^\\]]*        # everything until the closing bracket
    \\]            # a closing bracket
  preg_match_all($regex, $text, $matches, PREG_OFFSET_CAPTURE);
  return $matches[0];

 * using the locations of the tags, determine what the nesting structure is.
function _collapse_text_find_levels($tags, $options) {
  $levels = array();
  $curr_level = 0;
  foreach ($tags as $item) {

    // determine whether this is an open or close tag
    $type = 'unknown';
    if (substr($item[0], 0, 9) == '[collapse') {
      $type = 'start';
    elseif (substr($item[0], 0, 10) == '[/collapse') {
      $type = 'end';

    // the level of an open tag is incremented before we save its
    // information, while the level of a close tag is decremented after
    if ($type == 'start') {
    $levels[] = array(
      'type' => $type,
      'tag' => $item[0],
      'start' => $item[1],
      'end' => $item[1] + strlen($item[0]),
      'level' => $curr_level,
    if ($type == 'end') {
  return $levels;

 * translate the flat levels array into a tree.
 * this function is recursive.
function _collapse_text_process_recurse_levels($string, $string_start, $string_end, $elements, $options) {
  $text_start = $string_start;
  $text_length = $string_end - $string_start;
  $child_start = $string_start;
  $child_end = $string_end;
  $slice_start = -1;
  $slice_end = count($elements);

  // find the first start element
  $elt_start_found = FALSE;
  $elt_start = 0;
  while (!$elt_start_found and $elt_start < count($elements)) {
    if ($elements[$elt_start]['type'] == 'start') {
      $elt_start_found = TRUE;
    else {
  if ($elt_start_found) {

    // if there is an opening element, set the text length to everything up to it
    $text_length = $elements[$elt_start]['start'] - $string_start;
    $child_start = $elements[$elt_start]['end'];
    $slice_start = $elt_start + 1;
  else {

    // otherwise, return everything in this segment as a string
    return array(
        'type' => 'text',
        'value' => substr($string, $text_start, $text_length),

  // find the next end element at the same level
  $elt_end_found = FALSE;
  $elt_end = $elt_start;
  while (!$elt_end_found and $elt_end < count($elements)) {
    if ($elements[$elt_end]['type'] == 'end' and $elements[$elt_end]['level'] == $elements[$elt_start]['level']) {
      $elt_end_found = TRUE;
    else {
  if ($elt_end_found) {
    $child_end = $elements[$elt_end]['start'];
    $slice_length = $elt_end - $slice_start;
  else {

    // there is a matching failure
    // try skipping the start element...
    if ($elt_start + 1 < count($elements)) {
      return _collapse_text_process_recurse_levels($string, $string_start, $string_end, array_slice($elements, $elt_start + 1), $options);
    else {

      // fall back to just returning the string...
      $text_length = $string_end - $text_start;

      // reset the text length
      return array(
          'type' => 'text',
          'value' => substr($string, $text_start, $text_length),
  $parts = array();

  // add the text before the opening element
  $parts[] = array(
    'type' => 'text',
    'value' => substr($string, $text_start, $text_length),

  // add the child element
  $parts[] = array(
    'type' => 'child',
    'tag' => $elements[$elt_start]['tag'],
    'value' => _collapse_text_process_recurse_levels($string, $child_start, $child_end, array_slice($elements, $slice_start, $slice_length), $options),

  // tail recurse (which ideally could be optimized away, although it won't be...) to handle
  // any siblings
  $parts = array_merge($parts, _collapse_text_process_recurse_levels($string, $elements[$elt_end]['end'], $string_end, array_slice($elements, $elt_end), $options));

  // return the result
  return $parts;

 * Take a nested tree and turn it into a string.
 * This function is recursive.
function _collapse_text_process_recurse_tree($tree, $options) {
  $parts = array();
  $weight = 0;

  // we use $weight to make sure elements are displayed in the correct order
  foreach ($tree as $item) {

    // iterate over the tree
    $part = NULL;
    if ($item['type'] == 'text') {
      $part = _collapse_text_process_text_item($item['value'], $options);
    elseif ($item['type'] = 'child') {
      $part = _collapse_text_process_child_item($item, $options);
    if (isset($part)) {
      $part['#weight'] = $weight++;
      $parts[] = $part;
  return $parts;

 * process a text item.
 * @todo -- deprecate the "collapsed-text" class
function _collapse_text_process_text_item($item, $options) {

  // remove any leftover [collapse] or [/collapse] tags, such as might be caused by the teaser
  // leaving out the closing tag. Note that a backslash before the collapse tag will act
  // as an escape.
  $item = preg_replace('/(?<!\\\\)\\[\\/?collapse[^\\]]*\\]/', '', $item);

  // remove the first backslash before any collapse tags. This allows collapse tags to be
  // escaped.
  $item = str_replace(array(
  ), array(
  ), $item);

  // clear out some miscellaneous tags that are introduced by visual editors...
  $item = preg_replace('/^<\\/p>/', '', $item);

  // close paragraph right at the start
  $item = preg_replace('/<p(?:\\s[^>]*)?>$/', '', $item);

  // open paragraph right at the end
  // clear out cruft introduced by the html line ending filter
  // these are probably more controversial, since they may actually be intended...
  $item = preg_replace('/^<br ?\\/?>/', '', $item);

  // <br> at the very start
  $item = preg_replace('/<br ?\\/?>$/', '', $item);

  // <br> at the very end
  // only return a value if there is something besides whitespace.
  if (preg_match('/\\S/', $item)) {
    return array(
      '#type' => 'markup',
      '#value' => $item,
      '#prefix' => '<div class="collapse-text-text collapsed-text">',
      '#suffix' => '</div>',
  else {
    return NULL;

 * process a child item.
 * @todo -- deprecate the "collapsed-text-fieldset" class
function _collapse_text_process_child_item($item, $options) {

  // translate the "tag" into a proper tag, and then parse it
  // as an xml tag; this is more robust than the previous method
  $tag = preg_replace(array(
  ), array(
  ), $item['tag']);

  // turn HTML entities into XML entities
  // Issue #1109792 by eronte
  $tag = _collapse_text_html_to_xml_entities($tag);
  $xmltag = simplexml_load_string($tag);
  $collapsed = $xmltag['collapsed'] == 'collapsed';
  $class = trim($xmltag['class']);

  // Issue #1096070 by Asgardinho: issues with UTF8 text
  $title = htmlspecialchars(trim($xmltag['title']), ENT_QUOTES, 'UTF-8');

  // set up the styles array.
  $classes = array();
  $classes[] = _collapse_text_id_safe('collapse-text-fieldset');
  $classes[] = _collapse_text_id_safe('collapsed-text-fieldset');

  // @todo - deprecate
  foreach (explode(' ', $class) as $c) {
    if (!empty($c)) {
      $classes[] = _collapse_text_id_safe($c);

  // if a title is not supplied, look in the first child for a header tag
  if (empty($title)) {
    if ($item['value'][0]['type'] == 'text') {
      $h_matches = array();
      if (preg_match('/(<h\\d[^>]*>(.+?)<\\/h\\d>)/smi', $item['value'][0]['value'], $h_matches)) {
        $title = strip_tags($h_matches[2]);

      // if we get the title from the first header tag, we should remove it from
      // the text so that it isn't repeated.
      if (!empty($title)) {
        $occ = 1;

        // this is a hack to only replace the first instance.
        $item['value'][0]['value'] = str_replace($h_matches[0], '', $item['value'][0]['value'], $occ);

  // if still no title, put in the default title
  if (empty($title)) {
    $title = $options['default_title'];
    $classes[] = _collapse_text_id_safe('collapse-text-default-title');

  // create a fieldset that can be themed.
  // per #634666, deviantintegral, although not including the form tag, as we allow nesting.
  $fieldset = array(
    '#type' => 'fieldset',
    '#theme' => 'collapse_text_fieldset',
    '#title' => $title,
    '#collapsible' => TRUE,
    '#collapsed' => $collapsed,
    '#attributes' => array(
      'class' => join(" ", $classes),
    'collapse_text_contents' => _collapse_text_process_recurse_tree($item['value'], $options),
  return $fieldset;

 * add the collapse.js file
 * backport of #1664952 by mstrelan; we were trying to hard to be intelligent
 * let's just be stupid.
function collapse_text_preprocess_page(&$variables) {
  drupal_add_js('misc/collapse.js', 'core');
  $variables['scripts'] = drupal_get_js();

 * Implementation of hook_theme().
function collapse_text_theme($existing, $type, $theme, $path) {
  return array(
    'collapse_text_fieldset' => array(
      'arguments' => array(
    'collapse_text_form' => array(
      'arguments' => array(

 * Theme a section of collapsible text. By default, this function calls the
 * default 'theme_fieldset' implementation, but this function can be overridden
 * to implement a custom theme just for collapsed text.
 * @param $element
 *   An associative array containing the properties of the element.
 *   Properties used: attributes, title, value, description, children, collapsible, collapsed
 * @return
 *   A themed HTML string representing the collapsed text.
 * @ingroup themeable
function theme_collapse_text_fieldset($element) {
  return drupal_render($element);

 * Theme the outer form. This is required for the fieldset(s) to validate.
function theme_collapse_text_form($element) {
  return drupal_render($element);

 * Converts a string to a suitable html ID attribute.
 * Copied from zen_id_safe() in the Zen theme.
 * specifies what makes a
 * valid ID attribute in HTML. This function:
 * - Ensure an ID starts with an alpha character by optionally adding an 'id'.
 * - Replaces any character except alphanumeric characters with dashes.
 * - Converts entire string to lowercase.
 * @param $string
 *   The string
 * @return
 *   The converted string
function _collapse_text_id_safe($string) {

  // Replace with dashes anything that isn't A-Z, numbers, dashes, or underscores.
  $string = strtolower(preg_replace('/[^a-zA-Z0-9-]+/', '-', $string));

  // If the first character is not a-z, add 'id' in front.
  if (!ctype_lower($string[0])) {

    // Don't use ctype_alpha since its locale aware.
    $string = 'id' . $string;
  return $string;

 * convert html entities to xml entities
 * See issue #1109792 by eronte
 * HTML entity lists from
 * -
 * -
 * -
 * @todo -- rewrite to use str_replace
function _collapse_text_html_to_xml_entities($text) {
  static $replace = array(
    // latin 1
    '&nbsp;' => '&#160;',
    '&iexcl;' => '&#161;',
    '&cent;' => '&#162;',
    '&pound;' => '&#163;',
    '&curren;' => '&#164;',
    '&yen;' => '&#165;',
    '&brvbar;' => '&#166;',
    '&sect;' => '&#167;',
    '&uml;' => '&#168;',
    '&copy;' => '&#169;',
    '&ordf;' => '&#170;',
    '&laquo;' => '&#171;',
    '&not;' => '&#172;',
    '&shy;' => '&#173;',
    '&reg;' => '&#174;',
    '&macr;' => '&#175;',
    '&deg;' => '&#176;',
    '&plusmn;' => '&#177;',
    '&sup2;' => '&#178;',
    '&sup3;' => '&#179;',
    '&acute;' => '&#180;',
    '&micro;' => '&#181;',
    '&para;' => '&#182;',
    '&middot;' => '&#183;',
    '&cedil;' => '&#184;',
    '&sup1;' => '&#185;',
    '&ordm;' => '&#186;',
    '&raquo;' => '&#187;',
    '&frac14;' => '&#188;',
    '&frac12;' => '&#189;',
    '&frac34;' => '&#190;',
    '&iquest;' => '&#191;',
    '&Agrave;' => '&#192;',
    '&Aacute;' => '&#193;',
    '&Acirc;' => '&#194;',
    '&Atilde;' => '&#195;',
    '&Auml;' => '&#196;',
    '&Aring;' => '&#197;',
    '&AElig;' => '&#198;',
    '&Ccedil;' => '&#199;',
    '&Egrave;' => '&#200;',
    '&Eacute;' => '&#201;',
    '&Ecirc;' => '&#202;',
    '&Euml;' => '&#203;',
    '&Igrave;' => '&#204;',
    '&Iacute;' => '&#205;',
    '&Icirc;' => '&#206;',
    '&Iuml;' => '&#207;',
    '&ETH;' => '&#208;',
    '&Ntilde;' => '&#209;',
    '&Ograve;' => '&#210;',
    '&Oacute;' => '&#211;',
    '&Ocirc;' => '&#212;',
    '&Otilde;' => '&#213;',
    '&Ouml;' => '&#214;',
    '&times;' => '&#215;',
    '&Oslash;' => '&#216;',
    '&Ugrave;' => '&#217;',
    '&Uacute;' => '&#218;',
    '&Ucirc;' => '&#219;',
    '&Uuml;' => '&#220;',
    '&Yacute;' => '&#221;',
    '&THORN;' => '&#222;',
    '&szlig;' => '&#223;',
    '&agrave;' => '&#224;',
    '&aacute;' => '&#225;',
    '&acirc;' => '&#226;',
    '&atilde;' => '&#227;',
    '&auml;' => '&#228;',
    '&aring;' => '&#229;',
    '&aelig;' => '&#230;',
    '&ccedil;' => '&#231;',
    '&egrave;' => '&#232;',
    '&eacute;' => '&#233;',
    '&ecirc;' => '&#234;',
    '&euml;' => '&#235;',
    '&igrave;' => '&#236;',
    '&iacute;' => '&#237;',
    '&icirc;' => '&#238;',
    '&iuml;' => '&#239;',
    '&eth;' => '&#240;',
    '&ntilde;' => '&#241;',
    '&ograve;' => '&#242;',
    '&oacute;' => '&#243;',
    '&ocirc;' => '&#244;',
    '&otilde;' => '&#245;',
    '&ouml;' => '&#246;',
    '&divide;' => '&#247;',
    '&oslash;' => '&#248;',
    '&ugrave;' => '&#249;',
    '&uacute;' => '&#250;',
    '&ucirc;' => '&#251;',
    '&uuml;' => '&#252;',
    '&yacute;' => '&#253;',
    '&thorn;' => '&#254;',
    '&yuml;' => '&#255;',
    // special
    '&apos;' => '&#39;',
    '&OElig;' => '&#338;',
    '&oelig;' => '&#339;',
    '&Scaron;' => '&#352;',
    '&scaron;' => '&#353;',
    '&Yuml;' => '&#376;',
    '&circ;' => '&#710;',
    '&tilde;' => '&#732;',
    '&ensp;' => '&#8194;',
    '&emsp;' => '&#8195;',
    '&thinsp;' => '&#8201;',
    '&zwnj;' => '&#8204;',
    '&zwj;' => '&#8205;',
    '&lrm;' => '&#8206;',
    '&rlm;' => '&#8207;',
    '&ndash;' => '&#8211;',
    '&mdash;' => '&#8212;',
    '&lsquo;' => '&#8216;',
    '&rsquo;' => '&#8217;',
    '&sbquo;' => '&#8218;',
    '&ldquo;' => '&#8220;',
    '&rdquo;' => '&#8221;',
    '&bdquo;' => '&#8222;',
    '&dagger;' => '&#8224;',
    '&Dagger;' => '&#8225;',
    '&permil;' => '&#8240;',
    '&lsaquo;' => '&#8249;',
    '&rsaquo;' => '&#8250;',
    '&euro;' => '&#8364;',
    // symbols
    '&fnof;' => '&#402;',
    '&Alpha;' => '&#913;',
    '&Beta;' => '&#914;',
    '&Gamma;' => '&#915;',
    '&Delta;' => '&#916;',
    '&Epsilon;' => '&#917;',
    '&Zeta;' => '&#918;',
    '&Eta;' => '&#919;',
    '&Theta;' => '&#920;',
    '&Iota;' => '&#921;',
    '&Kappa;' => '&#922;',
    '&Lambda;' => '&#923;',
    '&Mu;' => '&#924;',
    '&Nu;' => '&#925;',
    '&Xi;' => '&#926;',
    '&Omicron;' => '&#927;',
    '&Pi;' => '&#928;',
    '&Rho;' => '&#929;',
    '&Sigma;' => '&#931;',
    '&Tau;' => '&#932;',
    '&Upsilon;' => '&#933;',
    '&Phi;' => '&#934;',
    '&Chi;' => '&#935;',
    '&Psi;' => '&#936;',
    '&Omega;' => '&#937;',
    '&alpha;' => '&#945;',
    '&beta;' => '&#946;',
    '&gamma;' => '&#947;',
    '&delta;' => '&#948;',
    '&epsilon;' => '&#949;',
    '&zeta;' => '&#950;',
    '&eta;' => '&#951;',
    '&theta;' => '&#952;',
    '&iota;' => '&#953;',
    '&kappa;' => '&#954;',
    '&lambda;' => '&#955;',
    '&mu;' => '&#956;',
    '&nu;' => '&#957;',
    '&xi;' => '&#958;',
    '&omicron;' => '&#959;',
    '&pi;' => '&#960;',
    '&rho;' => '&#961;',
    '&sigmaf;' => '&#962;',
    '&sigma;' => '&#963;',
    '&tau;' => '&#964;',
    '&upsilon;' => '&#965;',
    '&phi;' => '&#966;',
    '&chi;' => '&#967;',
    '&psi;' => '&#968;',
    '&omega;' => '&#969;',
    '&upsih;' => '&#978;',
    '&piv;' => '&#982;',
    '&bull;' => '&#8226;',
    '&hellip;' => '&#8230;',
    '&prime;' => '&#8242;',
    '&Prime;' => '&#8243;',
    '&oline;' => '&#8254;',
    '&frasl;' => '&#8260;',
    '&weierp;' => '&#8472;',
    '&image;' => '&#8465;',
    '&real;' => '&#8476;',
    '&trade;' => '&#8482;',
    '&alefsym;' => '&#8501;',
    '&larr;' => '&#8592;',
    '&uarr;' => '&#8593;',
    '&rarr;' => '&#8594;',
    '&darr;' => '&#8595;',
    '&harr;' => '&#8596;',
    '&crarr;' => '&#8629;',
    '&lArr;' => '&#8656;',
    '&uArr;' => '&#8657;',
    '&rArr;' => '&#8658;',
    '&dArr;' => '&#8659;',
    '&hArr;' => '&#8660;',
    '&forall;' => '&#8704;',
    '&part;' => '&#8706;',
    '&exist;' => '&#8707;',
    '&empty;' => '&#8709;',
    '&nabla;' => '&#8711;',
    '&isin;' => '&#8712;',
    '&notin;' => '&#8713;',
    '&ni;' => '&#8715;',
    '&prod;' => '&#8719;',
    '&sum;' => '&#8721;',
    '&minus;' => '&#8722;',
    '&lowast;' => '&#8727;',
    '&radic;' => '&#8730;',
    '&prop;' => '&#8733;',
    '&infin;' => '&#8734;',
    '&ang;' => '&#8736;',
    '&and;' => '&#8743;',
    '&or;' => '&#8744;',
    '&cap;' => '&#8745;',
    '&cup;' => '&#8746;',
    '&int;' => '&#8747;',
    '&there4;' => '&#8756;',
    '&sim;' => '&#8764;',
    '&cong;' => '&#8773;',
    '&asymp;' => '&#8776;',
    '&ne;' => '&#8800;',
    '&equiv;' => '&#8801;',
    '&le;' => '&#8804;',
    '&ge;' => '&#8805;',
    '&sub;' => '&#8834;',
    '&sup;' => '&#8835;',
    '&nsub;' => '&#8836;',
    '&sube;' => '&#8838;',
    '&supe;' => '&#8839;',
    '&oplus;' => '&#8853;',
    '&otimes;' => '&#8855;',
    '&perp;' => '&#8869;',
    '&sdot;' => '&#8901;',
    '&lceil;' => '&#8968;',
    '&rceil;' => '&#8969;',
    '&lfloor;' => '&#8970;',
    '&rfloor;' => '&#8971;',
    '&lang;' => '&#9001;',
    '&rang;' => '&#9002;',
    '&loz;' => '&#9674;',
    '&spades;' => '&#9824;',
    '&clubs;' => '&#9827;',
    '&hearts;' => '&#9829;',
    '&diams;' => '&#9830;',

  // only run the substitution if there is actually an entity in the tag.
  if (strpos($text, '&') !== FALSE) {
    $text = strtr($text, $replace);
  return $text;


Namesort descending Description
collapse_text_filter Implementation of hook_filter().
collapse_text_filter_tips Implementation of hook_filter_tips().
collapse_text_prepare Implementation of hook_filter($op='prepare').
collapse_text_preprocess_page add the collapse.js file backport of #1664952 by mstrelan; we were trying to hard to be intelligent let's just be stupid.
collapse_text_process Implementation of hook_filter($op='process').
collapse_text_settings Implementation of hook_filter($op='settings').
collapse_text_theme Implementation of hook_theme().
theme_collapse_text_fieldset Theme a section of collapsible text. By default, this function calls the default 'theme_fieldset' implementation, but this function can be overridden to implement a custom theme just for collapsed text.
theme_collapse_text_form Theme the outer form. This is required for the fieldset(s) to validate.
_collapse_text_check_options see if there is an options tag available. if so, remove it from the text and set the options.
_collapse_text_filter_prepare_regex_callback callback function for the prepare replacement. attempt to clean up poorly formatted tags
_collapse_text_find_levels using the locations of the tags, determine what the nesting structure is.
_collapse_text_find_tags find all of the [collapse...] tags and return an array of their locations
_collapse_text_html_to_xml_entities convert html entities to xml entities See issue #1109792 by eronte
_collapse_text_id_safe Converts a string to a suitable html ID attribute. Copied from zen_id_safe() in the Zen theme.
_collapse_text_process_child_item process a child item.
_collapse_text_process_recurse_levels translate the flat levels array into a tree.
_collapse_text_process_recurse_tree Take a nested tree and turn it into a string.
_collapse_text_process_text_item process a text item.
