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15 calls to drupal_set_message() in Coder 7.2

coder_format_file in scripts/coder_format/
Reads, backups, processes and writes the source code from and to a file.
coder_format_recursive in scripts/coder_format/
Recursively process .module and .inc files in directory with coder_format_file().
coder_upgrade_conversions_apply in coder_upgrade/includes/
Applies the module conversion code.
coder_upgrade_conversions_form_submit in coder_upgrade/includes/
Submit handler for the module conversion form.
coder_upgrade_create_theme_cache_submit in coder_upgrade/includes/
Submit callback; creates a core theme information cache file.
coder_upgrade_directory_list in coder_upgrade/includes/
Returns list of directories in module input directory.
coder_upgrade_install in coder_upgrade/coder_upgrade.install
Implements hook_install().
coder_upgrade_library_checks in coder_upgrade/
Checks for proper installation of required modules and library.
coder_upgrade_settings_form_submit in coder_upgrade/includes/
Submit handler for the settings form.
example_nodeapi in coder_upgrade/tests/old/samples/example.module
Implement hook_nodeapi.
file_check_directory in scripts/coder_format/coder_format.php
Check that the directory exists and is writable. Directories need to have execute permissions to be considered a directory by FTP servers, etc.
file_copy in scripts/coder_format/coder_format.php
Copies a file to a new location. This is a powerful function that in many ways performs like an advanced version of copy().
file_destination in scripts/coder_format/coder_format.php
Determines the destination path for a file depending on how replacement of existing files should be handled.
file_move in scripts/coder_format/coder_format.php
Moves a file to a new location.
_message in coder_review/
Displays and retrieves messages.