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  1. 7 coder_upgrade/conversions/

Provides conversion routines applied to functions (or hooks).

These routines use the grammar parser.

The functions in this conversion routine file correspond to topics in the category roadmap at that are marked with a green check mark in the Upgrade column.

Copyright 2009-11 by Jim Berry ("solotandem",


View source

 * @file
 * Provides conversion routines applied to functions (or hooks).
 * These routines use the grammar parser.
 * The functions in this conversion routine file correspond to topics in the
 * category roadmap at that are marked with a
 * green check mark in the Upgrade column.
 * Copyright 2009-11 by Jim Berry ("solotandem",

 * The upgrades to these functions are documented at the following urls.
 * System
 * (TODO another hook_$op change)
 * Module Info / Install
 * Permissions and Access
 * Database
 * Menus
 * Blocks
 * (DUP Node API)
 * (DUP Database)
 * Comments
 * Input Sanitization and Input Formats
 * Theming
 * Form API
 * User API
 * (DONE with remove_op)
 * (DUP Node API)
 * (two alter hooks in this file)
 * Node API
 * Miscellaneous

 * Implements hook_upgrade_hook_alter().
function coder_upgrade_upgrade_hook_alter(&$node, &$reader, $hook) {
  cdp("inside " . __FUNCTION__);
  $item =& $node->data;
  $editor = PGPEditor::getInstance();

  // Changes: implementation_hook_comment
  if ($item->comment) {

    // Update document comment for hook implementations.
    $item->comment = preg_replace('@\\*\\s+[iI]mplement.*?(hook_.*?)(\\(\\)|)(\\.|)$@m', "* Implements \$1().", $item->comment);
  else {

    // Add a document comment.
    $item->comment = $editor
      ->commentToStatement("/**\n * @todo Please document this function.\n * @see\n */");
  global $_coder_upgrade_menu_registry, $_coder_upgrade_theme_registry;
  if (in_array($node->data->name, $_coder_upgrade_menu_registry)) {

  elseif (strpos($node->data->name, 'theme_') === 0) {
    $theme_name = substr($node->data->name, strpos($node->data->name, "theme_") + 6);
    if (isset($_coder_upgrade_theme_registry[$theme_name])) {

    else {
      $msg = 'TODO: Should this theme ' . $theme_name . ' be declared in hook_theme()?';
function coder_upgrade_convert_form_callback(&$node) {
  cdp("inside " . __FUNCTION__);
  $item =& $node->data;
  $editor = PGPEditor::getInstance();
  if (!$item
    ->parameterCount()) {

    // No parameters; insert the $form and $form_state parameters.
      ->insertParameter(0, $editor
      ->insertParameter(1, $editor

  // Insert the $form parameter (if not already inserted).
  $p0 = $item

  // TODOxxx use getParameterVariable???
  if ($p0 == '&$form_state' || $p0 == '$form_state' || $p0 != '$form') {

    // if ($p0 != '$form') {
      ->insertParameter(0, $editor

 * Updates theme_xxx() functions.
 * Parameters are arrayitized.
 * @param PGPNode $node
 *   A node object containing a PGPClass (or function) item.
function coder_upgrade_convert_theme_callback(&$node) {
  global $_coder_upgrade_theme_registry;

  // Create helper objects.
  $editor = PGPEditor::getInstance();

  // Changes: drupal_render_children, theme_changes
  $item =& $node->data;
  $body =& $item->body;

  // Save the parameters for later.
  $parameters = array();
  for ($i = 0; $i < $item
    ->parameterCount(); $i++) {

    // Allow for default values, e.g. $var = NULL.
    if ($temp = $item
      ->getParameterVariable($i)) {

      // The parameter includes a variable; save the variable.
      $parameters[] = $temp
    else {

      // The parameter has no variable.
      // Example: function foo(/*$form = NULL*/, , 'xxx') {}
      $parameters[] = '$xx_missing_xx';

  // Delete the current parameters.

  // Case 1: Theme function with no parameters
  // - leave the new function with no parameters
  // Case 2: Theme function whose signature omits some or all of the parameters
  // declared in the module's hook_theme()
  // - replace the function parameters with $variable
  // - insert assignment statements for each of the declared parameters
  // - log an error message about the missing signature parameters
  // Reassign function parameters to corresponding $variables array key.
  $theme_name = substr($item->name, strpos($item->name, "theme_") + 6);
  if (isset($_coder_upgrade_theme_registry[$theme_name])) {
    $hook = $_coder_upgrade_theme_registry[$theme_name];
    if (isset($hook['render element'])) {

      // In coder_upgrade_cache_info_hooks(), $hook key === 'variables'
      // for a theme defined by the module being upgraded, Thus, this
      // condition is not hit.
      // Replace the parameters by $variable, an array.
        ->setParameter($item, 0, '$variables');
      if (!isset($parameters[0])) {
        clp('ERROR: No parameter in signature of theme_' . $theme_name . '()');
      $string = $parameters[0] . ' = $variables[\'' . $hook['render element'] . '\']';
    elseif (isset($hook['variables'])) {
      if (count($parameters) != count($hook['variables'])) {

        // The number of parameters to this theme function differs from the
        // number of variables parameters defined in hook_theme.
        clp("ERROR: Number of parameters in theme funcion '{$theme_name}' does not match number of parameters found in hook_theme");
          ->commentToStatement('// TODO Number of parameters in this theme funcion does not match number of parameters found in hook_theme.'), 'comment');

        //         return;
      if (empty($hook['variables'])) {

        // New function should also have no parameters.
        clp('INFO: hook_theme() for theme ' . $theme_name . ' has no parameters');

      // Replace the parameters by $variable, an array.
        ->setParameter($item, 0, '$variables');
      $empty = FALSE;
      if (!($sentinel = $body
        ->get(0))) {

        // Add a sentinel -- a marker for insertion.
        $sentinel = $body
          ->insertFirst(NULL, 'sentinel');
        $empty = TRUE;

      // Add an assignment statement for each of the previous function parameters.
      $i = 0;
      foreach ($hook['variables'] as $key => $value) {
        if (!isset($parameters[$i])) {
          clp('ERROR: No parameter ' . $i . ' in signature of theme_' . $theme_name . '()');
        if ($parameters[$i] == '$xx_missing_xx') {
            ->insertBefore($sentinel, $editor
            ->commentToStatement('// TODO: Name this variable which was missing in the old function signature.'));
        $string = $parameters[$i] . ' = $variables[\'' . $key . "'];\n";
          ->insertBefore($sentinel, $editor
      if ($empty) {

  // If theme function calls drupal_render, make sure last call is to drupal_render_children
  // to avoid endless loops:
  if ($statement = $body
    ->searchBackward('PGPFunctionCall', 'name', 'value', 'drupal_render')) {
    $statement->name['value'] = 'drupal_render_children';

 * Implements hook_upgrade_hook_access_alter().
function coder_upgrade_upgrade_hook_access_alter(&$node, &$reader) {

  // Changes: hook_node_access

 * Implements hook_upgrade_hook_action_info_alter().
function coder_upgrade_upgrade_hook_action_info_alter(&$node, &$reader) {

  // Changes: trigger_overhaul
  coder_upgrade_convert_return($node->data->body, 'action_info', '', 1, 1);

 * Implements hook_upgrade_hook_block_alter().
function coder_upgrade_upgrade_hook_block_alter(&$node, &$reader) {

  // Changes: block_deltas_renamed
  // Changes: remove_op
  $callback = 'coder_upgrade_callback_block';
  $op_index = 0;
  coder_upgrade_convert_op($node, $callback, $op_index);

 * Implements hook_upgrade_hook_comment_alter().
function coder_upgrade_upgrade_hook_comment_alter(&$node, &$reader) {

  // Changes: remove_op
  $callback = 'coder_upgrade_callback_comment';
  $op_index = 1;
  coder_upgrade_convert_op($node, $callback, $op_index);

 * Implements hook_upgrade_hook_elements_alter().
function coder_upgrade_upgrade_hook_elements_alter(&$node, &$reader) {
  global $_coder_upgrade_module_name;
  $item =& $node->data;

  // Rename function.
  $item->name = $_coder_upgrade_module_name . '_element_info';

  // Update document comment.
  $item->comment = preg_replace('@hook_elements@', "hook_element_info", $item->comment);

 * Implements hook_upgrade_hook_filter_alter().
function coder_upgrade_upgrade_hook_filter_alter(&$node, &$reader) {

  // Changes: hook_filter_info
  coder_upgrade_convert_filter($node, $reader);

 * Implements hook_upgrade_hook_form_alter().
function coder_upgrade_upgrade_hook_form_alter_alter(&$node, &$reader) {

  // Changes: node_form
  $editor = PGPEditor::getInstance();

   * What if:
   * - the code uses a name other than $form?
   * - the conditions are in different order or on multiple lines?

  // Conditions to test for a node edit form.
  $node_form_conditional = '/isset\\(\\$form\\[\'type\'\\]\\)\\s*&&\\s*' . 'isset\\(\\$form\\[\'#node\'\\]\\)\\s*&&\\s*' . '\\$form\\[\'type\'\\]\\[\'#value\'\\]\\s*.\\s*\'_node_form\' == \\$form_id/';

  // Loop on the body statements looking for conditional statment.
  $current =& $node->data->body
  while ($current->next != NULL) {
    $statement =& $current->data;
    if ($statement instanceof PGPConditional) {

      // Get the list of conditons.
      $conditions = $statement->conditions;

      // Check if conditions match node form check.
      if ($conditions instanceof PGPList) {
        $conditions = $conditions
        if (preg_match($node_form_conditional, $conditions)) {

          // Replace verbose node edit form condtional.
          $conditions = preg_replace($node_form_conditional, '!empty($form[\'#node_edit_form\'])', $conditions);
          $statement->conditions = $editor

    // Move to next node.
    $current =& $current->next;

 * Implements hook_upgrade_hook_hook_info_alter().
function coder_upgrade_upgrade_hook_hook_info_alter(&$node, &$reader) {

  // Changes: trigger_overhaul
  $item =& $node->data;
  global $_coder_upgrade_module_name;

  // Rename function.
  $item->name = $_coder_upgrade_module_name . '_trigger_info';

  // Update document comment.
  $item->comment = preg_replace('@hook_hook_info@', "hook_trigger_info", $item->comment);

  // Restructure the triggers array.
  coder_upgrade_convert_return($node->data->body, 'hook_info', '', 1, 1);

 * Implements hook_upgrade_hook_install_alter().
function coder_upgrade_upgrade_hook_install_alter(&$node, &$reader) {

  // Changes: install-schema

 * Implements hook_upgrade_hook_uninstall_alter().
function coder_upgrade_upgrade_hook_uninstall_alter(&$node, &$reader) {

  // Changes: install-schema

 * Implements hook_upgrade_hook_link_alter().
function coder_upgrade_upgrade_hook_link_alter(&$node, &$reader) {

  // Changes: build_mode and others !!!???

 * Implements hook_upgrade_hook_load_alter().
function coder_upgrade_upgrade_hook_load_alter(&$node, &$reader) {

  // Changes: hook_load_signature
  $item =& $node->data;
  $body =& $item->body;

  // Create helper objects.
  $editor = PGPEditor::getInstance();

  // Save the name of first parameter.
  if ($p0 = $item
    ->getParameterVariable()) {

    // The parameter includes a variable; save the variable.
    $p0 = $p0
    $p0_new = $p0 . 's';
  else {

    // The parameter has no variable.
    $p0 = '$xx_missing_xx';
    $p0_new = '$nodes';
      ->commentToStatement('// TODO: Name the variable ' . $p0 . ' which was missing in the old function signature.'));

  // Add 's' to name of first parameter.
    ->setParameter($item, 0, $p0_new);

  // Search for a return statement.
  if (!($return =& $body
    ->find(T_RETURN, 'reverse'))) {
    $msg = 'ERROR: return statement not found in hook_load';
      ->commentToStatement($msg), 'comment');
  $value =& $return
  $return_parameter = $value
  if (!$value
    ->isType(T_VARIABLE)) {

    // Insert an assignment statement with the value being the return operand.
    $statement = $editor
      ->textToStatements('$node_additions = ' . $value

    // Replace the operand to the return statement with a variable.
    $return = $editor
      ->textToStatements('return $node_additions')
    $return_parameter = '$node_additions';

  // Replace the return statement with a foreach loop on each node object.
  $strings[] = 'foreach (' . $return_parameter . ' as $property => &$value) {';
  $strings[] = '  ' . $p0 . '->$property = $value;';
  $strings[] = '}';
  $return = $editor
    ->textToStatements(implode("\n", $strings))

  // Wrap the body in a foreach loop on $nodes.
  $strings[] = 'foreach (' . $p0_new . ' as $nid => &' . $p0 . ') {';
  $strings[] = '}';
  $loop = $editor
    ->textToStatements(implode("\n", $strings))
  $loop->body = $item->body;
  $body = new PGPBody();
  $item->body = $body;

 * Implements hook_upgrade_hook_menu_link_alter_alter().
function coder_upgrade_upgrade_hook_menu_link_alter_alter(&$node, &$reader) {

  // Changes: hook_menu_link_alter

 * Implements hook_upgrade_hook_nodeapi_alter().
function coder_upgrade_upgrade_hook_nodeapi_alter(&$node, &$reader) {

  // Changes: build_mode, remove_op and others !!!???
  $callback = 'coder_upgrade_callback_nodeapi';
  $op_index = 1;
  coder_upgrade_convert_op($node, $callback, $op_index);

 * Implements hook_upgrade_hook_node_info_alter().
function coder_upgrade_upgrade_hook_node_info_alter(&$node, &$reader) {

  // Changes: node_type_base
  coder_upgrade_convert_return($node->data->body, 'node_info', '', 1, 1);

 * Implements hook_upgrade_hook_node_type_alter().
function coder_upgrade_upgrade_hook_node_type_alter(&$node, &$reader) {

  // Changes: remove_op
  $callback = 'coder_upgrade_callback_node_type';
  $op_index = 0;
  coder_upgrade_convert_op($node, $callback, $op_index);

 * Implements hook_upgrade_hook_perm_alter().
function coder_upgrade_upgrade_hook_perm_alter(&$node, &$reader) {

  // Changes: hook_permission and descriptions_permissions
  $item =& $node->data;

  // Rename function.
  $item->name .= 'ission';

  // Update document comment.
  $item->comment = preg_replace('@hook_perm([^i])@', "hook_permission\$1", $item->comment);

  // Restructure the permissions array.
  coder_upgrade_convert_return($node->data->body, 'perm', '', 0, 0);

 * Implements hook_upgrade_hook_profile_alter_alter().
function coder_upgrade_upgrade_hook_profile_alter_alter(&$node, &$reader) {

  // Changes: hook-user-changes
  $item =& $node->data;
  $body =& $item->body;

  // Create helper objects.
  $editor = PGPEditor::getInstance();
  global $_coder_upgrade_module_name;

  // Rename function.
  $item->name = $_coder_upgrade_module_name . '_user_view';

  // Update document comment.
  $item->comment['value'] = preg_replace('@hook_profile_alter([^i])@', "hook_user_view\$1", $item->comment['value']);

  // Remove '&' from first parameter.
  //   $p0 = str_replace('&', '', $item->getParameter()->stripComments()->toString());
  // Save the name of first parameter.
  if ($p0 = $item
    ->getParameterVariable()) {

    // The parameter includes a variable; save the variable.
    // Remove '&' from first parameter.
    $p0 = str_replace('&', '', $p0
  else {

    // The parameter has no variable.
    $p0 = '$xx_missing_xx';
      ->commentToStatement('// TODO: Name the variable ' . $p0 . ' which was missing in the old function signature.'));

  // Add $view_mode parameter.
    ->setParameters($item, array(

 * Implements hook_upgrade_hook_schema_alter().
function coder_upgrade_upgrade_hook_schema_alter(&$node, &$reader) {

  // Changes: schema_translation and schema_html

 * Implements hook_upgrade_hook_theme_alter().
function coder_upgrade_upgrade_hook_theme_alter(&$node, &$reader) {

  // Changes: hook_theme_render_changes
  coder_upgrade_convert_return($node->data->body, 'theme', '', 1, 1);

 * Implements hook_upgrade_hook_update_N_alter().
function coder_upgrade_upgrade_hook_update_N_alter(&$node, &$reader) {

  // Changes: update_php, update_sql

 * Implements hook_upgrade_hook_user_alter().
function coder_upgrade_upgrade_hook_user_alter(&$node, &$reader) {

  // Changes: remove_op, user_cancel and others !!!???
  $callback = 'coder_upgrade_callback_user';
  $op_index = 0;
  coder_upgrade_convert_op($node, $callback, $op_index);

 * Updates hook_access().
 * Replace hook_access() with hook_node_access().
 * Switch places of first two parameters.
 * @param PGPNode $node
 *   A node object containing a PGPClass (or function) item.
function coder_upgrade_convert_access(&$node) {
  cdp("inside " . __FUNCTION__);
  $item =& $node->data;
  global $_coder_upgrade_module_name;

  // Rename function.
  $item->name = $_coder_upgrade_module_name . '_node_access';

  // Update document comment.
  $item->comment['value'] = preg_replace('@hook_access([^i])@', "hook_node_access\$1", $item->comment['value']);

  // Switch places of the first two parameters.
  //  cdp("Printing parameters");
  $count = $item

  // Adjust parameters.
  if ($count > 1) {

    // Switch places.
    $p0 = $item
    $p1 = $item
      ->setParameter(0, $p1);
      ->setParameter(1, $p0);

 * Updates hook_filter().
 * hook_filter() and hook_filter_tips() replaced by hook_filter_info().
 * @todo Integrate hook_filter_tips() code with this function.
 * @todo Allow for other code styles, e.g. if block instead of switch.
 *   How similar is this use case to convert_return or convert_op?
 * @param PGPNode $node
 *   A node object containing a PGPClass (or function) item.
function coder_upgrade_convert_filter(&$node, &$reader) {

  // DONE
  cdp("inside " . __FUNCTION__);
  $item =& $node->data;
  global $_coder_upgrade_module_name;
  $tips = array();
  $editor = PGPEditor::getInstance();

  // Find the hook_filter_tips function object.
  $function_node = $editor
    ->getFunctions(), $_coder_upgrade_module_name . '_filter_tips', 'node');
  if (!is_null($function_node)) {
    $tips = coder_upgrade_convert_filter_tips($function_node);
    cdp($tips, '$tips');

  // Rename function.
  $item->name .= '_XXX';

  // $item->name = $_coder_upgrade_module_name . '_filter_info';
  // Update document comment.
  //  $item->comment = preg_replace('@hook_filter@', "hook_filter_info", $item->comment);
  // Restructure the triggers array.
  $body =& $item->body;
  if (!($switch1 = $body
    ->find(T_SWITCH))) {
    clp("ERROR: switch statement not found in hook_filter");

  //  $value = &$switch1['value'];

   * Compare first parameter to first switch condition (s/b $op)
   * Compare second parameter to second switch condition (s/b $delta)
   * Read $op case block: case operand gives the key for array
   * Read $delta case block: case operand gives the key for array
   * Return value gives the array value for above keys
   * Build array internally, then write it out.
   * On the callback items, we only want the callback function name, not the
   * parameters. If there is not a function name (e.g. the filter module had
   * case 'process': case 4: return trim(check_plain($text));),
   * then make a new function with the return value as its body.
   * For this example, core created _filter_html_escape($text).
   * Look for a hook_filter_tips($delta, $format, $long = false).
   * If present:
   * - if multiple $delta bodies, then create new callback functions using
   * $delta as part of the function name
   * - else if one, then create new callback function
   * - remove the $delta parameter
   * - add tips_callback parameters to filter_info array items

  // Get the operation variable from the function parameter [at index $op_index].
  // This function removes any default value assignment (e.g. $op = 'list') or
  // inline comments included in the parameter expression.
  $op_index = 0;
  if (!($variable = $item
    ->getParameterVariable($op_index))) {
    clp("ERROR: Variable not found in hook(\$op) parameter {$op_index}");
  $op = $variable

  // Get the first condition. (With a switch there should only be one condition.)
  $condition1 = $switch1->conditions
  $operand1 = $condition1
  if ($operand1 != $op) {
    clp('ERROR: switch statement operand does not match first function parameter in hook_filter');
  $filters = array();

  // Get list of case statements.
  $cases1 = $switch1->body;
  $current1 = $cases1
  while ($current1->next != NULL) {
    $case1 = $current1->data;
    if (!$case1 instanceof PGPCase || $case1->type == T_DEFAULT) {
      $current1 = $current1->next;
    $key1 = trim($case1->case
      ->toString(), "'\"");
    cdp("key1 = {$key1}");

    // TODO Convert key2 to new key: Ex. 'process' becomes 'process callback'
    $key1 = coder_upgrade_callback_filter($key1);
    cdp("new key1 = {$key1}");
    $body1 = $case1->body
    if ($body1 && get_class($body1) == 'PGPFunctionCall') {

      // Use case 1: returns an array.
      cdp("body1 is an array");
      if ($key1 != 'name') {
        clp("ERROR: key is not 'list' in hook_filter");
      if ($body1->type != T_RETURN) {
        clp("ERROR: switch statement body for 'list' key does not return an array in hook_filter");
      $value1 = $body1
      if ($value1 && get_class($value1) == 'PGPArray') {
        $node_x = $value1->values
        while ($node_x->next != NULL) {
          $data = $node_x->data;
          if ($node_x->type == 'key') {
            $key2 = $data

            // Should be an integer = $delta
          elseif ($node_x->type == 'value') {
            $filters[$key2][$key1] = $data
          $node_x = $node_x->next;
    elseif ($body1 && get_class($body1) == 'PGPConditional' && $body1->type == T_SWITCH) {

      // Use case 2: switch statement on $delta.
      $switch2 =& $body1;
      $operand2 = $switch2->conditions
      if ($operand2 != $item
        ->toString()) {
        clp("ERROR: switch statement operand does not match second function parameter in hook_filter");

      // Get list of case statements.
      $cases2 = $switch2->body;
      $current2 = $cases2
      while ($current2->next != NULL) {
        $case2 = $current2->data;
        if (!$case2 instanceof PGPCase || $case2->type == T_DEFAULT) {
          $current2 = $current2->next;
        $key2 = trim($case2->case
          ->toString(), "'\"");
        cdp("key2 = {$key2}");
        $body2 = $case2->body
        if ($body2 && get_class($body2) == 'PGPFunctionCall') {

          // Use case 2: returns an array.
          if ($body2->type != T_RETURN) {
            clp("ERROR: switch statement operand does not match first function parameter in hook_filter");
          $value2 = $body2
          if (get_class($value2) == 'PGPExpression') {

            // TODO On the callback items only want the callback function name, not the parameters!!!
            $filters[$key2][$key1] = $value2
            cdp($value2, '$value2');
          if ($key1 == 'process callback' || $key1 == 'settings callback') {
            if ($value2
              ->isType(T_FUNCTION_CALL)) {

              // For $value2 = trim(check_plain($text)), this will grab trim.
              // The user needs to define a callback function to do both.
              $call =& $value2
              if (is_array($call->name)) {

                // Name could be T_STRING or T_VARIABLE.
                $name = $call->name['value'];
                if ($call->name['type'] == T_STRING) {
                  $name = "'{$name}'";
              else {

                // An object expression (should be unlikely).
                $name = $call->name
              $filters[$key2][$key1] = $name;

          //           else {
          //             $filters[$key2][$key1] = $value2->toString();
          //           }
        $current2 = $current2->next;
    $current1 = $current1->next;
  foreach ($tips as $key2 => $callback) {
    $filters[$key2]['tips callback'] = "'{$callback}'";
  $hook = '_filter_info';
  coder_upgrade_new_filter_hook($node, $hook, $filters);

  // Delete the function body.

// TODO Rename this function.
function coder_upgrade_callback_filter($key2) {

  // DONE
  switch ($key2) {
    case 'list':
      return 'name';
    case 'process':
      return 'process callback';
    case 'settings':
      return 'settings callback';
    case 'tips':
      return 'tips callback';
      return $key2;
function coder_upgrade_new_filter_hook($node, $hook, $filters = array()) {

  // DONE
  global $_coder_upgrade_module_name;

  // Set values for the new hook function.
  $comment = array(
    'type' => T_DOC_COMMENT,
    'value' => "/**\n * Implements hook{$hook}().\n */",
  $name = $_coder_upgrade_module_name . $hook;

  // '_filter_info';
  // Create the new hook function.
  $function = new PGPClass($name);
  $function->comment = $comment;
  $function->type = T_FUNCTION;
  $function->parameters = new PGPList();

  // Use the editor to set the function parameters.
  $editor = PGPEditor::getInstance();

  //  $editor->setParameters($function, $parameters);
  // Create body statements.
  $string = '';
  foreach ($filters as $key => $filter) {
    $string .= "\$filters[{$key}] = array(\n";
    foreach ($filter as $key2 => $value) {
      $string .= "  '{$key2}' => {$value},\n";
    $string .= ");\n";
  $string .= "return \$filters;\n";
  cdp(print_r($string, 1));

  // Copy the case (or if) block as the body of the function.
  $function->body = $editor
  if ($function->body
    ->isEmpty()) {

  //  return ;
  // Get the statement list the function node is part of.
  $container =& $node->container;

  // Insert the new function before the old function.
    ->insertBefore($node, $function, 'function');

  // Insert a blank line.
  $whitespace = array(
    'type' => T_WHITESPACE,
    'value' => 1,
    ->insertBefore($node, $whitespace, 'whitespace');

 * Updates hook_filter_tips().
 * hook_filter() and hook_filter_tips() replaced by hook_filter_info().
 * @todo This should fit into the convert_op use case.
 * @param PGPNode $node
 *   A node object containing a PGPClass (or function) item.
 * @return array
 *   Array of tip callback functions indexed by $delta.
function coder_upgrade_convert_filter_tips(&$node) {

  // DONE
  cdp("inside " . __FUNCTION__);
  $item =& $node->data;
  global $_coder_upgrade_module_name;

  // Rename function.
  $item->name .= '_XXX';

  // Update document comment.
  //  $item->comment .= 'This function is obsolete.'; // TODO Make a comment manipulation routine.
  // Restructure the triggers array.
  $body =& $item->body;
  if (!($switch1 = $body
    ->find(T_SWITCH))) {
    clp("ERROR: switch statement not found in hook_filter_tips");
    return array();

   * Compare first parameter to first switch condition (s/b $op)
   * Read $delta case block: case operand gives the key for array
   * Return value gives the array value for above keys
   * Build array internally, then write it out.
   * Look for a hook_filter_tips($delta, $format, $long = false).
   * If present:
   * - if multiple $delta bodies, then create new callback functions using
   *   $delta as part of the function name
   * - else if one, then create new callback function
   * - remove the $delta parameter
   * - add tips_callback parameters to filter_info array items
   * - TODO Case 2: could be an if block
  $operand1 = $switch1->conditions
  if ($operand1 != $item
    ->printParameter()) {
    clp("ERROR: switch statement operand does not match first function parameter in hook_filter_tips");
    return array();

  // Remove first parameter for new callback function.
  // TODO Do we need to clone this object for each new function???
  $parameters1 = $item->parameters;
  $tips = array();

  // Get list of case statements.
  $cases1 = $switch1->body;
  $current1 = $cases1
  while ($current1->next != NULL) {
    $case1 = $current1->data;
    if (!$case1 instanceof PGPCase || $case1->type == T_DEFAULT) {
      $current1 = $current1->next;

    // Get the $delta value.
    $key1 = trim($case1->case
      ->toString(), "'\"");
    cdp("key1 = {$key1}");
    $body1 = $case1->body

    // Make a new callback function.
    $hook = '_filter_tips_' . $key1;
    coder_upgrade_new_filter_tips_hook($node, $hook, $parameters1, $body1);

    // Store callback name in return array.
    $tips[$key1] = $_coder_upgrade_module_name . $hook;
    $current1 = $current1->next;

  // Delete the function body.
  return $tips;
function coder_upgrade_new_filter_tips_hook($node, $hook, $parameters, $body) {

  // DONE
  global $_coder_upgrade_module_name;

  // Set values for the new hook function.
  $delta = substr($hook, strrpos($hook, '_') + 1);
  $comment = array(
    'type' => T_DOC_COMMENT,
    'value' => "/**\n * Filter tips callback function for \$filters[{$delta}] in hook_filter_info().\n */",
  $name = $_coder_upgrade_module_name . $hook;

  // Create the new hook function.
  $function = new PGPClass($name);
  $function->comment = $comment;
  $function->type = T_FUNCTION;
  $function->parameters = $parameters;

  // new PGPList();
  $function->body = new PGPBody();

  //  cdp($function->print_r());
  // TODO REFACTOR: The following statements are repeated in other create_hook routines.
  // Get the statement list the function node is part of.
  $container =& $node->container;

  // Insert the new function before the old function.
  $new_node = $container
    ->insertBefore($node, $function, 'function');

  //  $editor = PGPEditor::getInstance();
  //  cdp($editor->statementsToText($new_node));
  // Insert a blank line.
  $whitespace = array(
    'type' => T_WHITESPACE,
    'value' => 1,
    ->insertBefore($node, $whitespace, 'whitespace');

 * Updates hook_install() or hook_uninstall().
 * Database schema (un)installed automatically.
 * @param PGPNode $node
 *   A node object containing a PGPClass (or function) item.
function coder_upgrade_convert_install($node) {
  cdp("inside " . __FUNCTION__);
  $item =& $node->data;

  // Get body statements.
  $body =& $item->body;
  $editor = PGPEditor::getInstance();

   * In 6.x, drupal_install_schema() has a return value, but not in 7.x.
   * The code below asssumes the return value is not utilized. Otherwise,
   * set the variable to array.
   * @todo If there is a likelihood of multiple calls to these functions, then
   * use $body->searchCallback().
  foreach (array(
  ) as $function) {
    if ($call_node = $body
      ->search('PGPFunctionCall', 'name', 'value', $function, TRUE)) {

      // Get the function call object.
      $call = $call_node->data;

      // Insert a comment before the statement containing the function call.
      $statement = $editor
        ->commentToStatement("// TODO The drupal_(un)install_schema functions are called automatically in D7.");

      // Get the expression containing the function call.
      $container = $call_node->container;
      if ($container
        ->countType('operand') > 1) {

        // The function call is part of a larger expression.
        // Insert nodes to comment out the function call and replace it with default return value.
        $statement = $editor
          ->expressionToStatement('array()/*' . $call
          ->toString() . '*/');
          ->insertListBefore($call_node, $statement);

        // Delete the function call node.
      else {

        // The function call is the sole expression on this statement.
        // Comment out the statement.
        $call->parent->data = $editor

 * Updates hook_link().
 * Move node, taxonomy, and comment links into $node->content;
 * Deprecate hook_link() and hook_link_alter().
 * @todo THIS IS NOT DONE.
 * @param PGPNode $node
 *   A node object containing a PGPClass (or function) item.
function coder_upgrade_convert_link(&$node) {

  cdp("inside " . __FUNCTION__);

   * Find code related to delete operation (in switch or if)
   * Move block to new function hook_user_cancel
   * Rename $user to $account (toString, preg_replace, convert to expression)
   * Add $method parameter
   * Add switch on $method; add core case values?
   * Place existing code under case 'user_cancel_reassign'
   * Add TODO note to check placement of code
   * DBTNG changes can be done in another routine

  // Get the function object.
  $item =& $node->data;

  // Rename the function in case any code is left over.
  $item->name .= '_OLD';

  // $item->name = $item->name . '_OLD'; // $item->name['value'] = $item->name['value'] . '_OLD';
  // Get the first function parameter, usually called $op.
  $count = $item

  // TODO This gets the entire parameter including any default value. Hook_block has $op = 'list'.
  $op = $item

  //  cdp("op = '$op'");
  // Get the function body statements.
  $body =& $item->body;

   * Two likely cases: switch statement or series of if blocks.
   * Do the if blocks later.
   * Compare the second parameter to the function with the switch operand.

  // TODO The following code is common to the remove_op upgrades. Refactor.
  // Loop on the body statements looking for the $op parameter in an IF or
  // SWITCH condition.
  $current = $body
  while ($current->next != NULL) {
    $statement =& $current->data;
    if (is_object($statement)) {
    if ($statement instanceof PGPConditional) {

      //      cdp("inside PGPConditional check");
      //      cdp("statement->type = " . $statement->type);
      if ($statement->type == T_SWITCH) {

        //        cdp("inside T_SWITCH check");
        // Get the list of conditions.
        $conditions = $statement->conditions;

        // Get the first condition. (With a switch there should only be one condition.)
        $condition = $conditions
        $operand = $condition

        // If the condition variable matches the $op variable, then go to work.
        if ($op == $operand) {
          $cases = $statement->body;
            ->traverse($cases, $callback);

          //          // Get the statement list the switch statement node is part of.
          //          $container = &$current->container;
          //          $container->delete($current);
          //          $statement->body->clear();
      elseif (in_array($statement->type, array(
      ))) {

        // Do something similar.
        //        cdp("inside T_IF check");
        // Get the list of conditions.
        //        $conditions = $statement->conditions;
        // Get the text of the conditions.
        //        $conditions = $statement->conditionsToArray();
        //        print_r($conditions);
        $operations = coder_upgrade_extract_operations($statement->conditions, $op);

        // list($operations, $others) = coder_upgrade_separate_operators($conditions, $op);

         * Extract the conditions referencing the $op variable and loop on them.
         * These are conditions of the form $op == 'operation'.
         * Replace them with condition of TRUE to not disrupt the logic.
         * Retain any other conditions as part of the body in the new hook
         * function.
         * Do we need a helper function to find the operand with $op???
         * Determine the $op comparison value (i.e. $op == 'what') so we can
         * use a case block in the upgrade routine.
         * Change a T_ELSEIF to a T_IF in the new hook function if we have
         * extra conditions.
        foreach ($operations as $operand) {

          // TODO Rename $operand to $operation here and in called functions
          $statement->type = T_IF;

          // If it isn't already.
          $block = new stdClass();
          $block->body = new PGPBody();
          $case_node = new PGPNode($block, $current->container);

          // TODO What is the correct container???
          $callback($node, $case_node, $operand);

          // coder_upgrade_callback_user($node, $case_node, $operand);

    // Move to next node.
    $current =& $current->next;

    // Get the statement list the switch statement (or if block) node is part of.
    $container =& $current->container;

 * Updates hook_menu_link_alter().
 * Changed hook_menu_link_alter() (removed the $menu parameter).
 * @param PGPNode $node
 *   A node object containing a PGPClass (or function) item.
function coder_upgrade_convert_menu_link_alter(&$node) {
  $item =& $node->data;
  $count = $item

  // Adjust parameters.
  if ($count > 1) {

    // Delete second parameter.

  // TODO Do we need to check for $menu in the body of this hook?

 * Updates hook_schema().
 * @param PGPNode $node
 *   A node object containing a PGPClass (or function) item.
function coder_upgrade_convert_schema(&$node) {
  cdp("inside " . __FUNCTION__);
  $item =& $node->data;
  $body =& $item->body;
  if (!($return = $body
    ->find(T_RETURN, 'reverse'))) {
    clp("ERROR: return statement not found in hook_schema");

  //  cdp("Printing return item");
    ->print_r(0, $return));

  //  cdp("Printing return item DONE");
  $variable =& $return

  // TODO This fits with the coder_upgrade_convert_return pattern.

   * Traverse the body statements looking for:
   * - assignment to the return variable
   * - in the assignment
   *   - a PGPArray operand
   *   - in the operand
   *     - key of 'description'
   *     - value whose first operand is PGPArray (recurse into this)
   *       - if the value calls t() then remove t()
    ->searchCallback('coder_upgrade_convert_schema_callback', 'PGPFunctionCall', 'name', 'value', 't');
function coder_upgrade_convert_schema_callback(&$item) {
  cdp("inside " . __FUNCTION__);

  //  cdp($item->print_r());
  if (get_class($item) != 'PGPFunctionCall') {

  // Fetch the first parameter of the t() call.
  $parameter = $item
  $operand = $parameter
  if (is_array($operand)) {

    // schema_html: schema descriptions are now plain text instead of HTML.
    $operand['value'] = html_entity_decode($operand['value']);

  //  cdp("operand");
  //  cdp(print_r($operand, 1));
  // Parent should be the value expression in an array (key, value) pair.
  $parent =& $item->parentExpression;

  // Set the value to the first parameter of the t() call.
  if ($parent
    ->count() == 1) {

    // This is an example of changing a function call reference.
      ->setElement(0, $operand);

 * Updates hook_update_N().
 * Check hook_update_N for a Doxygen style comment.
 * Update hooks now return strings or throw exceptions.
 * @todo These hooks do not need to carry over from one version to the next.
 *   So we could simply delete the hook or its body. For those inclined to keep
 *   these hooks, we can modify the return statement (if any) to conform to D7.
 * @param PGPNode $node
 *   A node object containing a PGPClass (or function) item.
function coder_upgrade_convert_update_N(&$node) {
  cdp("inside " . __FUNCTION__);

  // Changes: update_php, update_sql
  $item =& $node->data;
  $editor = PGPEditor::getInstance();

  // Get the function body.
  $body =& $item->body;

  // Find return statement.
  // find() only looks at statements in the list, while search() recurses through inner lists.
  if (!($return = $body
    ->search('PGPFunctionCall', 'name', 'value', 'return', FALSE, 'backward'))) {

    // if (!($return = $body->find(T_RETURN, 'reverse'))) {
    //    clp("ERROR: return statement not found in hook_update_N");
    //    $body->insertFirst($editor->commentToStatement($msg), 'comment');
  else {

    // Strip inline comment delimiter tokens from the parameter.
    $string = str_replace(array(
    ), '', $return

    // $string = $return->getParameter()->stripComments()->toString();
    // To use PGPList->insertListBefore() need the node of $return.
    //    $statement = $editor->textToStatements("// hook_update_N() no longer returns a \$ret array.\n//Instead, it should return nothing or a translated string to be displayed to the user indicating that the update ran successfully.\nSee");
    $statement = $editor
      ->commentToStatement("// hook_update_N() no longer returns a \$ret array. Instead, return ");
    $statement = $editor
      ->commentToStatement("// nothing or a translated string indicating the update ran successfully.");
    $statement = $editor
      ->commentToStatement("// See");

    // Replace the return() operand with t().
      ->setParameter($return, 0, "t('TODO Add a descriptive string here to show in the UI.') /* {$string} */");

 * Callback routines for coder_upgrade_convert_op().

 * Prepares the information needed to create a new hook_$op style function.
 * This is a series of functions -- one for each existing hook to be modified.
 * @param PGPNode $node
 *   A node object containing a PGPClass (or function) item.
 * @param PGPNode $case_node
 *   A node object containing a PGPCase (or PGPConditional) item.
 * @param string $operation
 *   A string of the operation to create a new hook for.

 * Updates hook_block().
 * hook_nodeapi, hook_node_type, hook_user, and hook_block removed and replaced
 * with families of related functions
function coder_upgrade_callback_block($node, $case_node, $operation = '') {
  cdp("inside " . __FUNCTION__);
  if (!$operation) {
    $case =& $case_node->data;
    if (!$case instanceof PGPCase || $case->type == T_DEFAULT) {
      cdp("Houston, we've got an unexpected statement");
    $operation = $case->case
    $operation = trim($operation, "'\"");
  $hook = '_block_' . str_replace(' ', '_', $operation);
  $parameters = array(
  switch ($operation) {
    case 'configure':

      // This block becomes example_block_configure
    case 'list':

      // This block becomes example_block_list
      $hook = '_block_info';
      $parameters = array();
    case 'save':

      // This block becomes example_block_save
      $parameters = array(
    case 'view':

      // This block becomes example_block_view
      cdp("ERROR: Invalid case value");

  // Change numeric block keys to strings
  $editor = PGPEditor::getInstance();
  $body =& $case_node->data->body;
  $text = $body
  $search = array(
    '/\\$delta ?([=!])= ?(\\d+)/si',
    '/case (\'|"|)(\\d+)(\'|"|)/si',
  $replace = array(
    '$delta \\1= \'delta-\\2\'',
    'case \'delta-\\2\'',
  $count = 0;
  $text = preg_replace($search, $replace, $text, -1, $count);
  if ($count) {
    $body = $editor
      ->commentToStatement('// TODO Rename block deltas (e.g. delta-0) to readable strings.'), 'comment');

  // Create the new hook function.
  coder_upgrade_op_to_hook($node, $case_node, $hook, $parameters);

 * Updates hook_comment().
 * hook_nodeapi, hook_node_type, hook_user, and hook_block removed and replaced
 * with families of related functions
function coder_upgrade_callback_comment($node, $case_node, $operation = '') {
  cdp("inside " . __FUNCTION__);
  if (!$operation) {
    $case =& $case_node->data;
    if (!$case instanceof PGPCase || $case->type == T_DEFAULT) {
      cdp("Houston, we've got an unexpected statement");
    $operation = $case->case
    $operation = trim($operation, "'\"");
  $hook = '_comment_' . str_replace(' ', '_', $operation);
  $parameters = array(
  switch ($operation) {
    case 'delete':

      // This block becomes example_comment_delete
    case 'insert':

      // This block becomes example_comment_insert
    case 'publish':

      // This block becomes example_comment_publish
    case 'unpublish':

      // This block becomes example_comment_unpublish
    case 'update':

      // This block becomes example_comment_update
    case 'validate':

      // This block becomes example_comment_validate
    case 'view':

      // This block becomes example_comment_view
      cdp("ERROR: Invalid case value");

  // Create the new hook function.
  coder_upgrade_op_to_hook($node, $case_node, $hook, $parameters);

 * Updates hook_nodeapi().
 * hook_nodeapi, hook_node_type, hook_user, and hook_block removed and replaced
 * with families of related functions
function coder_upgrade_callback_nodeapi($node, $case_node, $operation = '') {
  cdp("inside " . __FUNCTION__);
  if (!$operation) {
    $case =& $case_node->data;
    if (!$case instanceof PGPCase || $case->type == T_DEFAULT) {
      cdp("Houston, we've got an unexpected statement");
    $operation = $case->case
    $operation = trim($operation, "'\"");
  $hook = '_node_' . str_replace(' ', '_', $operation);
  $parameters = array(
  switch ($operation) {
    case 'alter':

      // This block becomes example_node_build_alter
      $hook = '_node_build_alter';
      $parameters = array(
    case 'delete':

      // This block becomes example_node_delete
    case 'delete revision':

      // This block becomes example_node_revision_delete
      $hook = '_node_revision_delete';
    case 'insert':

      // This block becomes example_node_insert
    case 'load':

      // This block becomes example_node_load
      $parameters = array(
    case 'prepare':

      // This block becomes example_node_prepare
    case 'prepare translation':

      // This block becomes example_node_prepare_translation
    case 'print':

      // This block becomes example_node_view with $view_mode = 'print'
      $hook = '_node_view';
      $parameters = array(
        '$view_mode = \'print\'',
    case 'rss item':

      // This block becomes example_node_view with $view_mode = 'rss'
      $hook = '_node_view';
      $parameters = array(
        '$view_mode = \'rss\'',
    case 'search result':

      // This block becomes example_node_search_result
    case 'presave':

      // This block becomes example_node_presave
    case 'update':

      // This block becomes example_node_update
    case 'update index':

      // This block becomes example_node_update_index
    case 'validate':

      // This block becomes example_node_validate
      $parameters = array(
    case 'view':

      // This block becomes example_node_view with $view_mode = 'full' by default
      $parameters = array(
        '$view_mode = \'full\'',
      cdp("ERROR: Invalid case value");

  // Create the new hook function.
  coder_upgrade_op_to_hook($node, $case_node, $hook, $parameters);

 * Updates hook_node_type().
 * hook_nodeapi, hook_node_type, hook_user, and hook_block removed and replaced
 * with families of related functions
function coder_upgrade_callback_node_type($node, $case_node, $operation = '') {
  cdp("inside " . __FUNCTION__);
  if (!$operation) {
    $case =& $case_node->data;
    if (!$case instanceof PGPCase || $case->type == T_DEFAULT) {
      cdp("Houston, we've got an unexpected statement");
    $operation = $case->case
    $operation = trim($operation, "'\"");
  $hook = '_node_type_' . str_replace(' ', '_', $operation);
  $parameters = array(
  switch ($operation) {
    case 'delete':

      // This block becomes example_node_type_delete
    case 'insert':

      // This block becomes example_node_type_insert
    case 'update':

      // This block becomes example_node_type_update
      cdp("ERROR: Invalid case value");

  // Create the new hook function.
  coder_upgrade_op_to_hook($node, $case_node, $hook, $parameters);

 * Updates hook_user().
 * hook_nodeapi, hook_node_type, hook_user, and hook_block removed and replaced
 * with families of related functions
 * Renamed user_delete() to user_cancel();
 * likewise renamed hook_user_delete() to hook_user_cancel(). (Did this exist?)
function coder_upgrade_callback_user($node, $case_node, $operation = '') {
  cdp("inside " . __FUNCTION__);

  if (!$operation) {
    $case =& $case_node->data;
    if (!$case instanceof PGPCase || $case->type == T_DEFAULT) {
      cdp("Houston, we've got an unexpected statement");
    $operation = $case->case
    $operation = trim($operation, "'\"");
  $hook = '_user_' . str_replace(' ', '_', $operation);
  $parameters = array(

  // TODO We can end up with multiple copies of same hook if this mapping is accurate???
  switch ($operation) {
    case 'after_update':

      // The user object has been updated and changed. Use this if (probably along with 'insert') if you want to reuse some information from the user object.
      // This block becomes example_user_update
      $hook = '_user_update';
      $parameters = array(
    case 'categories':

      // A set of user information categories is requested.
      // This block becomes example_user_categories
      $parameters = array();
    case 'delete':

      // The user account is being deleted. The module should remove its custom additions to the user object from the database.
      // This block becomes example_user_cancel
      $hook = '_user_cancel';
      $parameters = array(
    case 'form':

      // The user account edit form is about to be displayed. The module should present the form elements it wishes to inject into the form.
      // This block becomes example_user_???
      $hook = '_user_XXX';
    case 'insert':

      // The user account is being added. The module should save its custom additions to the user object into the database and set the saved fields to NULL in $edit.
      // This block becomes example_user_insert
      $parameters = array(
    case 'load':

      // The user account is being loaded. The module may respond to this and insert additional information into the user object.
      // This block becomes example_user_load
      $parameters = array(
    case 'login':

      // The user just logged in.
      // This block becomes example_user_login
      $parameters = array(
    case 'logout':

      // The user just logged out.
      // This block becomes example_user_logout
      $parameters = array(
    case 'register':

      // The user account registration form is about to be displayed. The module should present the form elements it wishes to inject into the form.
      // This block becomes example_user_???
      $hook = '_user_XXX';
    case 'submit':

      // Modify the account before it gets saved.
      // This block becomes example_user_???
      $hook = '_user_presave';
      $parameters = array(
    case 'update':

      // The user account is being changed. The module should save its custom additions to the user object into the database and set the saved fields to NULL in $edit.
      // This block becomes example_user_presave
      $hook = '_user_presave';
      $parameters = array(
    case 'validate':

      // The user account is about to be modified. The module should validate its custom additions to the user object, registering errors as necessary.
      // This block becomes example_user_presave
      $hook = '_user_presave';
      $parameters = array(
    case 'view':

      // The user's account information is being displayed. The module should format its custom additions for display, and add them to the $account->content array.
      // This block becomes example_user_view
      $parameters = array(
      cdp("ERROR: Invalid case value");

  // Create the new hook function.
  coder_upgrade_op_to_hook($node, $case_node, $hook, $parameters);

 * Callback routines for coder_upgrade_convert_return().

 * Updates hook_action_info() arrays.
 * The arrays returned by hook_action_info(), hook_action_info_alter(),
 * actions_list(), actions_get_all_actions(), actions_actions_map() were
 * changed.
 * @todo The other functions listed above.
 * @todo Database table {actions} - 'description' field is now called 'label'.
 * @param PGPNode $node
 *   The node of the statement containing the array object.
 * @param PGPArray $array2
 *   The array object containing the array element ($current2).
 * @param PGPNode $current2
 *   The node object of the array element.
 * @param string $hook
 *   The hook name.
 * @param string $type
 *   The type (key or value) of the array element.
 * @param string $key
 *   The key of the array element (or the most recent key).
 * @param string $value
 *   The value of the array element (or NULL if element is a key).
function coder_upgrade_callback_action_info($node, &$array2, &$current2, $hook, $type, $key, $value) {

  // DONE (NEEDS WORK on other functions listed above)
  cdp("inside " . __FUNCTION__);
  if (!$current2 instanceof PGPNode) {
    clp("ERROR: current2 is not a PGPNode object in hook_{$hook}");
  $editor = PGPEditor::getInstance();

  // The keys of this array are the action function items.
  if ($type == 'key' && $key == 'description') {
    cdp("Found the description key");
    if (!$current2->data
      clp("ERROR: key expression is not a string in hook_{$hook}");

    // Change key from 'description' to 'label.'
    $current2->data = $editor
  elseif ($type == 'key' && $key == 'hooks') {
    cdp("Found the hooks key");
    if (!$current2->data
      clp("ERROR: key expression is not a string in hook_{$hook}");

    // Change key from 'hooks' to 'triggers.'
    $current2->data = $editor

    // Find the value element for this key.
    if (!$array2
      ->findNextValue($current2)) {
      clp("ERROR: did not find a value expression for the triggers key in hook_{$hook}");
    if (!$current2->data
      ->isType(T_ARRAY)) {
      clp("ERROR: value expression is not a PGPArray object in hook_{$hook}");

     * The triggers (formerly hooks) element is an associative array keyed by
     * module name with its value being an array of actions. The new format
     * combines the module name and action, eliminating one nested array.
     * Example:
     * 'hooks' => array(
     *   'comment' => array('insert', 'update'),
     *   "taxonomy" => array("insert", "update", "delete", "view"),
     * )
     * 'triggers' => array(
     *   'comment_insert', 'comment_update',
     *   'taxonomy_insert', 'taxonomy_update', 'taxonomy_delete', 'taxonomy_view'
     * )
    $triggers =& $current2->data
    $ops = array();
    $trigger = $triggers->values
    while ($trigger->next != NULL) {
      if ($trigger->type == 'key') {

        // This is the module (or content type) the action pertains to.
        $prefix = trim($trigger->data
          ->toString(), "'\"");
      elseif ($trigger->type == 'value') {
        if (!$trigger->data
          ->isType(T_ARRAY)) {
          clp("ERROR: trigger value expression is not a PGPArray object in hook_{$hook}");

        // This is the array of action operation items.
        $operation_items = $trigger->data
        $string = $operation_items->values
        $items = explode(', ', $string);
        foreach ($items as $op) {
          $ops[] = "'{$prefix}_" . trim($op, "'\"") . "'";
      $trigger =& $trigger->next;
    $string = 'array(' . implode(', ', $ops) . ')';
    $editor = PGPEditor::getInstance();
    $expression = $editor

    // TODO Use multiline format? Depending on number of items?
      ->getElement()->multiline = 1;
      ->getElement()->preserve = 0;

    // Replace the triggers nested array with new array.
    $triggers = $expression;

 * Updates hook_hook_info() arrays.
 * hook_hook_info() is now called hook_trigger_info(), and its return value has
 * been changed and simplified.
 * @todo Database table {trigger_assignments} - 'op' field was removed, and the
 * 'hook' field now contains the full function name.
 * @param PGPNode $node
 *   The node of the statement containing the array object.
 * @param PGPArray $array2
 *   The array object containing the array element ($current2).
 * @param PGPNode $current2
 *   The node object of the array element.
 * @param string $hook
 *   The hook name.
 * @param string $type
 *   The type (key or value) of the array element.
 * @param string $key
 *   The key of the array element (or the most recent key).
 * @param string $value
 *   The value of the array element (or NULL if element is a key).
function coder_upgrade_callback_hook_info($node, &$array2, &$current2, $hook, $type, $key, $value) {

  // DONE
  cdp("inside " . __FUNCTION__);
  if (!$current2 instanceof PGPNode) {
    clp("ERROR: current2 is not a PGPNode object in hook_{$hook}");
  $editor = PGPEditor::getInstance();

   * Array levels
   * - L0 return array(
   * - L1   'node' => array(
   * - L2     'nodeapi' => array(
   * - L3       'presave' => array(
   * - L4         'runs when' => t('When either saving a new post or updating an existing post'),

  // The keys of this array are the module (or content type) the hook pertains to.
  if ($type == 'key') {
    cdp("Found the module (or content type) key");
    if (!$current2->data
      clp("ERROR: key expression is not a string in hook_{$hook}");

    // This is the module (or content type) the hook pertains to.
    // TODO Other prefixes may need to be modified.
    switch ($key) {
      case 'nodeapi':
        $prefix = 'node';
      case 'taxonomy':
        $prefix = 'taxonomy_term';
        $prefix = $key;

    // Find the value element for this key.
    if (!$array2
      ->findNextValue($current2)) {
      clp("ERROR: did not find a value expression for the triggers key in hook_{$hook}");
    if (!$current2->data
      ->isType(T_ARRAY)) {
      clp("ERROR: value expression is not a PGPArray object in hook_{$hook}");

     * The triggers information element is an associative array doubly keyed by
     * module name with its value being an array of action information. The new
     * format combines the module name and action, eliminating one nested array.
     * Example:
     * 'node' => array(
     *   'nodeapi' => array(
     *     'presave' => array(
     *       'runs when' => t('When either saving a new post or updating an existing post'),
     *     ),
     *   ),
     * ),
     * 'node' => array(
     *   'node_presave' => array(
     *     'label' => t('When either saving a new post or updating an existing post'),
     *   ),
     * ),
    $triggers =& $current2->data
    $trigger = $triggers->values
    while ($trigger->next != NULL) {
      if ($trigger->type == 'key') {
        if (!$trigger->data
          ->isType(T_CONSTANT_ENCAPSED_STRING)) {
          clp("ERROR: trigger key expression is not a string in hook_{$hook}");

        // This is the module (or content type) the hook pertains to.
        // Concatenate prefix with key.
        $suffix = trim($trigger->data
          ->toString(), "'\"");
        $new_key = "'{$prefix}_{$suffix}'";
        $trigger->data = $editor
      elseif ($trigger->type == 'value') {
        if (!$trigger->data
          ->isType(T_ARRAY)) {
          clp("ERROR: trigger value expression is not a PGPArray object in hook_{$hook}");

        // This is the array of trigger information items.
        // Currently, the only key is 'label' (formerly 'runs when').
        $information_items =& $trigger->data
        $information_items->multiline = 1;
        $information_items->preserve = 0;
        if (!$information_items
          ->changeKey('runs when', "'label'")) {
          clp("ERROR: could not change 'runs when' key expression in hook_{$hook}");
      $trigger =& $trigger->next;

    // Move up level 3 (triggers info) to level 2 (redundant module name) of the array.
    $array2->values = $triggers->values;

    // $array2->values = $array3->values;

     * Set array properties so the rewritten array:
     * - has a comma after all values
     * - is not indented one level too many
    $array2->count = $triggers->count;
    $array2->commaCount = $triggers->count;
    $array2->multiline = 1;
    $array2->preserve = 0;

 * Updates hook_node_info() arrays.
 * In hook_node_info() change 'module' back to 'base' and change 'node' to
 * 'node_content'.
 * @todo A similar change applies to the array passed as the parameter to
 * node_type_set_defaults($example_node_type).
 * @param PGPNode $node
 *   The node of the statement containing the array object.
 * @param PGPArray $array2
 *   The array object containing the array element ($current2).
 * @param PGPNode $current2
 *   The node object of the array element.
 * @param string $hook
 *   The hook name.
 * @param string $type
 *   The type (key or value) of the array element.
 * @param string $key
 *   The key of the array element (or the most recent key).
 * @param string $value
 *   The value of the array element (or NULL if element is a key).
function coder_upgrade_callback_node_info($node, &$array2, &$current2, $hook, $type, $key, $value) {

  // DONE
  cdp("inside " . __FUNCTION__);
  if (!$current2 instanceof PGPNode) {
    clp("ERROR: current2 is not a PGPNode object in hook_{$hook}");
  $editor = PGPEditor::getInstance();

  // The keys of this array are the node type items.
  if ($type == 'key' && $key == 'module') {
    cdp("Found the module key");
    if (!$current2->data
      clp("ERROR: key expression is not a string in hook_{$hook}");

    // Change key from 'module' to 'base.'
    $current2->data = $editor

    // Find the value element for this key.
    if (!$array2
      ->findNextValue($current2)) {
      clp("ERROR: did not find a value expression for the base key in hook_{$hook}");
    if (!$current2->data
      clp("ERROR: value expression is not a string in hook_{$hook}");
    if (trim($current2->data
      ->toString(), "'\"") == 'node') {

      // Change value from 'node' to 'node_content.'
      $current2->data = $editor

 * Updates hook_perm() arrays.
 * Permissions are required to have titles and descriptions.
 * @param PGPNode $node
 *   The node of the statement containing the array object.
 * @param PGPArray $array2
 *   The array object containing the array element ($current2).
 * @param PGPNode $current2
 *   The node object of the array element.
 * @param string $hook
 *   The hook name.
 * @param string $type
 *   The type (key or value) of the array element.
 * @param string $key
 *   The key of the array element (or the most recent key).
 * @param string $value
 *   The value of the array element (or NULL if element is a key).
function coder_upgrade_callback_perm($node, &$array2, &$current2, $hook, $type, $key, $value) {

  // DONE
  cdp("inside " . __FUNCTION__);
  if (!$current2 instanceof PGPNode) {
    clp("ERROR: current2 is not a PGPNode object in hook_{$hook}");
  $editor = PGPEditor::getInstance();

  // The values of this array are the permission items.
  // TODO If someone used keys with the values, this would result in consecutive
  // keys in the array and likely fail.
  if ($type == 'value') {
    $current2->type = 'key';
    $permission = $current2->data
    $permission2 = str_replace("'", "\\'", $permission);
    $string = "array('title' => t({$permission}), 'description' => t('TODO Add a description for {$permission2}'),)";

    // Create new array expression.
    $expression = $editor
    $expression->multiline = 1;
    $expression->preserve = 0;

    // Insert new expression nodes.
    $new = $array2->values
      ->insertAfter($current2, $expression, 'value');
      ->insertAfter($current2, '=>', 'assign');

    // Force the settings on the original array (which is usually inline).
    $array2->multiline = 1;
    $array2->preserve = 0;

    // Set $current2 to last item inserted above to avoid redundant looping.
    $current2 = $new;

 * Updates hook_theme() arrays.
 * Each theme function must register how it integrates with drupal_render().
 * @param PGPNode $node
 *   The node of the statement containing the array object.
 * @param PGPArray $array2
 *   The array object containing the array element ($current2).
 * @param PGPNode $current2
 *   The node object of the array element.
 * @param string $hook
 *   The hook name.
 * @param string $type
 *   The type (key or value) of the array element.
 * @param string $key
 *   The key of the array element (or the most recent key).
 * @param string $value
 *   The value of the array element (or NULL if element is a key).
function coder_upgrade_callback_theme($node, &$array2, &$current2, $hook, $type, $key, $value) {

  // DONE
  cdp("inside " . __FUNCTION__);
  if (!$current2 instanceof PGPNode) {
    clp("ERROR: current2 is not a PGPNode object in hook_{$hook}");
  $editor = PGPEditor::getInstance();

  // The keys of this array are the theme items.
  if ($type == 'key' && $key == 'arguments') {
    cdp("Found the arguments key");
    if (!$current2->data
      clp("ERROR: key expression is not a string in hook_{$hook}");

    // Save the key expression for possible modification.
    $key_expression =& $current2->data;

    // Find the value element for this key.
    if (!$array2
      ->findNextValue($current2)) {
      clp("ERROR: did not find a value expression for the arguments key in hook_{$hook}");
    if (!$current2->data
      ->isType(T_ARRAY)) {
      clp("ERROR: value expression is not a PGPArray object in hook_{$hook}");
    $array = $current2->data
    if (!($key0 = $array
      ->getKey())) {

      // Change key from 'arguments' to 'variables.'
      $key_expression = $editor
    $key0 = trim($array
      ->toString(), "'\"");

    // At a minimum, an array with key-value pairs will have 4 keys after one
    // pair: lparens, key, assign, and value.
    // What other likely values are there for a render element?
    // Does $form ever appear with other variables? If so, how is this to be handled?
    // TODO This is not a deterministic way of setting the key.
    if ($array->count == 1 && in_array($key0, array(
    ))) {

      // if ($array->values->count() == 4 && in_array($key0, array('form', 'element'))) {
      // Change key from 'arguments' to 'render element.'
      $key_expression = $editor
        ->expressionToStatement("'render element'");

      // Change value from an associative array to a string.
      $current2->data = $editor
    else {

      // Change key from 'arguments' to 'variables.'
      $key_expression = $editor


Namesort descending Description
coder_upgrade_callback_action_info Updates hook_action_info() arrays.
coder_upgrade_callback_block Updates hook_block().
coder_upgrade_callback_comment Updates hook_comment().
coder_upgrade_callback_hook_info Updates hook_hook_info() arrays.
coder_upgrade_callback_nodeapi Updates hook_nodeapi().
coder_upgrade_callback_node_info Updates hook_node_info() arrays.
coder_upgrade_callback_node_type Updates hook_node_type().
coder_upgrade_callback_perm Updates hook_perm() arrays.
coder_upgrade_callback_theme Updates hook_theme() arrays.
coder_upgrade_callback_user Updates hook_user().
coder_upgrade_convert_access Updates hook_access().
coder_upgrade_convert_filter Updates hook_filter().
coder_upgrade_convert_filter_tips Updates hook_filter_tips().
coder_upgrade_convert_install Updates hook_install() or hook_uninstall().
coder_upgrade_convert_link Updates hook_link().
coder_upgrade_convert_menu_link_alter Updates hook_menu_link_alter().
coder_upgrade_convert_schema Updates hook_schema().
coder_upgrade_convert_theme_callback Updates theme_xxx() functions.
coder_upgrade_convert_update_N Updates hook_update_N().
coder_upgrade_upgrade_hook_access_alter Implements hook_upgrade_hook_access_alter().
coder_upgrade_upgrade_hook_action_info_alter Implements hook_upgrade_hook_action_info_alter().
coder_upgrade_upgrade_hook_alter Implements hook_upgrade_hook_alter().
coder_upgrade_upgrade_hook_block_alter Implements hook_upgrade_hook_block_alter().
coder_upgrade_upgrade_hook_comment_alter Implements hook_upgrade_hook_comment_alter().
coder_upgrade_upgrade_hook_elements_alter Implements hook_upgrade_hook_elements_alter().
coder_upgrade_upgrade_hook_filter_alter Implements hook_upgrade_hook_filter_alter().
coder_upgrade_upgrade_hook_form_alter_alter Implements hook_upgrade_hook_form_alter().
coder_upgrade_upgrade_hook_hook_info_alter Implements hook_upgrade_hook_hook_info_alter().
coder_upgrade_upgrade_hook_install_alter Implements hook_upgrade_hook_install_alter().
coder_upgrade_upgrade_hook_link_alter Implements hook_upgrade_hook_link_alter().
coder_upgrade_upgrade_hook_load_alter Implements hook_upgrade_hook_load_alter().
coder_upgrade_upgrade_hook_menu_link_alter_alter Implements hook_upgrade_hook_menu_link_alter_alter().
coder_upgrade_upgrade_hook_nodeapi_alter Implements hook_upgrade_hook_nodeapi_alter().
coder_upgrade_upgrade_hook_node_info_alter Implements hook_upgrade_hook_node_info_alter().
coder_upgrade_upgrade_hook_node_type_alter Implements hook_upgrade_hook_node_type_alter().
coder_upgrade_upgrade_hook_perm_alter Implements hook_upgrade_hook_perm_alter().
coder_upgrade_upgrade_hook_profile_alter_alter Implements hook_upgrade_hook_profile_alter_alter().
coder_upgrade_upgrade_hook_schema_alter Implements hook_upgrade_hook_schema_alter().
coder_upgrade_upgrade_hook_theme_alter Implements hook_upgrade_hook_theme_alter().
coder_upgrade_upgrade_hook_uninstall_alter Implements hook_upgrade_hook_uninstall_alter().
coder_upgrade_upgrade_hook_update_N_alter Implements hook_upgrade_hook_update_N_alter().
coder_upgrade_upgrade_hook_user_alter Implements hook_upgrade_hook_user_alter().