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good.php in Coder 7.2

This file contains all the valid notations for the drupal coding standard.

The goal is to create a style checker that validates all of this constructs.

Theme files often have lists in their file block:

  • item 1
  • item 2
  • sublist:
    • sub item 1
    • sub item2


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 * @file
 * This file contains all the valid notations for the drupal coding standard.
 * The goal is to create a style checker that validates all of this
 * constructs.
 * Theme files often have lists in their file block:
 * - item 1
 * - item 2
 * - sublist:
 *   - sub item 1
 *   - sub item2

// Singleline comment before a code line.
$foo = 'bar';

 * Doxygen comment style is allowed before define() statements.
define('FOO_BAR', 5);

// Global variable names.
global $argc, $argv, $user, $is_https, $_mymodule_myvar;

 * Multiline comment
 * @see my_function()

// PHP Constants must be written in CAPITAL letters.

// Has whitespace at the end of the line.
$whitespaces = 'Yes, Please';

// Operators - have a space before and after.
$i = 0;
$i += 0;
$i -= 0;
$i == 0;
$i != 0;
$i > 0;
$i < 0;
$i >= 0;
$i <= 0;

// Unary operators must not have a space.
$i = -1;
  'i' => -1,
$i = 1 == -1;
$i = 1 === -1;
range(-50, -45);
$i[0] + 1;
$x->{$i} + 1;
!($x + $y);

// Operator line break for long lines.
$x = 1 + 1 + 1 + 1 + 1 + 1 + 1 + 1 + 1 + 1 + 1 + 1 + 1 + 1 + 1 + 1 + 1 + 1 + 1 + 1;
$x = $test ? -1 : 1;
$x = $test ? 1 : -1;

// Casting has a space.
(int) $i;

// The last item in an multiline array should be followed by a comma.
// But not in a inline array.
$a = array();
$a = array(
$a = array(
$a = array(
$a = array(
      'key' => $value,
      'title' => 'test',

// Array indentation.
$x = array(
  'foo' => 'bar',
  'fi' => long_function_call('hsdfsdmfsldkfnmdflkngdfngfg', 'fghfghfghfghfgh', $z),
  'a' => 'b',
  'foo' => array(
    'blu' => 1,
    'f' => x(1) + array(
      'h' => 'x',

// Arrays in function calls.
  'value' => 0,
  'description' => t('xyz @url', array(
    '@url' => '',

// Pretty array layout.
$a = array(
  'title' => 1,
  'weight' => 2,
  'callback' => 3,

// Arrays with multi line strings.
$query = db_query("\n  SELECT * FROM {foobar} WHERE nid IN (1, 2, 3)\n  AND date BETWEEN '%s' AND '%s'\n  ", array(
  ':from_date' => $from_date,
  ':to_date' => $to_date,

// Array with multi line comments.
$query = db_query("\n  SELECT * FROM {foobar} WHERE nid IN (1, 2, 3)\n  AND date BETWEEN '%s' AND '%s'", array(
  ':from_date' => $from_date,
  ':to_date' => $to_date,

// Item assignment operators must be prefixed and followed by a space.
$a = array(
  'one' => '1',
  'two' => '2',
foreach ($a as $key => $value) {

// If conditions have a space before and after the condition parenthesis.
if (TRUE || TRUE) {
elseif (TRUE && TRUE) {
else {
while (1 == 1) {
  if (TRUE || TRUE) {
  else {
switch ($condition) {
  case 1:
  case 2:

  // Blank line after the case statement is allowed.
  case 3:

// Empty case statements are allowed.
switch ($code) {
  case 200:
  case 304:
  case 301:
  case 302:
  case 307:
    $result->error = $status_message;

 * Allowed switch() statement in a function without breaks.
function foo() {
  switch ($x) {
    case 1:
      return 5;
    case 2:
      return 6;
do {
} while ($condition);

 * Short description.
 * We use doxygen style comments.
 * What's sad because eclipse PDT and
 * PEAR CodeSniffer base on phpDoc comment style.
 * Makes working with drupal not easier :|
 * @param string $field1
 *   Doxygen style comments.
 * @param int $field2
 *   Doxygen style comments.
 * @param bool $field3
 *   Doxygen style comments.
 * @param bool $field4
 *   Don't check for & in docblock of referenced variable.
 * @return array
 *   Doxygen style comments.
 * @see example_reference()
 * @see Example::exampleMethod()
 * @see
 * @see
function foo_bar($field1, $field2, $field3 = NULL, &$field4 = NULL) {
  $system["description"] = t("This module inserts funny text into posts randomly.");
  return $system[$field];

// Function call.
$var = foo($i, $i, $i);

// Multiline function call.
$var = foo($i, $i, $i);

// Multiline function call with array.
$var = foo(array(
), $i, $i);

// Multiline function call with only one array.
$var = foo(array(

 * Class declaration
 * Classes always have a multiline comment
class Bar {

  // Private properties have no prefix.
  private $secret = 1;

  // Protected properties also don't have a prefix.
  protected $foo = 1;

  // Longer properties use camelCase naming.
  public $barProperty = 1;

  // Public static variables use camelCase, too.
  public static $basePath = NULL;

   * Enter description here ...
  public function foo() {

   * Enter description here ...
  protected function barMethod() {


 * Enter description here ...
function _private_foo() {

// When calling class constructors with no arguments, always include
// parentheses.
$bar = new Bar();
$bar = new Bar($arg1, $arg2);
$bar = 'Bar';
$foo = new $bar();
$foo = new $bar($i, $i);

// Static class variables use camelCase.
Bar::$basePath = '/foo';

// Concatenation - there has to be a space.
$i . "test";
$i . 'test';
$i . $i;
$i . NULL;

// It is allowed to have the closing "}" on the same line if the class is empty.
class MyException extends Exception {


// Nice alignment is allowed for assignments.
class MyExampleLog {
  const INFO = 0;
  const WARNING = 1;
  const ERROR = 2;
  const EMERGENCY = 3;

   * Empty method implementation is allowed.
  public function emptyMethod() {

   * Protected functions are allowed.
  protected function protectedTest() {


 * Nice allignment in functions.
function test_test2() {
  $a = 5;
  $aa = 6;
  $aaa = 7;

 * Example of chained method invocations in a function.
function test3() {

  // Uses the Rules API as example.
  $rule = rule();

// Test usages of t().
t('special character: \\"');
t("special character: \\'");

// Escaping is allowed here because we make use of the other quote type, too.
t('Link to Drupal\'s <a href="@url">admin pages</a>.', array(
  '@url' => url('admin'),

// Test inline comment style.
// Comment one.

// Comment two
// @todo this is valid!

// Goes on?

/* Longer comment
 * bla bla
 * end!

// @see

// @see my_function()

// t() refers to a function name and should not be capitalized.

// rules_admin is a fancy machine name word with underscores and should not be
// capitalized and ignored.

// {} this comment start should not be flagged.

// Some code examples in inline comments:
// @code
//   function mymodule_menu() {
//     $items['abc/def'] = array(
//       'page callback' => 'mymodule_abc_view',
//     );
//     return $items;
//   }
// @endcode
// @todo A long description what is left to be done. Exceeds the first line and
//   is indented on the second line.
// Now follows a list:
// - item 1
//   additional description line.
// - item 2
// - item 3 comes with a sub list:
//   - sub item 1
//   - sub item 2
//     description of sub item 2.
// List is closed, normal indentation here. Now comes a paragraph empty line.
// And here continues the long comment.

 * Doc block with some code tags.
 * Some description and here comes the code:
 * @code
 *   $options = drupal_parse_url($_GET['destination']);
 *   $my_url = url($options['path'], $options);
 *   $my_link = l('Example link', $options['path'], $options);
 * @endcode
 * Some more description here. And now the parameters.
 * @param int $x
 *   Parameter comment here.
function test1($x) {

 * Variable amount of parameters is allowed with the "..." notation.
 * Example:
 * @code
 *   test_invoke_all('node_view', $node, $view_mode);
 * @endcode
 * @param string $hook
 *   The name of the hook to invoke.
 * @param ...
 *   Arguments to pass to the hook.
function test_invoke_all($hook) {

// Test string concatenation.
$x = 'This string is very long and thus it can and should be concatenated.' . 'Othverwise the string will be very hard to maintain and or read';
$x = 'This string should be concatenated. Even if it is just a little bit ' . 'longer';
$x = 1 + 1 + 1 + 1 + 1 + 1 + 1 + 1 + 1 + 1 + 1 + 1 . 'This is initially ' . 'short but since it has a lot of code before the real text it can be ' . 'concatenated';

// Requiring files conditionally is allowed.
if ($a == TRUE) {
  require_once 'good.tpl.php';

 * This is not an implementation of hook_foobar().
function hook_foobar() {

 * Implements hook_foo().
 * @link Some long documentation link @endlink
function mymodule_foo() {

 * Implements hook_foo_BAR_ID_bar() for some_type_bar().
function mymodule_foo_some_type_bar() {

 * Implements hook_foo_bar() for foo_bar.tpl.php.
function mymodule_foo_bar_phptemplate() {

 * Implements hook_foo_bar() for foo-bar.html.twig.
function mymodule_foo_bar_twig() {

 * Implements drush_hook_foo_bar().
function drush_mymodule_foo_bar() {

 * Not documenting all parameters is allowed.
 * @param Node $node
 *   The loaded node entity that we will use to do whatever.
function mymodule_form_callback($form, &$form_state, Node $node) {
$x = 'Some markup text<br />';

// Inline if statements with ?: are allowed.
$x = $y == $z ? 23 : 42;

// Standard watchdog message.
watchdog('mymodule', 'Log message here.');

// For assigning by reference it is allowed that there is no space after the
// "=" oeprator.
$batch =& batch_get();

// Security issue:
preg_match('/.+/i', 'subject');
preg_match('/.+/imsuxADSUXJ', 'subject');
preg_filter('/.+/i', 'replacement', 'subject');
preg_replace('/.+/i', 'replacement', 'subject');

// Use a not so common delimiter.
preg_match('@.+@i', 'subject');
preg_match('@.+@imsuxADSUXJ', 'subject');
preg_filter('@.+@i', 'replacement', 'subject');
preg_replace('@.+@i', 'replacement', 'subject');
preg_match("/test(\\d+)/is", 'subject');
interface MyWellNamedInterface {


// Correctly formed try/catch block.
try {
} catch (Exception $e) {
$result = $x ?: FALSE;
class Foo implements FooInterface {

   * {@inheritdoc}
  public function test() {

   * {@inheritdoc}
   * Some additional documentation here.
  public function test2() {

   * Return docs are allowed to use $this.
   * @return $this
   *   This object for chaining method calls.
  public function test3() {
    return $this;

   * Returns the string representatuion of this object.
  public function __toString() {
    return 'foo';

t('Some long mulit-line 
  text is weird, but allowed.');
l("<i class='icon icon-industrial-building'></i>", 'node/add/job', array(
  'attributes' => array(
    'title' => t('add job'),
  'html' => TRUE,
$x = 'Some markup text with allowed HTML5 <br> tag';


Namesort descending Description
drush_mymodule_foo_bar Implements drush_hook_foo_bar().
foo Allowed switch() statement in a function without breaks.
foo_bar Short description.
hook_foobar This is not an implementation of hook_foobar().
mymodule_foo Implements hook_foo().
mymodule_foo_bar_phptemplate Implements hook_foo_bar() for foo_bar.tpl.php.
mymodule_foo_bar_twig Implements hook_foo_bar() for foo-bar.html.twig.
mymodule_foo_some_type_bar Implements hook_foo_BAR_ID_bar() for some_type_bar().
mymodule_form_callback Not documenting all parameters is allowed.
test1 Doc block with some code tags.
test3 Example of chained method invocations in a function.
test_invoke_all Variable amount of parameters is allowed with the "..." notation.
test_test2 Nice allignment in functions.
_private_foo Enter description here ...


Namesort descending Description
FOO_BAR Doxygen comment style is allowed before define() statements.


Namesort descending Description


Namesort descending Description
Bar Class declaration
