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Project.php in Coder 8.2




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 * \DrupalPractice\Project
 * @category PHP
 * @package  PHP_CodeSniffer
 * @link
namespace DrupalPractice;

use PHP_CodeSniffer\Files\File;
use Drupal\Sniffs\InfoFiles\ClassFilesSniff;
use Symfony\Component\Yaml\Yaml;

 * Helper class to retrieve project information like module/theme name for a file.
 * @category PHP
 * @package  PHP_CodeSniffer
 * @link
class Project {

   * Determines the project short name a file might be associated with.
   * @param \PHP_CodeSniffer\Files\File $phpcsFile The file being scanned.
   * @return string|false Returns the project machine name or false if it could not
   *   be derived.
  public static function getName(File $phpcsFile) {

    // Cache the project name per file as this might get called often.
    static $cache;
    if (isset($cache[$phpcsFile
      ->getFilename()]) === true) {
      return $cache[$phpcsFile
    $pathParts = pathinfo($phpcsFile

    // Module and install files are easy: they contain the project name in the
    // file name.
    if (isset($pathParts['extension']) === true && ($pathParts['extension'] === 'module' || $pathParts['extension'] === 'install')) {
        ->getFilename()] = $pathParts['filename'];
      return $pathParts['filename'];
    $infoFile = static::getInfoFile($phpcsFile);
    if ($infoFile === false) {
      return false;
    $pathParts = pathinfo($infoFile);
      ->getFilename()] = $pathParts['filename'];
    return $pathParts['filename'];

  //end getName()

   * Determines the info file a file might be associated with.
   * @param \PHP_CodeSniffer\Files\File $phpcsFile The file being scanned.
   * @return string|false The project info file name or false if it could not
   *   be derived.
  public static function getInfoFile(File $phpcsFile) {

    // Cache the project name per file as this might get called often.
    static $cache;
    if (isset($cache[$phpcsFile
      ->getFilename()]) === true) {
      return $cache[$phpcsFile
    $pathParts = pathinfo($phpcsFile

    // Search for an info file.
    $dir = $pathParts['dirname'];
    do {
      $infoFiles = glob("{$dir}/*.info.yml");
      if (empty($infoFiles) === true) {
        $infoFiles = glob("{$dir}/*.info");

      // Go one directory up if we do not find an info file here.
      $dir = dirname($dir);
    } while (empty($infoFiles) === true && $dir !== dirname($dir));

    // No info file found, so we give up.
    if (empty($infoFiles) === true) {
        ->getFilename()] = false;
      return false;

    // Sort the info file names and take the shortest info file.
    usort($infoFiles, array(
      __NAMESPACE__ . '\\Project',
    $infoFile = $infoFiles[0];
      ->getFilename()] = $infoFile;
    return $infoFile;

  //end getInfoFile()

   * Determines the *.services.yml file in a module.
   * @param \PHP_CodeSniffer\Files\File $phpcsFile The file being scanned.
   * @return string|false The Services YML file name or false if it could not
   *   be derived.
  public static function getServicesYmlFile(File $phpcsFile) {

    // Cache the services file per file as this might get called often.
    static $cache;
    if (isset($cache[$phpcsFile
      ->getFilename()]) === true) {
      return $cache[$phpcsFile
    $pathParts = pathinfo($phpcsFile

    // Search for an info file.
    $dir = $pathParts['dirname'];
    do {
      $ymlFiles = glob("{$dir}/*.services.yml");

      // Go one directory up if we do not find an info file here.
      $dir = dirname($dir);
    } while (empty($ymlFiles) === true && $dir !== dirname($dir));

    // No YML file found, so we give up.
    if (empty($ymlFiles) === true) {
        ->getFilename()] = false;
      return false;

    // Sort the YML file names and take the shortest info file.
    usort($ymlFiles, array(
      __NAMESPACE__ . '\\Project',
    $ymlFile = $ymlFiles[0];
      ->getFilename()] = $ymlFile;
    return $ymlFile;

  //end getServicesYmlFile()

   * Return true if the given class is a Drupal service registered in *.services.yml.
   * @param \PHP_CodeSniffer\Files\File $phpcsFile The file being scanned.
   * @param int                         $classPtr  The position of the class declaration
   *                                               in the token stack.
   * @return bool
  public static function isServiceClass(File $phpcsFile, $classPtr) {

    // Cache the information per file as this might get called often.
    static $cache;
    if (isset($cache[$phpcsFile
      ->getFilename()]) === true) {
      return $cache[$phpcsFile

    // Get the namespace of the class if there is one.
    $namespacePtr = $phpcsFile
      ->findPrevious(T_NAMESPACE, $classPtr - 1);
    if ($namespacePtr === false) {
        ->getFilename()] = false;
      return false;
    $ymlFile = static::getServicesYmlFile($phpcsFile);
    if ($ymlFile === false) {
        ->getFilename()] = false;
      return false;
    $services = Yaml::parse(file_get_contents($ymlFile));
    if (isset($services['services']) === false) {
        ->getFilename()] = false;
      return false;
    $nsEnd = $phpcsFile
    ], $namespacePtr + 1, null, true);
    $namespace = trim($phpcsFile
      ->getTokensAsString($namespacePtr + 1, $nsEnd - $namespacePtr - 1));
    $classNameSpaced = ltrim($namespace . '\\' . $phpcsFile
      ->getDeclarationName($classPtr), '\\');
    foreach ($services['services'] as $service) {
      if (isset($service['class']) === true && $classNameSpaced === ltrim($service['class'], '\\')) {
          ->getFilename()] = true;
        return true;
    return false;

  //end isServiceClass()

   * Helper method to sort array values by string length with usort().
   * @param string $a First string.
   * @param string $b Second string.
   * @return int
  public static function compareLength($a, $b) {
    return strlen($a) - strlen($b);

  //end compareLength()

   * Determines the Drupal core version a file might be associated with.
   * @param \PHP_CodeSniffer\Files\File $phpcsFile The file being scanned.
   * @return string|false The core version string or false if it could not
   *   be derived.
  public static function getCoreVersion(File $phpcsFile) {
    $infoFile = static::getInfoFile($phpcsFile);
    if ($infoFile === false) {
      return false;
    $pathParts = pathinfo($infoFile);

    // Drupal 6 and 7 use the .info file extension.
    if ($pathParts['extension'] === 'info') {
      $info_settings = ClassFilesSniff::drupalParseInfoFormat(file_get_contents($infoFile));
      if (isset($info_settings['core']) === true) {
        return $info_settings['core'];
    else {

      // Drupal 8 uses the .yml file extension.
      // @todo Revisit for Drupal 9, but I don't want to do YAML parsing
      // for now.
      return '8.x';


//end class


Namesort descending Description
Project Helper class to retrieve project information like module/theme name for a file.