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bad.php in Coder 8.2


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#Discouraged comment style

//Inline comments need to be prefixed by a space after the //.

// But there should be only one space.
//  Not more.
// Now follows a list:
// - item 1
//    wrong indentation level here.
// - now follows a sub-list:
//    - should be only 2 additional spaces.
//   - this one is correct.
// Blank comments are not allowed outside of a comment block.
// PHP Constants should be written in CAPITAL letters

// Comments should be on a separate line.

//   Comment indented too far.

// Missing spaces
if (TRUE) {
if (TRUE) {
if (TRUE) {
define('C_TEST', 1);

// The global keyword must be all lower case.
// Custom global variables must be prefixed with an underscore.
global $myvar, $user;

// Has whitespace at the end of the line.
$whitespaces = 'Yes, Please';

// Operators - must have a space before and after
$i = 0;
$i += 0;
$i -= 0;
$i == 0;
$i === 0;
$i !== 0;
$i != 0;
$i > 0;
$i < 0;
$i >= 0;
$i <= 0;
$i = 0;
$i += 0;
$i -= 0;
$i == 0;
$i === 0;
$i !== 0;
$i != 0;
$i > 0;
$i < 0;
$i >= 0;
$i <= 0;
$i = 0;
$i += 0;
$i -= 0;
$i == 0;
$i == 0;
$i != 0;
$i > 0;
$i < 0;
$i >= 0;
$i <= 0;
$i += 0;
$i -= 0;
$i == 0;
$i === 0;
$i !== 0;
$i != 0;
$i > 0;
$i < 0;
$i >= 0;
$i <= 0;
$i = 0;
$i += 0;
$i -= 0;
$i == 0;
$i === 0;
$i !== 0;
$i != 0;
$i > 0;
$i < 0;
$i >= 0;
$i <= 0;

// Arihtmetic operators, too.
$i = 1 + 1;
$i = 1 - 1;
$i = 1 / 2;
$i = 1 * 1;

// Unary operators must not have a space
$i = -1;
$i = +1;
$i = -1;
$i = +1;
  'i' => -1,
  'i' => +1,
$i = 1 == -1;
$i = 1 === -1;
$i = 1 == +1;
$i = 1 === +1;
range(-50, -45);
range(-50, -45);
$i[0] + 1;
$x->{$i} + 1;
!($x + $y);

// Casting must have one space
(int) $i;
(int) $i;

// Last item of a multiline array has to be followed by a
// comma. On inline arrays not!
$a = array(
$a = array(
$a = array(
$a = array(
$a = array(
$a = array(
$a = array(
$a = array(

// Missing comma on the last item.
$field = array(
  'field_name' => 'test_text',
  'type' => 'text',

// Array white space style.
$a = array(
$a = array(
$a = array(
$a = array(

// Wrong usage of array keyword.
$a = array(
$a = array(

// Array indentation error.
$a = array(
  'x' => 'y',

// Single line array declaration is too long.
$page_options = array(
  'home' => t('Front Page'),
  'all' => t('All Pages'),
  'list' => t('List Pages'),

// Item assignment operators must be prefixed and followed by a space
$a = array(
  'one' => '1',
$a = array(
  'one' => '1',
$a = array(
  'one' => '1',
foreach ($a as $key => $value) {
foreach ($a as $key => $value) {
foreach ($a as $key => $value) {

// "as" keyword must be lower case.
foreach ($a as $key => $value) {

// elseif and else must have a newline after the curly braces of the former condition
if (TRUE || TRUE) {
elseif (TRUE && TRUE) {
else {

// elseif and else must have a newline after the curly braces of the former condition
if (TRUE || TRUE) {
elseif (TRUE && TRUE) {
else {

// If conditions have a space before and after the condition parenthesis
if (TRUE || TRUE) {
elseif (TRUE && TRUE) {
else {

// else if is not allowed
if (TRUE) {
else {
  if (TRUE) {

// White spaces before and after the condition are not allowed.
if (TRUE) {
elseif (TRUE) {

// Break has to be intended 2 spaces
switch ($condition) {
  case 1:
  case 2:

// Missing Spaces
switch ($condition) {
switch ($condition) {
switch ($condition) {

// Missing space after "do".
do {
} while ($condition);

// Missing space before "while".
do {
} while ($condition);

// Missing space after "while".
do {
} while ($condition);

// For loop formatting.
// For loop formatting.
for ($i = 0; $i < 5; $i++) {
for ($i = 0; $i < 5; $i++) {
for ($i = 0; $i < 5; $i++) {
for ($i = 0; $i < 5; $i++) {
for ($i = 0; $i < 5; $i++) {

// Control structure keywords must be lower case.
if (TRUE) {
  foreach ($a as $key => $value) {
    try {
    } catch (Exception $e) {

 * Short description
 * We use doxygen style comments.
 * What's sad because eclipse PDT and
 * PEAR CodeSniffer base on phpDoc comment style.
 * Makes working with drupal not easier :|
 * @param $field1
 *  Doxygen style comments
 * @param $field2
 *  Doxygen style comments
 * @param $field3
 *  Doxygen style comments
 * @return
 *  Doxygen style comments
function foo($field1, $field2, $field3 = NULL) {
  $system["description"] = t("This module inserts funny text into posts randomly.");

   * Inline doc blocks are not allowed.
  return $system[$field];

 * use a single space between the closing parenthesis and the open bracket
function foo() {

 * use a single space between the closing parenthesis and the open bracket
function foo() {

// There has to be a space betrween the comma and the next argument
$var = foo($i, $i);

// Multiline function call - all the parameters have to be on the next line
// I don't thing that this rule is strictly followed...
$var = foo($i, $i, $i);

// Multiline function call - closing parenthesis has to be on a own line
$var = foo($i, $i, $i);

// Only multiline comments with /** should be used to comment classes
// Curly brace has to be on the same line
class Bar {

  // Private properties must not have a prefix
  private $_secret = 1;

  // Public properties must not have a prefix
  protected $_foo = 1;

  // Public properties must not have a prefix
  public $_bar = 1;

  // Public static variables use camelCase.
  public static $base_path = NULL;

  // "var" keyword must no be used.
  var $x = 5;


// Comments must have content ;) and there must be a space after the class name

class FooBar {


// When calling class constructors with no arguments, always include parentheses:
$bar = new Bar();

// Check for spaces between classname and opening parenthesis
$bar = new Bar();

// Check argument formating
$bar = new Bar($i, $i);

// Concatenation - there has to be a space
$i . "test";
$i . 'test';
$i . $i;
$i . C_TEST;
$i . "test";
$i . 'test';
$i . $i;
$i . C_TEST;
$i . "test";
$i . 'test';
$i . $i;
$i . C_TEST;

class FunctionTest {
  public function _foo() {
  protected function _bar() {

   * Asterisks of this comment are wrong.
  private function foobar() {

interface startsLowerInterface {

class Uses_UnderScores {

function _refix() {

// Usage of t() - there should be no escaping.
t('She\'s a good person.');
t("This is a \"fancy\" string.");

// Concatenation of strings is bad in t().
t('Your user name: ' . $user_name);

// Empty t() calls are not allowed.

// The masage must not begin or end with white spaces.
$text = t('Number of attempts: ') . $number;

// require_once should be a statement.
require_once 'somefile.php';

 * Wrong comment style
function test1() {

function test2() {

 * Implementation of hook_menu().
function mymodule_menu() {
  return array();

 * Implements of hook_boing().
function mymodule_boing() {
  return array();

 * Implementation hook_foo_BAR_ID_bar() for some_type_bar().
 * Extended "Implements" syntax for hooks.
function mymodule_foo_some_type_bar() {

 * Implements hook_test_info().
 * @param int $param
 *   Duplicated documentation which should be on the hook definition only.
function mymodule_test_info($param) {

 * Implements hook_test2_info().
 * @return int
 *   Duplicated documentation which should be on the hook definition only.
function mymodule_test2_info($param) {

 * Extra newline above is not allowed.
function test3() {

 * Extra newlines between function descriptions are not allowed.
 * More description here ...
function test4() {

 * There must be a new line before tags.
 * @param int $x
 *   A number.
function test5($x) {

 * Throws tag must have an Exception name.
 * @throws
function test6() {

 * Return tag must not be empty.
 * @return
function test7() {

 * Param tags must come first.
 * @return array()
 * @param int $x
 *   A number.
function test8($x) {

 * Last Param tag must be followed by a new line.
 * @param int $x
 *   A number.
 * @param int $y
 *   Another number.
 * @return bool
function test9($x, $y) {

 * Only one space before param type and return type.
 * @param  array $x
 *   Shiny array.
 * @return   int
 *   Some number.
function test10($x) {

 * Documented params do not match.
 * @param bool $foobar
 *   Wrong name.
 * @param bool $Y
 *   Wrong case.
 * @param $z
 *   Missing type.
 * @param int
 * @param string $a Comment should be on a new line.
 * @param string $non_existent
 *   Parameter does not exist.
 * @return bool This description should be on the next line.
 * @see  Too much space here
 * @see my_function().
 * @see foo_bar() and here some not allowed text.
function test11($x, $y, $z, $a, $b) {

 * Referenced variables should not contain the & in the docblock.
 * @param int &$x
 *   Refrenced variable.
function test12(&$x, &$y) {

* Malformed doxygen asterisks.
*@return array
function test13() {

 * There should be no empty line between doc block and function.
function test14() {

 * Return data type documentation must not be the variable name.
 * @return $foo
 *   Description bla.
function test15() {
  $foo = TRUE;
  return $foo;

/** This line should not be used.
function test16() {

 * Invalid data types.
 * @param type $x
 *   Description here.
 * @param boolean $y
 *   Description here.
 * @return unknown_type
 *   Description here.
function test17($x, $y) {

 * Too much space after the function keyword.
function test18() {

 * Space before opening parenthesis is not allowed.
function test19() {

 * There should be a space after the comma.
function test20($a, $b) {

 * Some indentation errors.
function test21() {
  if (TRUE) {

  // Too far left.
  $x = 1 + 1;

 * Function parameters must be all lower case.
function test22function($Fullname) {

// Test string concatenation.
$x = 'This string is to short to be' . 'concatenated';

// Object operator spacing is not allowed.
$z = $foo->x;
$z = $foo->x;
$z = $foo->x;

// strings in l() should be translated.
$x = l('Link text', '<front>');
$x = 'Some markup text with allowed HTML5 <br> tag';

// Inline if statements with ? and wrong spacing.
$x = $y == $z ? 23 : 42;
$x = $y == $z ? 23 : 42;
$x = $y == $z ? 23 : 42;
$x = $y == $z ? 23 : 42;

// Inline if statements with : and wrong spacing.
$x = $y == $z ? 23 : 42;
$x = $y == $z ? 23 : 42;
$x = $y == $z ? 23 : 42;
$x = $y == $z ? 23 : 42;
$x = $y == $z ? 23 : 'foo';
$x = $y == $z ?: 42;

// Watchdog messages should not use t().
watchdog('mymodule', t('Log message here.'));

// Inline control structures are bad.
if ($x == $y) {
  $x = 42;

// isset() must be all lower case.
if (isset($x)) {

 * Comment should end with '*', not '**' before the slash.
function test23() {

 *  Comment has 2 spaces at the beginning.
function test24() {

 * Wrong tag indentation.
 *  @return bool
 *   Description.
function test25() {
  return TRUE;

 * Void returns are not allowed.
 * @return void
 *   Description.
function test26() {

 * Debugging functions are discouraged.
function test27() {
  $var = array(
class FooBar2 {

   * Function body should be on a line by itself, same for the closing brace.
  public function test26() {
    print 'x';


// Security issue:
preg_match('/.+/e', 'subject');
preg_match('/.+/iemesuexADSUeXJ', 'subject');
preg_filter('/.+/imsuexADSUXJ', 'replacement', 'subject');
preg_replace('/.+/imsuxADSUeXJ', 'replacement', 'subject');

// Use a not so common delimiter.
preg_match('@.+@e', 'subject');
preg_match('@.+@iemesuexADSUeXJ', 'subject');
preg_filter('@.+@imsuexADSUXJ', 'replacement', 'subject');
preg_replace('@.+@imsuxADSUeXJ', 'replacement', 'subject');
interface notA_GoodInterfaceName {


// The catch statement must be on a new line.
try {
} catch (Exception $e) {

// Function name aliases should not be used.
$x = join($glue, $pieces);

// Empty strings passed to t() are wrong.

 * Doc comment with a white space at the end. 
function test28() {


Namesort descending Description
foo Short description
mymodule_boing Implements of hook_boing().
mymodule_foo_some_type_bar Implementation hook_foo_BAR_ID_bar() for some_type_bar().
mymodule_menu Implementation of hook_menu().
mymodule_test2_info Implements hook_test2_info().
mymodule_test_info Implements hook_test_info().
test10 Only one space before param type and return type.
test11 Documented params do not match.
test12 Referenced variables should not contain the & in the docblock.
test13 Malformed doxygen asterisks.
test14 There should be no empty line between doc block and function.
test15 Return data type documentation must not be the variable name.
test16 This line should not be used.
test17 Invalid data types.
test18 Too much space after the function keyword.
test19 Space before opening parenthesis is not allowed.
test20 There should be a space after the comma.
test21 Some indentation errors.
test22function Function parameters must be all lower case.
test23 Comment should end with '*', not '**' before the slash.
test24 Comment has 2 spaces at the beginning.
test25 Wrong tag indentation.
test26 Void returns are not allowed.
test27 Debugging functions are discouraged.
test28 Doc comment with a white space at the end.
test3 Extra newline above is not allowed.
test4 Extra newlines between function descriptions are not allowed.
test5 There must be a new line before tags.
test6 Throws tag must have an Exception name.
test7 Return tag must not be empty.
test8 Param tags must come first.
test9 Last Param tag must be followed by a new line.


Namesort descending Description


Namesort descending Description

