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Some function comment tests.


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 * @file
 * Some function comment tests.

 * Test.
 * @param string $x
 *   Comment does not end with full stop
 * @param string $y
 *   comment does not start with a capital letter.
function foo($x, $y) {

 * Missing exception description in the throws tag, which is OK.
 * @throws \Drupal\locale\StringStorageException
function test1() {

 * Wrong indentation of description for the throws tag.
 * @throws \Drupal\locale\StringStorageException
 *  Description here.
function test2() {

 * Description for the throws tag does not start with capital letter.
 * @throws \Drupal\locale\StringStorageException
 *   description here.
function test3() {

 * Description for the throws tag does not end with a dot.
 * @throws \Drupal\locale\StringStorageException
 *   Description here
function test4() {

 * Description for the throws tag must be on the next line.
 * @throws \Drupal\locale\StringStorageException Description here.
function test5() {

 * Some description.
 * @param string $foo
 *   Some parameter that does not exist.
function test6() {
function test7() {

  // Missing function doc here.

 * Test methods.
class Test {
  public function undocumented() {

  // This should be a doc comment.
  public function wrong() {


 * Some comment.
 * @param int $x Description should be on the next line.
function test8($x) {

 * Default implementation of a menu item (without a page or form controller).
 * UML:
 * @link DefaultMenuItem @endlink.
 * @param integer $foo
 *   Test.
function test9($foo) {

 * Default implementation of a menu item (without a page or form controller).
 * UML:
 * @link DefaultMenuItem @endlink.
 * @param integer $foo Test.
function test10($foo) {

 * A function may throw multiple exceptions.
 * @throws \Exception
 *   Thrown when something bad happens.
 * @throws \InvalidArgumentException
 *   Thrown when an argument is invalid.
function test11() {

 * Update or set users expiration time
 * @param object $user
 * @param int $timespan (seconds)
function test12($user, $timespan) {

 * Update or set users expiration time.
 * @param object $user
 *   Object type hint in comment without real type hint is allowed.
function test13($user) {

 * Update or set users expiration time.
 * @param object $user
 *   Object stdClass type hint is allowed for object.
function test14(stdClass $user) {

 * Array parameter type mismatch.
 * @param array $foo
 *   Comment here.
function test15(Test $foo) {

 * This should be converted into a doc comment.
function test16() {

 * Return comment indentation should be three spaces.
 * @return string
 * This is not indented correctly.
function test17() {
  return '1';

 * Return comment indentation should be three spaces.
 * @return string
 *This is not indented correctly.
function test18() {
  return '1';

 * Return comment indentation should be three spaces.
 * @return string
 * This is not indented correctly. Continues on the next line because this is a
 * really long sentence.
function test19() {
  return '1';

 * Multiple errors in @param line.
 * @param   string    $arg1 This should be in next line and needs period
function test20($arg1) {

 * Testing fix of incorrect param types.
 * @param Array $arg1
 *   The parameter type is not valid.
 * @param integer|bool $arg2
 *   One of the parameter types listed is not valid.
 * @param integer|boolean|Array $arg3
 *   All of the parameter types listed are not valid.
function test21($arg1, $arg2, $arg3) {

 * Test for allowed param var types.
 * @param array|bool|float|int|mixed|object|string|resource|callable $arg1
 *   All of the above types are valid.
 * @param Array|boolean|integer|str|stdClass|NULL $arg2
 *   All of the above types are invalid.
 * @param array()|Boolean|number|String $arg3
 *   All of the above types are invalid.
 * @param type $arg4
 *   All of the above types are invalid.
 * @param FALSE|TRUE|Int $arg5
 *   All of the above types are invalid.
 * @param Bool|Integer $arg6
 *   All of the above types are invalid.
function test22($arg1, $arg2, $arg3, $arg4, $arg5, $arg6) {

 * Void returns allowed when null is given in @return.
 * When null is a potential return value it should be allowed to have return
 * statements with void return as well.
 * @return bool|null
 *   This implies that the return value can be NULL, a boolean, or empty.
function test23() {
  if (1 == 2) {
  return TRUE;

 * Even when null is given in @return there must be at least 1 valid return.
 * When null is a potential return value it should be allowed to have return
 * statements with void return. This does not mean that all returns can be void.
 * There must be at least one non-void return.
 * @return bool|null
 *   This implies that the return value can be NULL, a boolean, or empty.
function test24() {
  if (1 == 2) {

 * The shorthand array syntax should not be used as a return type.
 * @return []
 *   The array.
function test25() {
  return [];

 * Type declarations should not have any illegal characters.
 * @param \Ille*al $var
 *   This asterisk does not belong here.
 * @return \Some/Namespace
 *   This should not have a forward slash.
function test26($var) {
  return '';

 * Data types with spaces.
 * @param string or int $x
 *   Data types should not contain spaces.
 * @return int or bool
 *   Same spaces in data type here.
function test27($x) {
  return 0;

 * Return docs should not contain variable names.
 * @return string $profile
 *   The profile.
function test28() {
  $profile = 'x';
  return $profile;

 * Not fixable return comment.
 * @return string $profile more confusing text here.
 *   The profile.
function test29() {
  $profile = 'x';
  return $profile;

 * Indentation of param comment is wrong.
 * @param string $xml_response
 *    String returned from CreateClientProfile.
 * @return mixed
 *    Return fetched bookings or log error.
function test30($xml_response) {

 * Class Test.
class Test2 extends AbstractTest {

   * Run method with missing described variable.
   * @param \stdClass $start
   *   Start point.
   * @return bool
   *   Result.
  public function run(\stdClass $start, \stdClass $stop) {
    return TRUE;


 * Comment of param is just one word, which means it is the data type.
 * @param $a array
 * @param $b array
function test31($a, $b) {
class PostcodeAnywhere_Interactive_Find {
  private $UserName;

  //The username associated with the Royal Mail license (not required for click licenses).
  private $Data;

  //Holds the results of the query
  function PostcodeAnywhere_Interactive_Find($Key, $SearchTerm, $PreferredLanguage, $Filter, $UserName) {
    $this->Key = $Key;
    $this->SearchTerm = $SearchTerm;
    $this->PreferredLanguage = $PreferredLanguage;
    $this->Filter = $Filter;
    $this->UserName = $UserName;


 * There should be no dots.
 * @param string $a.
 *   Some comment.
 * @param string $b.
 *   Another comment.
function test32($a, $b) {

 * There should be no dots and comments should be on the next line.
 * @param string $a. Some comment.
 * @param string $b. Another comment.
function test33($a, $b) {


Namesort descending Description
foo Test.
test1 Missing exception description in the throws tag, which is OK.
test10 Default implementation of a menu item (without a page or form controller).
test11 A function may throw multiple exceptions.
test12 Update or set users expiration time
test13 Update or set users expiration time.
test14 Update or set users expiration time.
test15 Array parameter type mismatch.
test17 Return comment indentation should be three spaces.
test18 Return comment indentation should be three spaces.
test19 Return comment indentation should be three spaces.
test2 Wrong indentation of description for the throws tag.
test20 Multiple errors in
test21 Testing fix of incorrect param types.
test22 Test for allowed param var types.
test23 Void returns allowed when null is given in @return.
test24 Even when null is given in
test25 The shorthand array syntax should not be used as a return type.
test26 Type declarations should not have any illegal characters.
test27 Data types with spaces.
test28 Return docs should not contain variable names.
test29 Not fixable return comment.
test3 Description for the throws tag does not start with capital letter.
test30 Indentation of param comment is wrong.
test31 Comment of param is just one word, which means it is the data type.
test32 There should be no dots.
test33 There should be no dots and comments should be on the next line.
test4 Description for the throws tag does not end with a dot.
test5 Description for the throws tag must be on the next line.
test6 Some description.
test8 Some comment.
test9 Default implementation of a menu item (without a page or form controller).


Namesort descending Description
Test Test methods.
Test2 Class Test.