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ScopeIndentSniff.php in Coder 8.2


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 * \Drupal\Sniffs\WhiteSpace\ScopeIndentSniff.
 * @category PHP
 * @package  PHP_CodeSniffer
 * @link
namespace Drupal\Sniffs\WhiteSpace;

use PHP_CodeSniffer\Files\File;
use PHP_CodeSniffer\Sniffs\Sniff;
use PHP_CodeSniffer\Config;
use PHP_CodeSniffer\Util\Tokens;

 * Largely copied from
 * \PHP_CodeSniffer\Standards\Generic\Sniffs\WhiteSpace\ScopeIndentSniff,
 * modified to make the exact mode working with comments and multi line
 * statements.
 * Checks that control structures are structured correctly, and their content
 * is indented correctly. This sniff will throw errors if tabs are used
 * for indentation rather than spaces.
 * @category PHP
 * @package  PHP_CodeSniffer
 * @link
class ScopeIndentSniff implements Sniff {

   * A list of tokenizers this sniff supports.
   * @var array
  public $supportedTokenizers = array(

   * The number of spaces code should be indented.
   * @var int
  public $indent = 2;

   * Does the indent need to be exactly right?
   * If TRUE, indent needs to be exactly $indent spaces. If FALSE,
   * indent needs to be at least $indent spaces (but can be more).
   * @var bool
  public $exact = true;

   * Should tabs be used for indenting?
   * If TRUE, fixes will be made using tabs instead of spaces.
   * The size of each tab is important, so it should be specified
   * using the --tab-width CLI argument.
   * @var bool
  public $tabIndent = false;

   * The --tab-width CLI value that is being used.
   * @var int
  private $_tabWidth = null;

   * List of tokens not needing to be checked for indentation.
   * Useful to allow Sniffs based on this to easily ignore/skip some
   * tokens from verification. For example, inline HTML sections
   * or PHP open/close tags can escape from here and have their own
   * rules elsewhere.
   * @var int[]
  public $ignoreIndentationTokens = array();

   * List of tokens not needing to be checked for indentation.
   * This is a cached copy of the public version of this var, which
   * can be set in a ruleset file, and some core ignored tokens.
   * @var int[]
  private $_ignoreIndentationTokens = array();

   * Any scope openers that should not cause an indent.
   * @var int[]
  protected $nonIndentingScopes = array();

   * Show debug output for this sniff.
   * @var bool
  private $_debug = false;

   * Returns an array of tokens this test wants to listen for.
   * @return array
  public function register() {
    if (defined('PHP_CODESNIFFER_IN_TESTS') === true) {
      $this->_debug = false;
    return array(

  //end register()

   * Processes this test, when one of its tokens is encountered.
   * @param \PHP_CodeSniffer\Files\File $phpcsFile All the tokens found in the document.
   * @param int                         $stackPtr  The position of the current token
   *                                               in the stack passed in $tokens.
   * @return void
  public function process(File $phpcsFile, $stackPtr) {
    $debug = Config::getConfigData('scope_indent_debug');
    if ($debug !== null) {
      $this->_debug = (bool) $debug;
    if ($this->_tabWidth === null) {
      $config = $phpcsFile->config;
      if (isset($config->tabWidth) === false || $config->tabWidth === 0) {

        // We have no idea how wide tabs are, so assume 4 spaces for fixing.
        // It shouldn't really matter because indent checks elsewhere in the
        // standard should fix things up.
        $this->_tabWidth = 4;
      else {
        $this->_tabWidth = $config->tabWidth;
    $currentIndent = 0;
    $lastOpenTag = $stackPtr;
    $lastCloseTag = null;
    $openScopes = array();
    $adjustments = array();
    $setIndents = array();
    $tokens = $phpcsFile
    $first = $phpcsFile
      ->findFirstOnLine(T_INLINE_HTML, $stackPtr);
    $trimmed = ltrim($tokens[$first]['content']);
    if ($trimmed === '') {
      $currentIndent = $tokens[$stackPtr]['column'] - 1;
    else {
      $currentIndent = strlen($tokens[$first]['content']) - strlen($trimmed);
    if ($this->_debug === true) {
      $line = $tokens[$stackPtr]['line'];
      echo "Start with token {$stackPtr} on line {$line} with indent {$currentIndent}" . PHP_EOL;
    if (empty($this->_ignoreIndentationTokens) === true) {
      $this->_ignoreIndentationTokens = array(
        T_INLINE_HTML => true,
      foreach ($this->ignoreIndentationTokens as $token) {
        if (is_int($token) === false) {
          if (defined($token) === false) {
          $token = constant($token);
        $this->_ignoreIndentationTokens[$token] = true;

    //end if
    $this->exact = (bool) $this->exact;
    $this->tabIndent = (bool) $this->tabIndent;
    for ($i = $stackPtr + 1; $i < $phpcsFile->numTokens; $i++) {
      if ($i === false) {

        // Something has gone very wrong; maybe a parse error.
      $checkToken = null;
      $checkIndent = null;
      $exact = (bool) $this->exact;
      if ($exact === true && isset($tokens[$i]['nested_parenthesis']) === true) {

        // Don't check indents exactly between parenthesis as they
        // tend to have custom rules, such as with multi-line function calls
        // and control structure conditions.
        $exact = false;

      // Detect line changes and figure out where the indent is.
      if ($tokens[$i]['column'] === 1) {
        $trimmed = ltrim($tokens[$i]['content']);
        if ($trimmed === '') {
          if (isset($tokens[$i + 1]) === true && $tokens[$i]['line'] === $tokens[$i + 1]['line']) {
            $checkToken = $i + 1;
            $tokenIndent = $tokens[$i + 1]['column'] - 1;
        else {
          $checkToken = $i;
          $tokenIndent = strlen($tokens[$i]['content']) - strlen($trimmed);

      // Closing parenthesis should just be indented to at least
      // the same level as where they were opened (but can be more).
      if ($checkToken !== null && $tokens[$checkToken]['code'] === T_CLOSE_PARENTHESIS && isset($tokens[$checkToken]['parenthesis_opener']) === true || $tokens[$i]['code'] === T_CLOSE_PARENTHESIS && isset($tokens[$i]['parenthesis_opener']) === true) {
        if ($checkToken !== null) {
          $parenCloser = $checkToken;
        else {
          $parenCloser = $i;
        if ($this->_debug === true) {
          $line = $tokens[$i]['line'];
          echo "Closing parenthesis found on line {$line}" . PHP_EOL;
        $parenOpener = $tokens[$parenCloser]['parenthesis_opener'];
        if ($tokens[$parenCloser]['line'] !== $tokens[$parenOpener]['line']) {
          $parens = 0;
          if (isset($tokens[$parenCloser]['nested_parenthesis']) === true && empty($tokens[$parenCloser]['nested_parenthesis']) === false) {
            $parens = key($tokens[$parenCloser]['nested_parenthesis']);
            if ($this->_debug === true) {
              $line = $tokens[$parens]['line'];
              echo "\t* token has nested parenthesis {$parens} on line {$line} *" . PHP_EOL;
          $condition = 0;
          if (isset($tokens[$parenCloser]['conditions']) === true && empty($tokens[$parenCloser]['conditions']) === false) {
            $condition = key($tokens[$parenCloser]['conditions']);
            if ($this->_debug === true) {
              $line = $tokens[$condition]['line'];
              $type = $tokens[$condition]['type'];
              echo "\t* token is inside condition {$condition} ({$type}) on line {$line} *" . PHP_EOL;
          if ($parens > $condition) {
            if ($this->_debug === true) {
              echo "\t* using parenthesis *" . PHP_EOL;
            $parenOpener = $parens;
            $condition = 0;
          else {
            if ($condition > 0) {
              if ($this->_debug === true) {
                echo "\t* using condition *" . PHP_EOL;
              $parenOpener = $condition;
              $parens = 0;
          $exact = false;
          $lastOpenTagConditions = array_keys($tokens[$lastOpenTag]['conditions']);
          $lastOpenTagCondition = array_pop($lastOpenTagConditions);
          if ($condition > 0 && $lastOpenTagCondition === $condition) {
            if ($this->_debug === true) {
              echo "\t* open tag is inside condition; using open tag *" . PHP_EOL;
            $checkIndent = $tokens[$lastOpenTag]['column'] - 1;
            if (isset($adjustments[$condition]) === true) {
              $checkIndent += $adjustments[$condition];
            $currentIndent = $checkIndent;
            if ($this->_debug === true) {
              $type = $tokens[$lastOpenTag]['type'];
              echo "\t=> checking indent of {$checkIndent}; main indent set to {$currentIndent} by token {$lastOpenTag} ({$type})" . PHP_EOL;
          else {
            if ($condition > 0 && isset($tokens[$condition]['scope_opener']) === true && isset($setIndents[$tokens[$condition]['scope_opener']]) === true) {
              $checkIndent = $setIndents[$tokens[$condition]['scope_opener']];
              if (isset($adjustments[$condition]) === true) {
                $checkIndent += $adjustments[$condition];
              $currentIndent = $checkIndent;
              if ($this->_debug === true) {
                $type = $tokens[$condition]['type'];
                echo "\t=> checking indent of {$checkIndent}; main indent set to {$currentIndent} by token {$condition} ({$type})" . PHP_EOL;
            else {
              $first = $phpcsFile
                ->findFirstOnLine(T_WHITESPACE, $parenOpener, true);
              $checkIndent = $tokens[$first]['column'] - 1;
              if (isset($adjustments[$first]) === true) {
                $checkIndent += $adjustments[$first];
              if ($this->_debug === true) {
                $line = $tokens[$first]['line'];
                $type = $tokens[$first]['type'];
                echo "\t* first token on line {$line} is {$first} ({$type}) *" . PHP_EOL;
              if ($first === $tokens[$parenCloser]['parenthesis_opener']) {

                // This is unlikely to be the start of the statement, so look
                // back further to find it.
              $prev = $phpcsFile
                ->findStartOfStatement($first, T_COMMA);
              if ($prev !== $first) {

                // This is not the start of the statement.
                if ($this->_debug === true) {
                  $line = $tokens[$prev]['line'];
                  $type = $tokens[$prev]['type'];
                  echo "\t* previous is {$type} on line {$line} *" . PHP_EOL;
                $first = $phpcsFile
                  ->findFirstOnLine(T_WHITESPACE, $prev, true);
                $prev = $phpcsFile
                  ->findStartOfStatement($first, T_COMMA);
                $first = $phpcsFile
                  ->findFirstOnLine(T_WHITESPACE, $prev, true);
                if ($this->_debug === true) {
                  $line = $tokens[$first]['line'];
                  $type = $tokens[$first]['type'];
                  echo "\t* amended first token is {$first} ({$type}) on line {$line} *" . PHP_EOL;
              if (isset($tokens[$first]['scope_closer']) === true && $tokens[$first]['scope_closer'] === $first) {
                if ($this->_debug === true) {
                  echo "\t* first token is a scope closer *" . PHP_EOL;
                if (isset($tokens[$first]['scope_condition']) === true) {
                  $scopeCloser = $first;
                  $first = $phpcsFile
                    ->findFirstOnLine(T_WHITESPACE, $tokens[$scopeCloser]['scope_condition'], true);
                  $currentIndent = $tokens[$first]['column'] - 1;
                  if (isset($adjustments[$first]) === true) {
                    $currentIndent += $adjustments[$first];

                  // Make sure it is divisible by our expected indent.
                  if ($tokens[$tokens[$scopeCloser]['scope_condition']]['code'] !== T_CLOSURE) {
                    $currentIndent = (int) (ceil($currentIndent / $this->indent) * $this->indent);
                  $setIndents[$first] = $currentIndent;
                  if ($this->_debug === true) {
                    $type = $tokens[$first]['type'];
                    echo "\t=> indent set to {$currentIndent} by token {$first} ({$type})" . PHP_EOL;

                //end if
              else {

                // Don't force current indent to divisible because there could be custom
                // rules in place between parenthesis, such as with arrays.
                $currentIndent = $tokens[$first]['column'] - 1;
                if (isset($adjustments[$first]) === true) {
                  $currentIndent += $adjustments[$first];
                $setIndents[$first] = $currentIndent;
                if ($this->_debug === true) {
                  $type = $tokens[$first]['type'];
                  echo "\t=> checking indent of {$checkIndent}; main indent set to {$currentIndent} by token {$first} ({$type})" . PHP_EOL;

              //end if

          //end if
        else {
          if ($this->_debug === true) {
            echo "\t * ignoring single-line definition *" . PHP_EOL;

        //end if

      //end if

      // Closing short array bracket should just be indented to at least
      // the same level as where it was opened (but can be more).
      if ($tokens[$i]['code'] === T_CLOSE_SHORT_ARRAY || $checkToken !== null && $tokens[$checkToken]['code'] === T_CLOSE_SHORT_ARRAY) {
        if ($checkToken !== null) {
          $arrayCloser = $checkToken;
        else {
          $arrayCloser = $i;
        if ($this->_debug === true) {
          $line = $tokens[$arrayCloser]['line'];
          echo "Closing short array bracket found on line {$line}" . PHP_EOL;
        $arrayOpener = $tokens[$arrayCloser]['bracket_opener'];
        if ($tokens[$arrayCloser]['line'] !== $tokens[$arrayOpener]['line']) {
          $first = $phpcsFile
            ->findFirstOnLine(T_WHITESPACE, $arrayOpener, true);
          $checkIndent = $tokens[$first]['column'] - 1;
          if (isset($adjustments[$first]) === true) {
            $checkIndent += $adjustments[$first];
          $exact = false;
          if ($this->_debug === true) {
            $line = $tokens[$first]['line'];
            $type = $tokens[$first]['type'];
            echo "\t* first token on line {$line} is {$first} ({$type}) *" . PHP_EOL;
          if ($first === $tokens[$arrayCloser]['bracket_opener']) {

            // This is unlikely to be the start of the statement, so look
            // back further to find it.
          $prev = $phpcsFile
            ->findStartOfStatement($first, T_COMMA);
          if ($prev !== $first) {

            // This is not the start of the statement.
            if ($this->_debug === true) {
              $line = $tokens[$prev]['line'];
              $type = $tokens[$prev]['type'];
              echo "\t* previous is {$type} on line {$line} *" . PHP_EOL;
            $first = $phpcsFile
              ->findFirstOnLine(T_WHITESPACE, $prev, true);
            $prev = $phpcsFile
              ->findStartOfStatement($first, T_COMMA);
            $first = $phpcsFile
              ->findFirstOnLine(T_WHITESPACE, $prev, true);
            if ($this->_debug === true) {
              $line = $tokens[$first]['line'];
              $type = $tokens[$first]['type'];
              echo "\t* amended first token is {$first} ({$type}) on line {$line} *" . PHP_EOL;
          if (isset($tokens[$first]['scope_closer']) === true && $tokens[$first]['scope_closer'] === $first) {

            // The first token is a scope closer and would have already
            // been processed and set the indent level correctly, so
            // don't adjust it again.
            if ($this->_debug === true) {
              echo "\t* first token is a scope closer; ignoring closing short array bracket *" . PHP_EOL;
            if (isset($setIndents[$first]) === true) {
              $currentIndent = $setIndents[$first];
              if ($this->_debug === true) {
                echo "\t=> indent reset to {$currentIndent}" . PHP_EOL;
          else {

            // Don't force current indent to be divisible because there could be custom
            // rules in place for arrays.
            $currentIndent = $tokens[$first]['column'] - 1;
            if (isset($adjustments[$first]) === true) {
              $currentIndent += $adjustments[$first];
            $setIndents[$first] = $currentIndent;
            if ($this->_debug === true) {
              $type = $tokens[$first]['type'];
              echo "\t=> checking indent of {$checkIndent}; main indent set to {$currentIndent} by token {$first} ({$type})" . PHP_EOL;

          //end if
        else {
          if ($this->_debug === true) {
            echo "\t * ignoring single-line definition *" . PHP_EOL;

        //end if

      //end if

      // Adjust lines within scopes while auto-fixing.
      if ($checkToken !== null && $exact === false && (empty($tokens[$checkToken]['conditions']) === false || isset($tokens[$checkToken]['scope_opener']) === true && $tokens[$checkToken]['scope_opener'] === $checkToken)) {
        if (empty($tokens[$checkToken]['conditions']) === false) {
          $condition = key($tokens[$checkToken]['conditions']);
        else {
          $condition = $tokens[$checkToken]['scope_condition'];
        $first = $phpcsFile
          ->findFirstOnLine(T_WHITESPACE, $condition, true);
        if (isset($adjustments[$first]) === true && ($adjustments[$first] < 0 && $tokenIndent > $currentIndent || $adjustments[$first] > 0 && $tokenIndent < $currentIndent)) {
          $padding = $tokenIndent + $adjustments[$first];
          if ($padding > 0) {
            if ($this->tabIndent === true) {
              $numTabs = floor($padding / $this->_tabWidth);
              $numSpaces = $padding - $numTabs * $this->_tabWidth;
              $padding = str_repeat("\t", $numTabs) . str_repeat(' ', $numSpaces);
            else {
              $padding = str_repeat(' ', $padding);
          else {
            $padding = '';
          if ($checkToken === $i) {
              ->replaceToken($checkToken, $padding . $trimmed);
          else {

            // Easier to just replace the entire indent.
              ->replaceToken($checkToken - 1, $padding);
          if ($this->_debug === true) {
            $length = strlen($padding);
            $line = $tokens[$checkToken]['line'];
            $type = $tokens[$checkToken]['type'];
            echo "Indent adjusted to {$length} for {$type} on line {$line}" . PHP_EOL;
          $adjustments[$checkToken] = $adjustments[$first];
          if ($this->_debug === true) {
            $line = $tokens[$checkToken]['line'];
            $type = $tokens[$checkToken]['type'];
            echo "\t=> Add adjustment of " . $adjustments[$checkToken] . " for token {$checkToken} ({$type}) on line {$line}" . PHP_EOL;

        //end if

      //end if

      // Scope closers reset the required indent to the same level as the opening condition.
      if ($checkToken !== null && isset($openScopes[$checkToken]) === true || isset($tokens[$checkToken]['scope_condition']) === true && isset($tokens[$checkToken]['scope_closer']) === true && $tokens[$checkToken]['scope_closer'] === $checkToken && $tokens[$checkToken]['line'] !== $tokens[$tokens[$checkToken]['scope_opener']]['line'] || ($checkToken === null && isset($openScopes[$i]) === true || isset($tokens[$i]['scope_condition']) === true && isset($tokens[$i]['scope_closer']) === true && $tokens[$i]['scope_closer'] === $i && $tokens[$i]['line'] !== $tokens[$tokens[$i]['scope_opener']]['line'])) {
        if ($this->_debug === true) {
          if ($checkToken === null) {
            $type = $tokens[$tokens[$i]['scope_condition']]['type'];
            $line = $tokens[$i]['line'];
          else {
            $type = $tokens[$tokens[$checkToken]['scope_condition']]['type'];
            $line = $tokens[$checkToken]['line'];
          echo "Close scope ({$type}) on line {$line}" . PHP_EOL;
        $scopeCloser = $checkToken;
        if ($scopeCloser === null) {
          $scopeCloser = $i;
        else {
        if (isset($tokens[$scopeCloser]['scope_condition']) === true) {
          $first = $phpcsFile
            ->findFirstOnLine(T_WHITESPACE, $tokens[$scopeCloser]['scope_condition'], true);
          $currentIndent = $tokens[$first]['column'] - 1;
          if (isset($adjustments[$first]) === true) {
            $currentIndent += $adjustments[$first];

          // Make sure it is divisible by our expected indent.
          if ($tokens[$tokens[$scopeCloser]['scope_condition']]['code'] !== T_CLOSURE) {
            $currentIndent = (int) (ceil($currentIndent / $this->indent) * $this->indent);
          $setIndents[$scopeCloser] = $currentIndent;
          if ($this->_debug === true) {
            $type = $tokens[$scopeCloser]['type'];
            echo "\t=> indent set to {$currentIndent} by token {$scopeCloser} ({$type})" . PHP_EOL;

          // We only check the indent of scope closers if they are
          // curly braces because other constructs tend to have different rules.
          if ($tokens[$scopeCloser]['code'] === T_CLOSE_CURLY_BRACKET) {
            $exact = true;
          else {
            $checkToken = null;

        //end if

      //end if

      // Handle scope for JS object notation.
      if ($phpcsFile->tokenizerType === 'JS' && ($checkToken !== null && $tokens[$checkToken]['code'] === T_CLOSE_OBJECT && $tokens[$checkToken]['line'] !== $tokens[$tokens[$checkToken]['bracket_opener']]['line'] || $checkToken === null && $tokens[$i]['code'] === T_CLOSE_OBJECT && $tokens[$i]['line'] !== $tokens[$tokens[$i]['bracket_opener']]['line'])) {
        if ($this->_debug === true) {
          $line = $tokens[$i]['line'];
          echo "Close JS object on line {$line}" . PHP_EOL;
        $scopeCloser = $checkToken;
        if ($scopeCloser === null) {
          $scopeCloser = $i;
        else {
        $parens = 0;
        if (isset($tokens[$scopeCloser]['nested_parenthesis']) === true && empty($tokens[$scopeCloser]['nested_parenthesis']) === false) {
          $parens = key($tokens[$scopeCloser]['nested_parenthesis']);
          if ($this->_debug === true) {
            $line = $tokens[$parens]['line'];
            echo "\t* token has nested parenthesis {$parens} on line {$line} *" . PHP_EOL;
        $condition = 0;
        if (isset($tokens[$scopeCloser]['conditions']) === true && empty($tokens[$scopeCloser]['conditions']) === false) {
          $condition = key($tokens[$scopeCloser]['conditions']);
          if ($this->_debug === true) {
            $line = $tokens[$condition]['line'];
            $type = $tokens[$condition]['type'];
            echo "\t* token is inside condition {$condition} ({$type}) on line {$line} *" . PHP_EOL;
        if ($parens > $condition) {
          if ($this->_debug === true) {
            echo "\t* using parenthesis *" . PHP_EOL;
          $first = $phpcsFile
            ->findFirstOnLine(T_WHITESPACE, $parens, true);
          $condition = 0;
        else {
          if ($condition > 0) {
            if ($this->_debug === true) {
              echo "\t* using condition *" . PHP_EOL;
            $first = $phpcsFile
              ->findFirstOnLine(T_WHITESPACE, $condition, true);
            $parens = 0;
          else {
            if ($this->_debug === true) {
              $line = $tokens[$tokens[$scopeCloser]['bracket_opener']]['line'];
              echo "\t* token is not in parenthesis or condition; using opener on line {$line} *" . PHP_EOL;
            $first = $phpcsFile
              ->findFirstOnLine(T_WHITESPACE, $tokens[$scopeCloser]['bracket_opener'], true);

        //end if
        $currentIndent = $tokens[$first]['column'] - 1;
        if (isset($adjustments[$first]) === true) {
          $currentIndent += $adjustments[$first];
        if ($parens > 0 || $condition > 0) {
          $checkIndent = $tokens[$first]['column'] - 1;
          if (isset($adjustments[$first]) === true) {
            $checkIndent += $adjustments[$first];
          if ($condition > 0) {
            $checkIndent += $this->indent;
            $currentIndent += $this->indent;
            $exact = true;
        else {
          $checkIndent = $currentIndent;

        // Make sure it is divisible by our expected indent.
        $currentIndent = (int) (ceil($currentIndent / $this->indent) * $this->indent);
        $checkIndent = (int) (ceil($checkIndent / $this->indent) * $this->indent);
        $setIndents[$first] = $currentIndent;
        if ($this->_debug === true) {
          $type = $tokens[$first]['type'];
          echo "\t=> checking indent of {$checkIndent}; main indent set to {$currentIndent} by token {$first} ({$type})" . PHP_EOL;

      //end if
      if ($checkToken !== null && isset(Tokens::$scopeOpeners[$tokens[$checkToken]['code']]) === true && in_array($tokens[$checkToken]['code'], $this->nonIndentingScopes) === false && isset($tokens[$checkToken]['scope_opener']) === true) {
        $exact = true;
        $lastOpener = null;
        if (empty($openScopes) === false) {
          $lastOpener = current($openScopes);

        // A scope opener that shares a closer with another token (like multiple
        // CASEs using the same BREAK) needs to reduce the indent level so its
        // indent is checked correctly. It will then increase the indent again
        // (as all openers do) after being checked.
        if ($lastOpener !== null && isset($tokens[$lastOpener]['scope_closer']) === true && $tokens[$lastOpener]['level'] === $tokens[$checkToken]['level'] && $tokens[$lastOpener]['scope_closer'] === $tokens[$checkToken]['scope_closer']) {
          $currentIndent -= $this->indent;
          $setIndents[$lastOpener] = $currentIndent;
          if ($this->_debug === true) {
            $line = $tokens[$i]['line'];
            $type = $tokens[$lastOpener]['type'];
            echo "Shared closer found on line {$line}" . PHP_EOL;
            echo "\t=> indent set to {$currentIndent} by token {$lastOpener} ({$type})" . PHP_EOL;
        if ($tokens[$checkToken]['code'] === T_CLOSURE && $tokenIndent > $currentIndent) {

          // The opener is indented more than needed, which is fine.
          // But just check that it is divisible by our expected indent.
          $checkIndent = (int) (ceil($tokenIndent / $this->indent) * $this->indent);
          $exact = false;
          if ($this->_debug === true) {
            $line = $tokens[$i]['line'];
            echo "Closure found on line {$line}" . PHP_EOL;
            echo "\t=> checking indent of {$checkIndent}; main indent remains at {$currentIndent}" . PHP_EOL;

      //end if

      // Method prefix indentation has to be exact or else if will break
      // the rest of the function declaration, and potentially future ones.
      if ($checkToken !== null && isset(Tokens::$methodPrefixes[$tokens[$checkToken]['code']]) === true && $tokens[$checkToken + 1]['code'] !== T_DOUBLE_COLON) {
        $exact = true;

      // JS property indentation has to be exact or else if will break
      // things like function and object indentation.
      if ($checkToken !== null && $tokens[$checkToken]['code'] === T_PROPERTY) {
        $exact = true;

      // PHP tags needs to be indented to exact column positions
      // so they don't cause problems with indent checks for the code
      // within them, but they don't need to line up with the current indent.
      if ($checkToken !== null && ($tokens[$checkToken]['code'] === T_OPEN_TAG || $tokens[$checkToken]['code'] === T_OPEN_TAG_WITH_ECHO || $tokens[$checkToken]['code'] === T_CLOSE_TAG)) {
        $exact = true;
        $checkIndent = $tokens[$checkToken]['column'] - 1;
        $checkIndent = (int) (ceil($checkIndent / $this->indent) * $this->indent);

      // Check the line indent.
      if ($checkIndent === null) {
        $checkIndent = $currentIndent;

      // If the line starts with "->" we assume this is an indented chained
      // method invocation, so we add one level of indentation.
      if ($checkToken !== null && $tokens[$checkToken]['code'] === T_OBJECT_OPERATOR) {
        $checkIndent += $this->indent;

      // Comments starting with a star have an extra whitespace.
      if ($checkToken !== null && $tokens[$checkToken]['code'] === T_COMMENT) {
        $content = trim($tokens[$checkToken]['content']);
        if ($content[0] === '*') {
          $checkIndent += 1;
      $adjusted = false;
      if ($checkToken !== null && isset($this->_ignoreIndentationTokens[$tokens[$checkToken]['code']]) === false && ($tokenIndent !== $checkIndent && $exact === true || $tokenIndent < $checkIndent && $exact === false)) {
        if ($tokenIndent > $checkIndent) {

          // Ignore multi line statements.
          $before = $phpcsFile
            ->findPrevious(Tokens::$emptyTokens, $checkToken - 1, null, true);
          if ($before !== false && in_array($tokens[$before]['code'], array(
          )) === false) {

        // Skip array closing indentation errors, this is handled by the
        // ArraySniff.
        if ($tokens[$checkToken]['code'] === T_CLOSE_PARENTHESIS && isset($tokens[$checkToken]['parenthesis_owner']) === true && $tokens[$tokens[$checkToken]['parenthesis_owner']]['code'] === T_ARRAY || $tokens[$checkToken]['code'] === T_CLOSE_SHORT_ARRAY) {
        $type = 'IncorrectExact';
        $error = 'Line indented incorrectly; expected ';
        if ($exact === false) {
          $error .= 'at least ';
          $type = 'Incorrect';
        if ($this->tabIndent === true) {
          $error .= '%s tabs, found %s';
          $data = array(
            floor($checkIndent / $this->_tabWidth),
            floor($tokenIndent / $this->_tabWidth),
        else {
          $error .= '%s spaces, found %s';
          $data = array(
        if ($this->_debug === true) {
          $line = $tokens[$checkToken]['line'];
          $message = vsprintf($error, $data);
          echo "[Line {$line}] {$message}" . PHP_EOL;
        $fix = $phpcsFile
          ->addFixableError($error, $checkToken, $type, $data);
        if ($fix === true || $this->_debug === true) {
          $padding = '';
          if ($this->tabIndent === true) {
            $numTabs = floor($checkIndent / $this->_tabWidth);
            if ($numTabs > 0) {
              $numSpaces = $checkIndent - $numTabs * $this->_tabWidth;
              $padding = str_repeat("\t", $numTabs) . str_repeat(' ', $numSpaces);
          else {
            if ($checkIndent > 0) {
              $padding = str_repeat(' ', $checkIndent);
          if ($checkToken === $i) {
            $accepted = $phpcsFile->fixer
              ->replaceToken($checkToken, $padding . $trimmed);
          else {

            // Easier to just replace the entire indent.
            $accepted = $phpcsFile->fixer
              ->replaceToken($checkToken - 1, $padding);
          if ($accepted === true) {
            $adjustments[$checkToken] = $checkIndent - $tokenIndent;
            if ($this->_debug === true) {
              $line = $tokens[$checkToken]['line'];
              $type = $tokens[$checkToken]['type'];
              echo "\t=> Add adjustment of " . $adjustments[$checkToken] . " for token {$checkToken} ({$type}) on line {$line}" . PHP_EOL;
        else {

          // Assume the change would be applied and continue
          // checking indents under this assumption. This gives more
          // technically accurate error messages.
          $adjustments[$checkToken] = $checkIndent - $tokenIndent;

        //end if

      //end if
      if ($checkToken !== null) {
        $i = $checkToken;

      // Completely skip here/now docs as the indent is a part of the
      // content itself.
      if ($tokens[$i]['code'] === T_START_HEREDOC || $tokens[$i]['code'] === T_START_NOWDOC) {
        $i = $phpcsFile
        ), $i + 1);

      // Completely skip multi-line strings as the indent is a part of the
      // content itself.
      if ($tokens[$i]['code'] === T_CONSTANT_ENCAPSED_STRING || $tokens[$i]['code'] === T_DOUBLE_QUOTED_STRING) {
        $i = $phpcsFile
          ->findNext($tokens[$i]['code'], $i + 1, null, true);

      // Completely skip doc comments as they tend to have complex
      // indentation rules.
      if ($tokens[$i]['code'] === T_DOC_COMMENT_OPEN_TAG) {
        $i = $tokens[$i]['comment_closer'];

      // Open tags reset the indent level.
      if ($tokens[$i]['code'] === T_OPEN_TAG || $tokens[$i]['code'] === T_OPEN_TAG_WITH_ECHO) {
        if ($this->_debug === true) {
          $line = $tokens[$i]['line'];
          echo "Open PHP tag found on line {$line}" . PHP_EOL;
        if ($checkToken === null) {
          $first = $phpcsFile
            ->findFirstOnLine(T_WHITESPACE, $i, true);
          $currentIndent = strlen($tokens[$first]['content']) - strlen(ltrim($tokens[$first]['content']));
        else {
          $currentIndent = $tokens[$i]['column'] - 1;
        $lastOpenTag = $i;
        if (isset($adjustments[$i]) === true) {
          $currentIndent += $adjustments[$i];

        // Make sure it is divisible by our expected indent.
        $currentIndent = (int) (ceil($currentIndent / $this->indent) * $this->indent);
        $setIndents[$i] = $currentIndent;
        if ($this->_debug === true) {
          $type = $tokens[$i]['type'];
          echo "\t=> indent set to {$currentIndent} by token {$i} ({$type})" . PHP_EOL;

      //end if

      // Close tags reset the indent level, unless they are closing a tag
      // opened on the same line.
      if ($tokens[$i]['code'] === T_CLOSE_TAG) {
        if ($this->_debug === true) {
          $line = $tokens[$i]['line'];
          echo "Close PHP tag found on line {$line}" . PHP_EOL;
        if ($tokens[$lastOpenTag]['line'] !== $tokens[$i]['line']) {
          $currentIndent = $tokens[$i]['column'] - 1;
          $lastCloseTag = $i;
        else {
          if ($lastCloseTag === null) {
            $currentIndent = 0;
          else {
            $currentIndent = $tokens[$lastCloseTag]['column'] - 1;
        if (isset($adjustments[$i]) === true) {
          $currentIndent += $adjustments[$i];

        // Make sure it is divisible by our expected indent.
        $currentIndent = (int) (ceil($currentIndent / $this->indent) * $this->indent);
        $setIndents[$i] = $currentIndent;
        if ($this->_debug === true) {
          $type = $tokens[$i]['type'];
          echo "\t=> indent set to {$currentIndent} by token {$i} ({$type})" . PHP_EOL;

      //end if

      // Anon classes and functions set the indent based on their own indent level.
      if ($tokens[$i]['code'] === T_CLOSURE || $tokens[$i]['code'] === T_ANON_CLASS) {
        $closer = $tokens[$i]['scope_closer'];
        if ($tokens[$i]['line'] === $tokens[$closer]['line']) {
          if ($this->_debug === true) {
            $type = str_replace('_', ' ', strtolower(substr($tokens[$i]['type'], 2)));
            $line = $tokens[$i]['line'];
            echo "* ignoring single-line {$type} on line {$line}" . PHP_EOL;
          $i = $closer;
        if ($this->_debug === true) {
          $type = str_replace('_', ' ', strtolower(substr($tokens[$i]['type'], 2)));
          $line = $tokens[$i]['line'];
          echo "Open {$type} on line {$line}" . PHP_EOL;
        $first = $phpcsFile
          ->findFirstOnLine(T_WHITESPACE, $i, true);
        $currentIndent = $tokens[$first]['column'] - 1 + $this->indent;
        if (isset($adjustments[$first]) === true) {
          $currentIndent += $adjustments[$first];

        // Make sure it is divisible by our expected indent.
        $currentIndent = (int) (floor($currentIndent / $this->indent) * $this->indent);
        $i = $tokens[$i]['scope_opener'];
        $setIndents[$i] = $currentIndent;
        if ($this->_debug === true) {
          $type = $tokens[$i]['type'];
          echo "\t=> indent set to {$currentIndent} by token {$i} ({$type})" . PHP_EOL;

      //end if

      // Scope openers increase the indent level.
      if (isset($tokens[$i]['scope_condition']) === true && isset($tokens[$i]['scope_opener']) === true && $tokens[$i]['scope_opener'] === $i) {
        $closer = $tokens[$i]['scope_closer'];
        if ($tokens[$i]['line'] === $tokens[$closer]['line']) {
          if ($this->_debug === true) {
            $line = $tokens[$i]['line'];
            $type = $tokens[$i]['type'];
            echo "* ignoring single-line {$type} on line {$line}" . PHP_EOL;
          $i = $closer;
        $condition = $tokens[$tokens[$i]['scope_condition']]['code'];
        if (isset(Tokens::$scopeOpeners[$condition]) === true && in_array($condition, $this->nonIndentingScopes) === false) {
          if ($this->_debug === true) {
            $line = $tokens[$i]['line'];
            $type = $tokens[$tokens[$i]['scope_condition']]['type'];
            echo "Open scope ({$type}) on line {$line}" . PHP_EOL;
          $currentIndent += $this->indent;
          $setIndents[$i] = $currentIndent;
          $openScopes[$tokens[$i]['scope_closer']] = $tokens[$i]['scope_condition'];
          if ($this->_debug === true) {
            $type = $tokens[$i]['type'];
            echo "\t=> indent set to {$currentIndent} by token {$i} ({$type})" . PHP_EOL;

      //end if

      // JS objects set the indent level.
      if ($phpcsFile->tokenizerType === 'JS' && $tokens[$i]['code'] === T_OBJECT) {
        $closer = $tokens[$i]['bracket_closer'];
        if ($tokens[$i]['line'] === $tokens[$closer]['line']) {
          if ($this->_debug === true) {
            $line = $tokens[$i]['line'];
            echo "* ignoring single-line JS object on line {$line}" . PHP_EOL;
          $i = $closer;
        if ($this->_debug === true) {
          $line = $tokens[$i]['line'];
          echo "Open JS object on line {$line}" . PHP_EOL;
        $first = $phpcsFile
          ->findFirstOnLine(T_WHITESPACE, $i, true);
        $currentIndent = $tokens[$first]['column'] - 1 + $this->indent;
        if (isset($adjustments[$first]) === true) {
          $currentIndent += $adjustments[$first];

        // Make sure it is divisible by our expected indent.
        $currentIndent = (int) (ceil($currentIndent / $this->indent) * $this->indent);
        $setIndents[$first] = $currentIndent;
        if ($this->_debug === true) {
          $type = $tokens[$first]['type'];
          echo "\t=> indent set to {$currentIndent} by token {$first} ({$type})" . PHP_EOL;

      //end if

      // Closing an anon class or function.
      if (isset($tokens[$i]['scope_condition']) === true && $tokens[$i]['scope_closer'] === $i && ($tokens[$tokens[$i]['scope_condition']]['code'] === T_CLOSURE || $tokens[$tokens[$i]['scope_condition']]['code'] === T_ANON_CLASS)) {
        if ($this->_debug === true) {
          $type = str_replace('_', ' ', strtolower(substr($tokens[$tokens[$i]['scope_condition']]['type'], 2)));
          $line = $tokens[$i]['line'];
          echo "Close {$type} on line {$line}" . PHP_EOL;
        $prev = false;
        $object = 0;
        if ($phpcsFile->tokenizerType === 'JS') {
          $conditions = $tokens[$i]['conditions'];
          krsort($conditions, SORT_NUMERIC);
          foreach ($conditions as $token => $condition) {
            if ($condition === T_OBJECT) {
              $object = $token;
          if ($this->_debug === true && $object !== 0) {
            $line = $tokens[$object]['line'];
            echo "\t* token is inside JS object {$object} on line {$line} *" . PHP_EOL;
        $parens = 0;
        if (isset($tokens[$i]['nested_parenthesis']) === true && empty($tokens[$i]['nested_parenthesis']) === false) {
          $parens = key($tokens[$i]['nested_parenthesis']);
          if ($this->_debug === true) {
            $line = $tokens[$parens]['line'];
            echo "\t* token has nested parenthesis {$parens} on line {$line} *" . PHP_EOL;
        $condition = 0;
        if (isset($tokens[$i]['conditions']) === true && empty($tokens[$i]['conditions']) === false) {
          $condition = key($tokens[$i]['conditions']);
          if ($this->_debug === true) {
            $line = $tokens[$condition]['line'];
            $type = $tokens[$condition]['type'];
            echo "\t* token is inside condition {$condition} ({$type}) on line {$line} *" . PHP_EOL;
        if ($parens > $object && $parens > $condition) {
          if ($this->_debug === true) {
            echo "\t* using parenthesis *" . PHP_EOL;
          $prev = $phpcsFile
            ->findPrevious(Tokens::$emptyTokens, $parens - 1, null, true);
          $object = 0;
          $condition = 0;
        else {
          if ($object > 0 && $object >= $condition) {
            if ($this->_debug === true) {
              echo "\t* using object *" . PHP_EOL;
            $prev = $object;
            $parens = 0;
            $condition = 0;
          else {
            if ($condition > 0) {
              if ($this->_debug === true) {
                echo "\t* using condition *" . PHP_EOL;
              $prev = $condition;
              $object = 0;
              $parens = 0;

        //end if
        if ($prev === false) {
          $prev = $phpcsFile
          ), $tokens[$i]['scope_condition'] - 1, null, false, null, true);
          if ($prev === false) {
            $prev = $i;
            if ($this->_debug === true) {
              echo "\t* could not find a previous T_EQUAL or T_RETURN token; will use current token *" . PHP_EOL;
        if ($this->_debug === true) {
          $line = $tokens[$prev]['line'];
          $type = $tokens[$prev]['type'];
          echo "\t* previous token is {$type} on line {$line} *" . PHP_EOL;
        $first = $phpcsFile
          ->findFirstOnLine(T_WHITESPACE, $prev, true);
        if ($this->_debug === true) {
          $line = $tokens[$first]['line'];
          $type = $tokens[$first]['type'];
          echo "\t* first token on line {$line} is {$first} ({$type}) *" . PHP_EOL;
        $prev = $phpcsFile
        if ($prev !== $first) {

          // This is not the start of the statement.
          if ($this->_debug === true) {
            $line = $tokens[$prev]['line'];
            $type = $tokens[$prev]['type'];
            echo "\t* amended previous is {$type} on line {$line} *" . PHP_EOL;
          $first = $phpcsFile
            ->findFirstOnLine(T_WHITESPACE, $prev, true);
          if ($this->_debug === true) {
            $line = $tokens[$first]['line'];
            $type = $tokens[$first]['type'];
            echo "\t* amended first token is {$first} ({$type}) on line {$line} *" . PHP_EOL;
        $currentIndent = $tokens[$first]['column'] - 1;
        if ($object > 0 || $condition > 0) {
          $currentIndent += $this->indent;
        if (isset($tokens[$first]['scope_closer']) === true && $tokens[$first]['scope_closer'] === $first) {
          if ($this->_debug === true) {
            echo "\t* first token is a scope closer *" . PHP_EOL;
          if ($condition === 0 || $tokens[$condition]['scope_opener'] < $first) {
            $currentIndent = $setIndents[$first];
          else {
            if ($this->_debug === true) {
              echo "\t* ignoring scope closer *" . PHP_EOL;

        // Make sure it is divisible by our expected indent.
        $currentIndent = (int) (ceil($currentIndent / $this->indent) * $this->indent);
        $setIndents[$first] = $currentIndent;
        if ($this->_debug === true) {
          $type = $tokens[$first]['type'];
          echo "\t=> indent set to {$currentIndent} by token {$first} ({$type})" . PHP_EOL;

      //end if

    //end for

    // Don't process the rest of the file.
    return $phpcsFile->numTokens;


//end class


Namesort descending Description
ScopeIndentSniff Largely copied from \PHP_CodeSniffer\Standards\Generic\Sniffs\WhiteSpace\ScopeIndentSniff, modified to make the exact mode working with comments and multi line statements.