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8 calls to _drush() in Coder 7.2

coder_review_page_form in coder_review/coder_review.module
Implements hook_form().
do_coder_reviews in coder_review/
Performs coder reviews for multiple code review definition files.
theme_coder_review_warning in coder_review/
Returns HTML for a coder_review warning to be included in results.
_coder_review_drush_is_patch_arg in coder_review/
Handle patch reviews.
_coder_review_form_output in coder_review/coder_review.module
_coder_review_page_form_includes in coder_review/coder_review.module
Adds results to form definition for display on the coder review page.
_l in coder_review/
Define a wrapper l() function that works in Drush cli.
_t in coder_review/
Define a wrapper t() function that works in Drush cli.