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6 calls to PushIntent::pushEntity() in CMS Content Sync 2.1.x

CliService::push in src/Cli/CliService.php
Push all entities for a specific flow.
PushEntities::batch in src/Controller/PushEntities.php
Batch push callback used by the following operations:
PushIntent::embedForFlowAndPool in src/PushIntent.php
Push the provided entity along with the processed entity by embedding it right into the current entity. This means the embedded entity can't be used outside of it's parent entity in any way. This is used for field collections right now.
PushIntent::pushEntityFromUi in src/PushIntent.php
Helper function to push an entity and display the user the results. If you want to make changes programmatically, use ::pushEntity() instead.
PushIntent::pushReference in src/PushIntent.php
SyncCoreEntityItemResource::get in src/Plugin/rest/resource/SyncCoreEntityItemResource.php