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22 calls to Flow::getEntityTypeVersion() in CMS Content Sync 2.1.x

CreateStatusEntities::execute in modules/cms_content_sync_migrate_acquia_content_hub/src/CreateStatusEntities.php
Batch create Status Entities for collected nodes.
EntityResource::handleIncomingEntity in src/Plugin/rest/resource/EntityResource.php
EntityStatus::preCreate in src/Entity/EntityStatus.php
Changes the values of an entity before it is created.
EntityStatus::saveSelectedPoolsToPushTo in src/Entity/EntityStatus.php
FlowControllerPerBundle::createFlow in src/Controller/FlowControllerPerBundle.php
Create a flow configuration programmatically.
FlowControllerPerBundle::getEntityTypeConfig in src/Controller/FlowControllerPerBundle.php
FlowControllerPerBundle::needsEntityTypeUpdate in src/Controller/FlowControllerPerBundle.php
FlowControllerPerBundle::updateEntityTypeBundleVersion in src/Controller/FlowControllerPerBundle.php
Update the version of an entity type bundle within a flow configuration.
FlowControllerSimple::getEntityTypeConfig in src/Controller/FlowControllerSimple.php
FlowForm::renderEnabledBundle in src/Form/FlowForm.php
Render the bundle edit form.
FlowForm::renderEntityType in src/Form/FlowForm.php
Render all bundles for the given entity type. Displayed in vertical tabs from the parent form.
FlowForm::save in src/Form/FlowForm.php
Form submission handler for the 'save' action.
Pool::getAllSitesWithDifferentEntityTypeVersion in src/Entity/Pool.php
Get a list of all sites from all pools that use a different version ID and provide a diff on field basis.
PullIntent::loadEmbeddedEntity in src/PullIntent.php
Restore an entity that was added via {{
PushIntent::addDependency in src/PushIntent.php
Push the provided entity as a dependency meaning the referenced entity is available before this entity so it can be referenced on the remote site immediately like bricks or paragraphs.
PushIntent::addReference in src/PushIntent.php
Push the provided entity as a simple reference. There is no guarantee the referenced entity will be available on the remote site as well, but if it is, it will be de-referenced. If you need the referenced entity to be available, use {
PushIntent::embedForFlowAndPool in src/PushIntent.php
Push the provided entity along with the processed entity by embedding it right into the current entity. This means the embedded entity can't be used outside of it's parent entity in any way. This is used for field collections right now.
PushIntent::pushReference in src/PushIntent.php
SyncCoreEntityListResource::getItem in src/Plugin/rest/resource/SyncCoreEntityListResource.php
SyncCoreFlowExport::addConfiguration in src/SyncCoreFlowExport.php
Create all entity types, connections and synchronizations as required.
SyncHealth::getLocalVersionDifferences in modules/cms_content_sync_health/src/Controller/SyncHealth.php
SyncIntent::__construct in src/SyncIntent.php
SyncIntent constructor.