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namespace Drupal\cms_content_sync\Controller in CMS Content Sync 2.0.x

Same name in other branches
  1. 8 Drupal\cms_content_sync\Controller
  2. 2.1.x Drupal\cms_content_sync\Controller
Classsort descending Location Description
AuthenticationByUser src/Controller/AuthenticationByUser.php Class AuthenticationByUser.
Compatibility src/Controller/Compatibility.php Class Compatibility provides details about entity types and field types used on this site and whether or not we support them.
ContentSyncSettings src/Controller/ContentSyncSettings.php Class ContentSyncSettings.
Embed src/Controller/Embed.php Class Embed provides helpers to embed Sync Core functionality into the site.
FlowExport src/Controller/FlowExport.php Push changes controller.
FlowListBuilder src/Controller/FlowListBuilder.php Provides a listing of Flow.
FlowPull src/Controller/FlowPull.php Pull controller.
FlowPush src/Controller/FlowPush.php Pull controller.
ManualPull src/Controller/ManualPull.php Provides a listing of Flow.
Migration src/Controller/Migration.php Migration Embed provides methods and a UI to migrate from Content Sync v1 to Content Sync v2.
PoolExport src/Controller/PoolExport.php Push changes controller.
PoolListBuilder src/Controller/PoolListBuilder.php Provides a listing of Pool.
PushChanges src/Controller/PushChanges.php Push changes controller.
PushEntities src/Controller/PushEntities.php Pull controller.
SetFlowStatus src/Controller/SetFlowStatus.php Pull controller.
ShowUsage src/Controller/ShowUsage.php Push changes controller.