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cms_content_sync.install in CMS Content Sync 2.1.x

Same filename and directory in other branches
  1. 8 cms_content_sync.install
  2. 2.0.x cms_content_sync.install

Install file for cms_content_sync.


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 * @file
 * Install file for cms_content_sync.
use Drupal\cms_content_sync\Entity\Flow;
use Drupal\cms_content_sync\Entity\Pool;
use EdgeBox\SyncCore\Interfaces\IApplicationInterface;
use Drupal\cms_content_sync\SyncCoreInterface\SyncCoreFactory;
use Drupal\Component\Render\FormattableMarkup;
use Drupal\Core\Link;
use Drupal\Core\Site\Settings;
use Drupal\user\Entity\User;
use Drupal\Core\Config\FileStorage;
use Drupal\Core\Field\BaseFieldDefinition;

 * Common modules that need to execute before us:
 * - default : 0
 * - menu_link_content : 1
 * - content_translation : 10
 * - views : 10
 * - paragraphs : 11.

 * Update the weight of the Content Sync module. As Content Sync depends on
 * other modules being run before it, we need to make sure our hooks like
 * hook_form_alter are called after everyone else's.
 * Symptoms if not done include:
 * - Forms are partially still editable even if it should be forbidden, e.g. menu settings.
function _cms_content_sync_set_module_weight() {
  module_set_weight('cms_content_sync', CMS_CONTENT_SYNC_MODULE_WEIGHT);

 * Re-import the given config to reset it to defaults when they're changed in
 * the module.
 * @param $configsNames
 * @param string $module
function _cms_content_sync_update_config($configsNames) {
  $config_path = drupal_get_path('module', 'cms_content_sync') . '/config/install';
  $source = new FileStorage($config_path);
  $config_storage = Drupal::service('');
  foreach ($configsNames as $name) {
      ->write($name, $source

 * Implements hook_install().
 * - Creates the CMS Content Sync user and provides him with all required permissions.
 * - Sets module weight so we can hook in after all other content creation modules.
 * - Displays message to start setting up the site.
function cms_content_sync_install() {
  $config_path = drupal_get_path('module', 'cms_content_sync') . '/config/install';
  $source = new FileStorage($config_path);
  $config_storage = Drupal::service('');
  $configsNames = [
  foreach ($configsNames as $name) {
      ->write($name, $source
  $username = 'CMS Content Sync';
    ->alter('cms_content_sync_username', $username);
  $data = [
    'userName' => $username,
    'userPass' => user_password(64),
  $user = User::create();

  // Store UID in key value table.
    ->set('uid', intval($user
  $data = cms_content_sync_encrypt_values($data);
  $userData = Drupal::service('');
    ->set('cms_content_sync', $user
    ->id(), 'sync_data', $data);
    ->addStatus(new FormattableMarkup("Thanks for choosing Content Sync! @start.", [
    '@start' => Link::createFromRoute("Setup your first content pool now", "entity.cms_content_sync_pool.add_form")
    ->addStatus(new FormattableMarkup('If you have connected another site already, @copy. Mirroring means you can simply swap the push and pull settings.', [
    '@copy' => Link::createFromRoute("copy or mirror the configuration from another site", "entity.cms_content_sync_flow.copy_remote")

 * Implements hook_uninstall().
function cms_content_sync_uninstall() {

  // Delete CMS Content Sync User.
  $user = User::load(CMS_CONTENT_SYNC_USER_ID);
  if (isset($user)) {

  // Delete entry from key value table.

   * @var \Drupal\Core\Config\CachedStorage $config_storage
  $config_storage = Drupal::service('');

  // Drupal doesn't delete config automatically, so we need to ensure that
  // everything is deleted properly. Otherwise you may get a fatal error after
  // uninstalling the module about missing REST interfaces or you may not be
  // able to install the module again afterwards.
  $configsNames = [
  foreach ($configsNames as $name) {

 * Implements hook_requirements.
 * @param $phase
 * @return array
function cms_content_sync_requirements($phase) {
  $requirements = [];
  if ($phase == 'runtime') {

    // Show error when the Content Sync user aint got the role Content Sync role.
    $users = Drupal::entityTypeManager()
      'name' => 'CMS Content Sync',
    if ($users) {
      $user = reset($users);
      if (!$user
        ->hasRole('cms_content_sync')) {
        $requirements['cms_content_sync_user_role_missing'] = [
          'title' => t('CMS Content Sync'),
          'value' => t('The service user "@username" is missing the required service role "Content Sync", this will cause several issues while trying to export/import entities.', [
            '@username' => $user
          'severity' => REQUIREMENT_ERROR,

    // Get Sync Core Version.
    $sync_cores = SyncCoreFactory::getAllSyncCores();
    if ($sync_cores) {
      foreach ($sync_cores as $id => $sync_core) {
        $status = [];
        try {
          $status = $sync_core
        } catch (Exception $e) {

          // Can't connect.
          $requirements['cms_content_sync_sync_core_' . $id . '_status'] = [
            'title' => t('CMS Content Sync'),
            'value' => t('Can not connect:<br>Sync Core Host: @id', [
              '@id' => $id,
            'severity' => REQUIREMENT_ERROR,
        if ($status) {

          // Get module Version.
          $module_info = Drupal::service('extension.list.module')
          if (!empty($module_info['version'])) {
            $module_version = $module_info['version'];
            $module_version = preg_replace('@^\\d\\.x-(.*)$@', '$1', $module_version);

          // Connected and core == module version.
          if (!empty($module_version) && (substr($status['version'], -2) === '.x' ? explode('.', $module_version)[0] == explode('.', $status['version'])[0] : $module_version == $status['version'])) {
            $requirements['cms_content_sync_sync_core_' . $id . '_status'] = [
              'title' => t('CMS Content Sync'),
              'value' => t('Connected:<br>Sync Core Host: @id<br>Sync Core Version: @sync_core_version<br>Content Sync Module Version: @module_version', [
                '@id' => $id,
                '@sync_core_version' => $status['version'],
                '@module_version' => $module_version,
              'severity' => REQUIREMENT_INFO,
          elseif (!empty($module_version)) {
            $requirements['cms_content_sync_sync_core_' . $id . '_status'] = [
              'title' => t('CMS Content Sync'),
              'value' => t('Connected:<br> Sync Core Host: @id<br>Sync Core Version: @sync_core_version <br> Content Sync Module Version: @module_version <br><br> The CMS Content Sync module version
                        does not match the Sync Core Version. It is <b>highly recommend</b> to update the CMS Content Sync module to match the version of the Sync Core.', [
                '@id' => $id,
                '@sync_core_version' => $status['version'],
                '@module_version' => $module_version,
              'severity' => REQUIREMENT_WARNING,
          else {
            $requirements['cms_content_sync_sync_core_' . $id . '_status'] = [
              'title' => t('CMS Content Sync'),
              'value' => t('Connected:<br> Sync Core Host: @id<br>Sync Core Version: @sync_core_version <br><br> <i>The CMS Content Sync module version could not be determined.
                        This is ususally caused by the fact that the dev version of the module is being used, or the Core "Update manager" module is not enabled.</i>', [
                '@id' => $id,
                '@sync_core_version' => $status['version'],
              'severity' => REQUIREMENT_INFO,
  return $requirements;

 * Implements hook_update_N();.
 * Add the REST interface to access an individual entity.
function cms_content_sync_update_8021() {
  foreach (Flow::getAll(TRUE) as $flow) {
    if ($flow->sync_entities) {

      // Add properties "variant", "type", "per_bundle_settings" and "simple_settings" to Flows.
      $config_factory = \Drupal::configFactory();
      $config = $config_factory
        ->getEditable('cms_content_sync.flow.' . $flow->id);

      // Set variant to the old default of per-bundle.
        ->set('variant', Flow::VARIANT_PER_BUNDLE);
        ->set('type', $flow
        ->set('per_bundle_settings', []);

      // Migrate the old "sync_entities" property to the new "per_bundle_settings" property.
      foreach ($flow->sync_entities as $key => $settings) {
        $parts = explode('-', $key);
        if (count($parts) > 2) {
          list($type, $bundle, $property) = $parts;
            ->set('per_bundle_settings' . '.' . $type . '.' . $bundle . '.properties.' . $property, $settings);
        else {
          list($type, $bundle) = $parts;
            ->set('per_bundle_settings' . '.' . $type . '.' . $bundle . '.settings', $settings);

      // Delete deprecated property as it's no longer used.
        ->set('sync_entities', NULL);

      // Save migrated Flow.
  return 'Added new properties to Flows.';

 * Implements hook_update_N();.
 * Add the REST interface to access an individual entity.
function cms_content_sync_update_8020() {
  return 'Added REST interface for Sync Core v2.';

 * Implements hook_update_N();.
 * Move base_url to key_value store.
function cms_content_sync_update_8013() {
  $base_url = \Drupal::config('cms_content_sync.settings')
    ->set('cms_content_sync.base_url', $base_url);
  return 'Move base_url to key_value store.';

 * Implements hook_update_N();.
 * Move site id key_value store.
function cms_content_sync_update_8012() {
  $site_id = \Drupal::config('cms_content_sync.settings')
    ->set('cms_content_sync.site_id', $site_id);
  return 'Move site id to key_value store.';

 * Unset parent_id handler for paragraphs as it's using a local ID and we re-set
 * it later anyway.
function cms_content_sync_update_8011() {
  foreach (Flow::getAll(FALSE) as $flow) {
    $changed = FALSE;
    foreach ($flow->sync_entities as $key => &$config) {
      if (substr_count($key, '-') !== 2) {
      list($entity_type, , $field_name) = explode('-', $key);
      if ($entity_type === 'paragraph' && $field_name === 'parent_id' && isset($config['handler']) && $config['handler'] !== 'ignore') {
        $config['handler'] = 'ignore';
        $config['export'] = 'disabled';
        $config['import'] = 'disabled';
        $changed = TRUE;
    if ($changed) {
  return 'Removed parent_id property for paragraphs from all Flows. Please re-export your Flows.';

 * Promote Site ID + Authentication type as a side-wide property rather than a setting per pool.
function cms_content_sync_update_8010() {

   * Part 1: Authentication type. Saved as configuration so it can be deployed.
  $authentication_type = NULL;
  $config_factory = Drupal::configFactory();

  // Check that all Site IDs are set to the same value in all pools.
  foreach (Pool::getAll() as $pool) {

    // In case someone runs this update late.
    if (!$pool->authentication_type) {
    if (!$authentication_type || $pool->authentication_type === IApplicationInterface::AUTHENTICATION_TYPE_BASIC_AUTH) {
      $authentication_type = $pool->authentication_type;
  if ($authentication_type) {
      ->set('cms_content_sync_authentication_type', $authentication_type)

  // Unset duplicate data now.
  foreach (Pool::getAll() as $pool) {
    $pool->authentication_type = NULL;

   * Part 2: Site ID. Saved as State so it can't be deployed.
  $site_id = NULL;
  $pool_site_id = NULL;
  $cms_content_sync_settings = Settings::get('cms_content_sync');

  // Check that all Site IDs are set to the same value in all pools.
  foreach (Pool::getAll() as $pool) {

    // Check for overwritten pool site_id.
    if (isset($cms_content_sync_settings) && isset($cms_content_sync_settings['pools'][$pool->id]['site_id'])) {
      $pool_site_id = $cms_content_sync_settings['pools'][$pool->id]['site_id'];
    else {
      $pool_site_id = $pool->site_id;

    // In case someone runs this update late.
    if (!$pool_site_id) {
    if ($site_id) {
      if ($site_id !== $pool_site_id) {
        throw new Exception('Site ID must be unique per site. Please update your pool configuration or settings.php configuration for the pool overrides to reflect that and try again.');
    else {
      $site_id = $pool_site_id;
  if ($site_id) {
      ->set('cms_content_sync.site_machine_name', $site_id);

  // Verify everything's okay. Will also export the site's name for better usability.
  foreach (SyncCoreFactory::getAllSyncCores() as $core) {

  // Unset duplicate data now.
  foreach (Pool::getAll() as $pool) {
    $pool->site_id = NULL;
  return 'Changed site ID and authentication type to be set per site, not per pool.';

 * Add index for status entities on entity_type and entity_uuid.
function cms_content_sync_update_8009() {
  $spec = [
    "fields" => [
      "entity_type" => [
        "type" => "varchar",
        "length" => 255,
        "not null" => TRUE,
      "entity_uuid" => [
        "type" => "varchar",
        "length" => 32,
        "not null" => TRUE,
  $fields = [
  $schema = Drupal::database()
    ->addIndex("cms_content_sync_entity_status", "cms_content_sync__type_uuid", $fields, $spec);
  return 'Added index to entity status table to improve performance.';

 * Merge error: Ignore update hook.
function cms_content_sync_update_8008(&$sandbox) {
  return 'Done';

 * Merge error; Ignore update hook.
function cms_content_sync_update_8007(&$sandbox) {
  return 'Done';

 * Rebuild menu cache to ensure route changes are taken into account.
function cms_content_sync_update_8006(&$sandbox) {
  return 'Rebuild menu cache to ensure route changes are taken into account.';

 * Update the module weight.
function cms_content_sync_update_8005(&$sandbox) {
  return 'Updated module weight to execute hooks after most other modules.';

 * Implements hook_update_N();.
 * Update the REST interface for entities to allow Basic Auth.
function cms_content_sync_update_8004(&$sandbox) {
  return 'Added Basic Auth as allowed authentication method to entity resource.';

 * Implements hook_update_N();.
 * Delete unused rest interface configuration.
function cms_content_sync_update_8003(&$sandbox) {

 * Implements hook_update_N();.
 * Add the new REST interface for manual import.
function cms_content_sync_update_8002(&$sandbox) {
  return 'Installed manual entity import functionality.';

 * Implements hook_update_N();.
 * Update field type for cms_content_sync_entity_status entity. Fields: last_export, last_import.
function cms_content_sync_update_8001(&$sandbox) {
  $entity_type_manager = Drupal::entityTypeManager();
  $bundle_of = 'cms_content_sync_entity_status';
  $storage = $entity_type_manager
  $bundle_definition = $entity_type_manager
  $id_key = $bundle_definition
  $table_name = $storage
    ->getDataTable() ?: $storage
  $database = Drupal::database();
  $definition_manager = Drupal::entityDefinitionUpdateManager();

  // Store the existing values for last_export.
  $last_export_values = $database
    ->fields($table_name, [

  // Store the existing values for last_import.
  $last_import_values = $database
    ->fields($table_name, [

  // Clear out the values.
    'last_export' => NULL,
    'last_import' => NULL,

  // Uninstall the old fields.
  $field_storage_definition_last_export = $definition_manager
    ->getFieldStorageDefinition('last_export', $bundle_of);
  $field_storage_definition_last_import = $definition_manager
    ->getFieldStorageDefinition('last_import', $bundle_of);

  // Prepare new fields.
  $new_last_export = BaseFieldDefinition::create('timestamp')
    ->setLabel(t('Last exported'))
    ->setDescription(t('The last time the entity got exported.'))
  $new_last_import = BaseFieldDefinition::create('timestamp')
    ->setLabel(t('Last import'))
    ->setDescription(t('The last time the entity got imported.'))

  // Create new fields.
    ->installFieldStorageDefinition('last_export', $bundle_of, $bundle_of, $new_last_export);
    ->installFieldStorageDefinition('last_import', $bundle_of, $bundle_of, $new_last_import);

  // Restore the values.
  foreach ($last_export_values as $id => $value) {
      'last_export' => $value,
      ->condition($id_key, $id)
  foreach ($last_import_values as $id => $value) {
      'last_import' => $value,
      ->condition($id_key, $id)


Namesort descending Description
cms_content_sync_install Implements hook_install().
cms_content_sync_requirements Implements hook_requirements.
cms_content_sync_uninstall Implements hook_uninstall().
cms_content_sync_update_8001 Implements hook_update_N();.
cms_content_sync_update_8002 Implements hook_update_N();.
cms_content_sync_update_8003 Implements hook_update_N();.
cms_content_sync_update_8004 Implements hook_update_N();.
cms_content_sync_update_8005 Update the module weight.
cms_content_sync_update_8006 Rebuild menu cache to ensure route changes are taken into account.
cms_content_sync_update_8007 Merge error; Ignore update hook.
cms_content_sync_update_8008 Merge error: Ignore update hook.
cms_content_sync_update_8009 Add index for status entities on entity_type and entity_uuid.
cms_content_sync_update_8010 Promote Site ID + Authentication type as a side-wide property rather than a setting per pool.
cms_content_sync_update_8011 Unset parent_id handler for paragraphs as it's using a local ID and we re-set it later anyway.
cms_content_sync_update_8012 Implements hook_update_N();.
cms_content_sync_update_8013 Implements hook_update_N();.
cms_content_sync_update_8020 Implements hook_update_N();.
cms_content_sync_update_8021 Implements hook_update_N();.
_cms_content_sync_set_module_weight Update the weight of the Content Sync module. As Content Sync depends on other modules being run before it, we need to make sure our hooks like hook_form_alter are called after everyone else's. Symptoms if not done include:
_cms_content_sync_update_config Re-import the given config to reset it to defaults when they're changed in the module.


Namesort descending Description
CMS_CONTENT_SYNC_MODULE_WEIGHT Common modules that need to execute before us: