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cmis_sync.module in CMIS API 6.4


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 * Config sample:
 * $conf['cmis_sync_map'] = array(
 *    'book' => array ( // minimal settings. 
 *      'enabled' => TRUE,
 *      'cmis_folderPath' => '/cbalan-test/page'
 *    ),
 *    'page' => array ( // advanced settings.
 *      'enabled' => FALSE,
 *      'cmis_type' => 'cmis:document',
 *      'cmis_repositoryId' => 'default',
 *      'cmis_folderPath' => '/Company Home/Guest Home/',
 *      //'cmis_folderId' => 'workspace://SpacesStore/234234....',
 *      'content_field' => 'body', // default
 *      'fields' => array(
 *        'title'=>'title',
 *         array('drupal'=>'nid', 'cmis'=>'cmis:custom_field', 'cmis to drupal' => FALSE, 'drupal to cmis' => TRUE),
 *      ),
 *      'deletes' => FALSE, // Sync deletes
 *      'subfolders' => FALSE, // Sync sub folders
 *      'full_sync_next_cron' => FALSE, // Grab only new items if FALSE, otherwise sync all items under cmis_folderPath
 *    ),
 *    'other_drupal_content_type' => array (
 *      // synchronization state for 'drupal_content_type1' 
 *      'enabled' => TRUE,
 *      // CMIS repostiory id
 *      'cmis_repositoryId' => '00000-12eq123213-...',
 *      // cmis type used on cmis repository side.   
 *      'cmis_type' => 'cmis:document', 
 *      // cmis folder used for synchronization
 *      'cmis_folderId' => 'workspace://SpacesStore/234wed23redaaa'
 *      'cmis_folderPath' => '/'
 *      // node field considered as content for cmis objects
 *      'content_field' => 'body'
 *      // used to map node fields to cmis object properties 
 *      'fields' => array(
 *        'title' => 'cmis:objectProperty1',
 *        'body' => 'cmis:objectProperty2'
 *      )
 *    ),
 *   ...
 * );

 * Implementation of hook_nodeapi() for CMIS sync module.
function cmis_sync_nodeapi(&$node, $op, $teaser, $page) {
  if (variable_get('cmis_sync_nodeapi_enabled', TRUE)) {
    if (in_array($op, array(
    )) && !isset($node->cmis_sync_disabled)) {
      module_load_include('', 'cmis_sync');
      try {
          'node' => $node,
          'op' => $op,
      } catch (CMISException $e) {
        cmis_error_handler('cmis_sync_nodeapi', $e);

 * Implementation of hook_cron
function cmis_sync_cron() {
  if (variable_get('cmis_sync_cron_enabled', TRUE)) {
    module_load_include('', 'cmis_sync');
    try {
    } catch (CMISException $e) {
      cmis_error_handler('cmis_sync_cron', $e);


Namesort descending Description
cmis_sync_cron Implementation of hook_cron
cmis_sync_nodeapi Implementation of hook_nodeapi() for CMIS sync module.