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cmis_repository_wrapper.php in CMIS API 6.4


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//  Author: Rich McKnight
class CMISRepositoryWrapper {

  // Handles --
  //   Workspace -- but only endpoints with a single repo
  //   Entry -- but only for objects
  //   Feeds -- but only for non-hierarchical feeds
  // Does not handle --
  //   -- Hierarchical Feeds
  //   -- Types
  //   -- Others?
  // Only Handles Basic Auth
  // Very Little Error Checking
  // Does not work against pre CMIS 1.0 Repos
  var $url;
  var $username;
  var $password;
  var $authenticated;
  var $workspace;
  var $last_request;
  static $namespaces = array(
    "cmis" => "",
    "cmisra" => "",
    "atom" => "",
    "app" => "",
  function __construct($url, $username = null, $password = null, $options = null) {
      ->connect($url, $username, $password, $options);
  static function getOpUrl($url, $options = null) {
    if (is_array($options) && count($options) > 0) {
      $needs_question = strstr($url, "?") === false;
      return $url . ($needs_question ? "?" : "&") . http_build_query($options);
    else {
      return $url;
  function connect($url, $username, $password, $options) {

    // TODO: Make this work with cookies
    $this->url = $url;
    $this->username = $username;
    $this->password = $password;
    $this->auth_options = $options;
    $this->authenticated = false;
    $retval = $this
    if ($retval->code == 200 || $retval->code == 201) {
      $this->authenticated = true;
      $this->workspace = CMISRepositoryWrapper::extractWorkspace($retval->body);
  function doGet($url) {
    return $this
  function doDelete($url) {
    return $this
      ->doRequest($url, "DELETE");
  function doPost($url, $content, $contentType, $charset = null) {
    return $this
      ->doRequest($url, "POST", $content, $contentType);
  function doPut($url, $content, $contentType, $charset = null) {
    return $this
      ->doRequest($url, "PUT", $content, $contentType);
  function doRequest($url, $method = "GET", $content = null, $contentType = null, $charset = null) {

    // Process the HTTP request
    // 'til now only the GET request has been tested
    // Does not URL encode any inputs yet
    if (is_array($this->auth_options)) {
      $url = CMISRepositoryWrapper::getOpUrl($url, $this->auth_options);
    $session = curl_init($url);
    curl_setopt($session, CURLOPT_HEADER, false);
    curl_setopt($session, CURLOPT_RETURNTRANSFER, true);
    if ($this->username) {
      curl_setopt($session, CURLOPT_USERPWD, $this->username . ":" . $this->password);
    curl_setopt($session, CURLOPT_CUSTOMREQUEST, $method);
    if ($contentType) {
      $headers = array();
      $headers["Content-Type"] = $contentType;
      curl_setopt($session, CURLOPT_HTTPHEADER, $headers);
    if ($content) {
      curl_setopt($session, CURLOPT_POSTFIELDS, $content);
    if ($method == "POST") {
      curl_setopt($session, CURLOPT_HTTPHEADER, array(
        "Content-Type: " . $contentType,
      curl_setopt($session, CURLOPT_POST, true);

    //TODO: Make this storage optional
    $retval = new stdClass();
    $retval->url = $url;
    $retval->method = $method;
    $retval->content_sent = $content;
    $retval->content_type_sent = $contentType;
    $retval->body = curl_exec($session);
    $retval->code = curl_getinfo($session, CURLINFO_HTTP_CODE);
    $retval->content_type = curl_getinfo($session, CURLINFO_CONTENT_TYPE);
    $retval->content_length = curl_getinfo($session, CURLINFO_CONTENT_LENGTH_DOWNLOAD);
    $this->last_request = $retval;
    return $retval;
  function getLastRequest() {
    return $this->last_request;
  function getLastRequestBody() {
    return $this->last_request->body;
  function getLastRequestCode() {
    return $this->last_request->code;
  function getLastRequestContentType() {
    return $this->last_request->content_type;
  function getLastRequestContentLength() {
    return $this->last_request->content_length;
  function getLastRequestURL() {
    return $this->last_request->url;
  function getLastRequestMethod() {
    return $this->last_request->method;
  function getLastRequestContentTypeSent() {
    return $this->last_request->content_type_sent;
  function getLastRequestContentSent() {
    return $this->last_request->content_sent;

  // Static Utility Functions
  static function processTemplate($template, $values = array()) {

    // Fill in the blanks --
    $retval = $template;
    if (is_array($values)) {
      foreach ($values as $name => $value) {
        $retval = str_replace("{" . $name . "}", $value, $retval);

    // Fill in any unpoupated variables with ""
    return preg_replace("/{[a-zA-Z0-9_]+}/", "", $retval);
  static function doXQuery($xmldata, $xquery) {
    $doc = new DOMDocument();
    return CMISRepositoryWrapper::doXQueryFromNode($doc, $xquery);
  static function doXQueryFromNode($xmlnode, $xquery) {

    // Perform an XQUERY on a NODE
    // Register the 4 CMIS namespaces
    $xpath = new DomXPath($xmlnode);
    foreach (CMISRepositoryWrapper::$namespaces as $nspre => $nsuri) {
        ->registerNamespace($nspre, $nsuri);
    return $xpath
  static function getLinksArray($xmlnode) {

    // Gets the links of an object or a workspace
    // Distinguishes between the two "down" links
    //  -- the children link is put into the associative array with the "down" index
    //  -- the descendants link is put into the associative array with the "down-tree" index
    //  These links are distinquished by the mime type attribute, but these are probably the only two links that share the same rel ..
    //    so this was done as a one off
    $links = array();
    $link_nodes = $xmlnode
    foreach ($link_nodes as $ln) {
      if ($ln->attributes
        ->getNamedItem("rel")->nodeValue == "down" && $ln->attributes
        ->getNamedItem("type")->nodeValue == "application/cmistree+xml") {

        //Descendents and Childredn share same "rel" but different document type
        $links["down-tree"] = $ln->attributes
      else {
          ->getNamedItem("rel")->nodeValue] = $ln->attributes
    return $links;
  static function extractObject($xmldata) {
    $doc = new DOMDocument();
    return CMISRepositoryWrapper::extractObjectFromNode($doc);
  static function extractObjectFromNode($xmlnode) {

    // Extracts the contents of an Object and organizes them into:
    //  -- Links
    //  -- Properties
    //  -- the Object ID
    $retval = new stdClass();
    $retval->links = CMISRepositoryWrapper::getLinksArray($xmlnode);
    $retval->properties = array();
    $prop_nodes = $xmlnode
    foreach ($prop_nodes as $pn) {
      if ($pn->attributes) {
          ->getNamedItem("propertyDefinitionId")->nodeValue] = $pn
    $retval->uuid = $xmlnode
    $retval->id = $retval->properties["cmis:objectId"];
    return $retval;
  static function extractTypeDef($xmldata) {
    $doc = new DOMDocument();
    return CMISRepositoryWrapper::extractTypeDefFromNode($doc);
  static function extractTypeDefFromNode($xmlnode) {

    // Extracts the contents of an Object and organizes them into:
    //  -- Links
    //  -- Properties
    //  -- the Object ID
    $retval = new stdClass();
    $retval->links = CMISRepositoryWrapper::getLinksArray($xmlnode);
    $retval->properties = array();
    $retval->attributes = array();
    $result = CMISRepositoryWrapper::doXQueryFromNode($xmlnode, "//cmisra:type/*");
    foreach ($result as $node) {
      if (substr($node->nodeName, 0, 13) == "cmis:property" && substr($node->nodeName, -10) == "Definition") {
        $id = $node
        $cardinality = $node
        $propertyType = $node

        // Stop Gap for now
        $retval->properties[$id] = array(
          "cmis:propertyType" => $propertyType,
          "cmis:cardinality" => $cardinality,
      else {
        $retval->attributes[$node->nodeName] = $node->nodeValue;
      $retval->id = $retval->attributes["cmis:id"];


    		$prop_nodes = $xmlnode->getElementsByTagName("object")->item(0)->getElementsByTagName("properties")->item(0)->childNodes;
    		foreach ($prop_nodes as $pn) {
    			if ($pn->attributes) {
    				$retval->properties[$pn->attributes->getNamedItem("propertyDefinitionId")->nodeValue] = $pn->getElementsByTagName("value")->item(0)->nodeValue;
    return $retval;
  static function extractObjectFeed($xmldata) {

    //Assumes only one workspace for now
    $doc = new DOMDocument();
    return CMISRepositoryWrapper::extractObjectFeedFromNode($doc);
  static function extractObjectFeedFromNode($xmlnode) {

    // Process a feed and extract the objects
    //   Does not handle hierarchy
    //   Provides two arrays
    //   -- one sequential array (a list)
    //   -- one hash table indexed by objectID
    $retval = new stdClass();
    $retval->objectList = array();
    $retval->objectsById = array();
    $result = CMISRepositoryWrapper::doXQueryFromNode($xmlnode, "//atom:entry");
    foreach ($result as $node) {
      $obj = CMISRepositoryWrapper::extractObjectFromNode($node);
      $retval->objectsById[$obj->id] = $obj;
      $retval->objectList[] =& $retval->objectsById[$obj->id];
    return $retval;
  static function extractWorkspace($xmldata) {

    //Assumes only one workspace for now
    $doc = new DOMDocument();
    return CMISRepositoryWrapper::extractWorkspaceFromNode($doc);
  static function extractWorkspaceFromNode($xmlnode) {

    // Assumes only one workspace for now
    // Load up the workspace object with arrays of
    //  links
    //  URI Templates
    //  Collections
    //  Capabilities
    //  General Repository Information
    $retval = new stdClass();
    $retval->links = CMISRepositoryWrapper::getLinksArray($xmlnode);
    $retval->uritemplates = array();
    $retval->collections = array();
    $retval->capabilities = array();
    $retval->repositoryInfo = array();
    $result = CMISRepositoryWrapper::doXQueryFromNode($xmlnode, "//cmisra:uritemplate");
    foreach ($result as $node) {
        ->item(0)->nodeValue] = $node
    $result = CMISRepositoryWrapper::doXQueryFromNode($xmlnode, "//app:collection");
    foreach ($result as $node) {
        ->item(0)->nodeValue] = $node->attributes
    $result = CMISRepositoryWrapper::doXQueryFromNode($xmlnode, "//cmis:capabilities/*");
    foreach ($result as $node) {
      $retval->capabilities[$node->nodeName] = $node->nodeValue;
    $result = CMISRepositoryWrapper::doXQueryFromNode($xmlnode, "//cmisra:repositoryInfo/*");
    foreach ($result as $node) {
      if ($node->nodeName != "cmis:capabilities") {
        $retval->repositoryInfo[$node->nodeName] = $node->nodeValue;
    return $retval;


// Option Contants for Array Indexing
// -- Generally optional flags that control how much information is returned
// -- Change log token is an anomoly -- but included in URL as parameter
define("OPT_MAX_ITEMS", "maxItems");
define("OPT_SKIP_COUNT", "skipCount");
define("OPT_FILTER", "filter");
define("OPT_INCLUDE_PROPERTY_DEFINITIONS", "includePropertyDefinitions");
define("OPT_INCLUDE_RELATIONSHIPS", "includeRelationships");
define("OPT_INCLUDE_POLICY_IDS", "includePolicyIds");
define("OPT_RENDITION_FILTER", "renditionFilter");
define("OPT_INCLUDE_ACL", "includeACL");
define("OPT_INCLUDE_ALLOWABLE_ACTIONS", "includeAllowableActions");
define("OPT_DEPTH", "depth");
define("OPT_CHANGE_LOG_TOKEN", "changeLogToken");
define("MIME_ATOM_XML", 'application/atom+xml');
define("MIME_ATOM_XML_ENTRY", 'application/atom+xml;type=entry');
define("MIME_ATOM_XML_FEED", 'application/atom+xml;type=feed');
define("MIME_CMIS_TREE", 'application/cmistree+xml');
define("MIME_CMIS_QUERY", 'application/cmisquery+xml');

// Many Links have a pattern to them based upon objectId -- but can that be depended upon?
class CMISService extends CMISRepositoryWrapper {
  var $_link_cache;
  function __construct($url, $username, $password, $options = null) {
    parent::__construct($url, $username, $password, $options);
    $this->_link_cache = array();
    $this->_title_cache = array();
    $this->_objTypeId_cache = array();
    $this->_type_cache = array();

  // Utility Methods -- Added Titles
  // Should refactor to allow for single object
  function cacheEntryInfo($obj) {
    $this->_link_cache[$obj->id] = $obj->links;
    $this->_title_cache[$obj->id] = $obj->properties["cmis:name"];

    // Broad Assumption Here?
    $this->_objTypeId_cache[$obj->id] = $obj->properties["cmis:objectTypeId"];
  function cacheFeedInfo($objs) {
    foreach ($objs->objectList as $obj) {
  function cacheTypeInfo($tDef) {
    $this->_type_cache[$tDef->id] = $tDef;
  function getPropertyType($typeId, $propertyId) {
    if ($this->_type_cache[$typeId]) {
      return $this->_type_cache[$typeId]->properties[$propertyId]["cmis:propertyType"];
    $obj = $this
    return $obj->properties[$propertyId]["cmis:propertyType"];
  function getObjectType($objectId) {
    if ($this->_objTypeId_cache[$objectId]) {
      return $this->_objTypeId_cache[$objectId];
    $obj = $this
    return $obj->properties["cmis:objectTypeId"];
  function getTitle($objectId) {
    if ($this->_title_cache[$objectId]) {
      return $this->_title_cache[$objectId];
    $obj = $this
    return $obj->properties["cmis:name"];
  function getLink($objectId, $linkName) {
    if ($this->_link_cache[$objectId][$linkName]) {
      return $this->_link_cache[$objectId][$linkName];
    $obj = $this
    return $obj->links[$linkName];

  // Repository Services
  function getRepositories() {
    throw Exception("Not Implemented");
  function getRepositoryInfo() {
    return $this->workspace;
  function getTypeChildren() {
    throw Exception("Not Implemented");
  function getTypeDescendants() {
    throw Exception("Not Implemented");
  function getTypeDefinition($typeId, $options = array()) {

    // Nice to have
    $varmap = $options;
    $varmap["id"] = $typeId;
    $myURL = $this
      ->processTemplate($this->workspace->uritemplates['typebyid'], $varmap);
    $ret = $this
    $obj = $this
    return $obj;
  function getObjectTypeDefinition($objectId) {

    // Nice to have
    $myURL = $this
      ->getLink($objectId, "describedby");
    $ret = $this
    $obj = $this
    return $obj;

  //Navigation Services
  function getFolderTree() {

    // Would Be Useful
    throw Exception("Not Implemented");
  function getDescendants() {

    // Nice to have
    throw Exception("Not Implemented");
  function getChildren($objectId, $options = array()) {
    $myURL = $this
      ->getLink($objectId, "down");

    //TODO: Need GenURLQueryString Utility
    $ret = $this
    $objs = $this
    return $objs;
  function getFolderParent($objectId, $options = array()) {

    $myURL = $this
      ->getLink($objectId, "up");

    //TODO: Need GenURLQueryString Utility
    $ret = $this
    $obj = $this
    return $obj;
  function getObjectParents($objectId, $options = array()) {

    // yes
    $myURL = $this
      ->getLink($objectId, "up");

    //TODO: Need GenURLQueryString Utility
    $ret = $this
    $objs = $this
    return $objs;
  function getCheckedOutDocs($options = array()) {
    $obj_url = $this->workspace->collections['checkedout'];
    $ret = $this
    $objs = $this
    return $objs;

  //Discovery Services
  static function getQueryTemplate() {
    echo '<?xml version="1.0" encoding="UTF-8" standalone="yes"?>' . "\n";
<cmis:query xmlns:cmis=""

    return ob_get_clean();
  function query($q, $options = array()) {
    static $query_template;
    if (!isset($query_template)) {
      $query_template = CMISService::getQueryTemplate();
    $hash_values = $options;
    $hash_values['q'] = $q;
    $post_value = CMISRepositoryWrapper::processTemplate($query_template, $hash_values);
    $ret = $this
      ->doPost($this->workspace->collections['query'], $post_value, MIME_CMIS_QUERY);
    $objs = $this
    return $objs;
  function getContentChanges() {
    throw Exception("Not Implemented");

  //Object Services
  static function getEntryTemplate() {
    echo '<?xml version="1.0" encoding="UTF-8" standalone="yes"?>' . "\n";
<atom:entry xmlns:cmis=""

    return ob_get_clean();
  static function getPropertyTemplate() {
		<cmis:property{propertyType} propertyDefinitionId="{propertyId}">

    return ob_get_clean();
  function processPropertyTemplates($objectType, $propMap) {
    static $propTemplate;
    static $propertyTypeMap;
    if (!isset($propTemplate)) {
      $propTemplate = CMISService::getPropertyTemplate();
    if (!isset($propertyTypeMap)) {

      // Not sure if I need to do this like this
      $propertyTypeMap = array(
        "integer" => "Integer",
        "boolean" => "Boolean",
        "datetime" => "DateTime",
        "decimal" => "Decimal",
        "html" => "Html",
        "id" => "Id",
        "string" => "String",
        "url" => "Url",
        "xml" => "Xml",
    $propertyContent = "";
    $hash_values = array();
    foreach ($propMap as $propId => $propValue) {
      $hash_values['propertyType'] = $propertyTypeMap[$this
        ->getPropertyType($objectType, $propId)];
      $hash_values['propertyId'] = $propId;
      if (is_array($propValue)) {
        $first_one = true;
        $hash_values['properties'] = "";
        foreach ($propValue as $val) {

          //This is a bit of a hack
          if ($first_one) {
            $first_one = false;
          else {
            $hash_values['properties'] .= "</cmis:values>\n<cmis:values>";
          $hash_values['properties'] .= $val;
      else {
        $hash_values['properties'] = $propValue;

      //echo "HASH:\n";

      //print_r(array("template" =>$propTemplate, "Hash" => $hash_values));
      $propertyContent .= CMISRepositoryWrapper::processTemplate($propTemplate, $hash_values);
    return $propertyContent;
  static function getContentEntry($content, $content_type = "application/octet-stream") {
    static $contentTemplate;
    if (!isset($contentTemplate)) {
      $contentTemplate = CMISService::getContentTemplate();
    if ($content) {
      return CMISRepositoryWrapper::processTemplate($contentTemplate, array(
        "content" => base64_encode($content),
        "content_type" => $content_type,
    else {
      return "";
  static function getSummaryTemplate() {

    return ob_get_clean();
  static function getContentTemplate() {

    return ob_get_clean();
  static function createAtomEntry($name, $properties) {
  function getObject($objectId, $options = array()) {
    $varmap = $options;
    $varmap["id"] = $objectId;
    $obj_url = $this
      ->processTemplate($this->workspace->uritemplates['objectbyid'], $varmap);
    $ret = $this
    $obj = $this
    return $obj;
  function getObjectByPath($path, $options = array()) {
    $varmap = $options;
    $varmap["path"] = $path;
    $obj_url = $this
      ->processTemplate($this->workspace->uritemplates['objectbypath'], $varmap);
    $ret = $this
    $obj = $this
    return $obj;
  function getProperties($objectId, $options = array()) {

    // May need to set the options array default --
    return $this
      ->getObject($objectId, $options);
  function getAllowableActions($objectId, $options = array()) {

    // get stripped down version of object (for the links) and then get the allowable actions?
    // Low priority -- can get all information when getting object
    throw Exception("Not Implemented");
  function getRenditions($objectId, $options = array(
  )) {
    return getObject($objectId, $options);
  function getContentStream($objectId, $options = array()) {

    // Yes
    $myURL = $this
      ->getLink($objectId, "edit-media");
    $ret = $this

    // doRequest stores the last request information in this object
    return $ret->body;
  function postObject($folderId, $objectName, $objectType, $properties = array(), $content = null, $content_type = "application/octet-stream", $options = array()) {

    // Yes
    $myURL = $this
      ->getLink($folderId, "down");

    // TODO: Need Proper Query String Handling
    // Assumes that the 'down' link does not have a querystring in it
    $myURL = CMISRepositoryWrapper::getOpUrl($myURL, $options);
    static $entry_template;
    if (!isset($entry_template)) {
      $entry_template = CMISService::getEntryTemplate();
    if (is_array($properties)) {
      $hash_values = $properties;
    else {
      $hash_values = array();
    if (!isset($hash_values["cmis:objectTypeId"])) {
      $hash_values["cmis:objectTypeId"] = $objectType;
    $properties_xml = $this
      ->processPropertyTemplates($objectType, $hash_values);
    if (is_array($options)) {
      $hash_values = $options;
    else {
      $hash_values = array();
    $hash_values["PROPERTIES"] = $properties_xml;
    $hash_values["SUMMARY"] = CMISService::getSummaryTemplate();
    if ($content) {
      $hash_values["CONTENT"] = CMISService::getContentEntry($content, $content_type);
    if (!isset($hash_values['title'])) {
      $hash_values['title'] = $objectName;
    if (!isset($hash_values['summary'])) {
      $hash_values['summary'] = $objectName;
    $post_value = CMISRepositoryWrapper::processTemplate($entry_template, $hash_values);
    $ret = $this
      ->doPost($myURL, $post_value, MIME_ATOM_XML_ENTRY);

    // print "DO_POST\n";
    // print_r($ret);
    $obj = $this
    return $obj;
  function createDocument($folderId, $fileName, $properties = array(), $content = null, $content_type = "application/octet-stream", $options = array()) {

    // Yes
    return $this
      ->postObject($folderId, $fileName, "cmis:document", $properties, $content, $content_type, $options);
  function createDocumentFromSource() {

    throw Exception("Not Implemented in This Binding");
  function createFolder($folderId, $folderName, $properties = array(), $options = array()) {

    // Yes
    return $this
      ->postObject($folderId, $folderName, "cmis:folder", $properties, null, null, $options);
  function createRelationship() {

    // Not in first Release
    throw Exception("Not Implemented");
  function createPolicy() {

    // Not in first Release
    throw Exception("Not Implemented");
  function updateProperties($objectId, $properties = array(), $options = array()) {

    // Yes
    $varmap = $options;
    $varmap["id"] = $objectId;
    $objectName = $this
    $objectType = $this
    $obj_url = $this
      ->getLink($objectId, "edit");
    $obj_url = CMISRepositoryWrapper::getOpUrl($obj_url, $options);
    static $entry_template;
    if (!isset($entry_template)) {
      $entry_template = CMISService::getEntryTemplate();
    if (is_array($properties)) {
      $hash_values = $properties;
    else {
      $hash_values = array();
    $properties_xml = $this
      ->processPropertyTemplates($objectType, $hash_values);
    if (is_array($options)) {
      $hash_values = $options;
    else {
      $hash_values = array();
    $hash_values["PROPERTIES"] = $properties_xml;
    $hash_values["SUMMARY"] = CMISService::getSummaryTemplate();
    if (!isset($hash_values['title'])) {
      $hash_values['title'] = $objectName;
    if (!isset($hash_values['summary'])) {
      $hash_values['summary'] = $objectName;
    $put_value = CMISRepositoryWrapper::processTemplate($entry_template, $hash_values);
    $ret = $this
      ->doPut($obj_url, $put_value, MIME_ATOM_XML_ENTRY);
    $obj = $this
    return $obj;
  function moveObject($objectId, $targetFolderId, $sourceFolderId, $options = array()) {

    $options['sourceFolderId'] = $sourceFolderId;
    return $this
      ->postObject($targetFolderId, $this
      ->getTitle($objectId), $this
      ->getObjectType($objectId), array(
      "cmis:objectId" => $objectId,
    ), null, null, $options);
  function deleteObject($objectId, $options = array()) {

    $varmap = $options;
    $varmap["id"] = $objectId;
    $obj_url = $this
      ->getLink($objectId, "edit");
    $ret = $this
  function deleteTree() {

    // Nice to have
    throw Exception("Not Implemented");
  function setContentStream($objectId, $content, $content_type, $options = array()) {

    $myURL = $this
      ->getLink($objectId, "edit-media");
    $ret = $this
      ->doPut($myURL, $content, $content_type);
  function deleteContentStream($objectId, $options = array()) {

    $myURL = $this
      ->getLink($objectId, "edit-media");
    $ret = $this

  //Versioning Services
  function getPropertiesOfLatestVersion($objectId, $options = array()) {
    throw Exception("Not Implemented");
  function getObjectOfLatestVersion($objectId, $options = array()) {
    throw Exception("Not Implemented");
  function getAllVersions() {
    throw Exception("Not Implemented");
  function checkOut() {
    throw Exception("Not Implemented");
  function checkIn() {
    throw Exception("Not Implemented");
  function cancelCheckOut() {
    throw Exception("Not Implemented");
  function deleteAllVersions() {
    throw Exception("Not Implemented");

  //Relationship Services
  function getObjectRelationships() {

    // get stripped down version of object (for the links) and then get the relationships?
    // Low priority -- can get all information when getting object
    throw Exception("Not Implemented");

  //Multi-Filing Services
  function addObjectToFolder() {

    // Probably
    throw Exception("Not Implemented");
  function removeObjectFromFolder() {

    throw Exception("Not Implemented");

  //Policy Services
  function getAppliedPolicies() {
    throw Exception("Not Implemented");
  function applyPolicy() {
    throw Exception("Not Implemented");
  function removePolicy() {
    throw Exception("Not Implemented");

  //ACL Services
  function getACL() {
    throw Exception("Not Implemented");
  function applyACL() {
    throw Exception("Not Implemented");
