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cloudflare.module in CloudFlare 7

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  1. 8 cloudflare.module
  2. 6 cloudflare.module
  3. 7.2 cloudflare.module


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* Implementation of hook_menu().
function cloudflare_menu() {
  $items['admin/config/people/cloudflare'] = array(
    'title' => 'Cloudflare',
    'page callback' => 'drupal_get_form',
    'page arguments' => array(
    'access arguments' => array(
      'administer cloudflare',
    'description' => t('Configure the Cloudflare settings.'),
  return $items;

* Implements hook_permission().
function cloudflare_permission() {
  return array(
    'administer cloudflare' => array(
      'title' => t('Administer Cloudflare'),
      'description' => t('Perform administration tasks for Cloudflare.'),

* cloudflare_menu() page callback function.
function cloudflare_admin() {
  $form = array();
  $form['cloudflare_api_email'] = array(
    '#type' => 'textfield',
    '#title' => t('E-mail address'),
    '#description' => t('Email address for your Cloudflare account.  You can find it on the ') . l(t('Account Tab'), ''),
    '#default_value' => variable_get('cloudflare_api_email', ''),
    '#required' => TRUE,
  $form['cloudflare_api_key'] = array(
    '#type' => 'textfield',
    '#title' => t('API key'),
    '#description' => t('API key for your Cloudflare account.  You can find it on the ') . l(t('Account Tab'), ''),
    '#default_value' => variable_get('cloudflare_api_key', ''),
    '#required' => TRUE,
  return system_settings_form($form);
function cloudflare_admin_submit($form, &$form_state) {
  $form_values = $form_state['values'];
  variable_set('cloudflare_api_email', $form_values['api_email']);
  variable_set('cloudflare_api_key', $form_values['api_key']);

* Implementation of hook_form_FORM_ID_alter().
function cloudflare_form_comment_admin_overview_alter(&$form, $form_state) {

  // If cloudflare hasn't been configured, don't display form alterations.
  if (!_is_cloudflare_configured()) {
    return $form;

  // Add some additional options to the comment operations list.
  $form['options']['operation']['#options']['Cloudflare Actions'] = array(
    'cloudflare_spam' => t('Report Spam'),
    'cloudflare_spam_delete' => t('Report Spam + Delete'),
    'cloudflare_ban_ip' => t('Ban IP'),
    'cloudflare_ban_ip_delete' => t('Ban IP + Delete Comment'),
    'cloudflare_whitelist_ip' => t('Whitelist IP'),
    'cloudflare_whitelist_ip_publish' => t('Whitelist IP + Publish Comment'),

  // append a submit handler that will proces after the default form handler is finished.
  $form['#submit'][] = 'cloudflare_form_comment_admin_overview_submit';
  return $form;
function cloudflare_form_comment_admin_overview_submit($form, &$form_state) {
  if (isset($form_state['values']['operation'])) {
    $operation = $form_state['input']['operation'];
    if (isset($form_state['values']['comments'])) {
      $cids = $form_state['values']['comments'];
      foreach ($cids as $cid => $value) {
        switch ($operation) {
          case 'cloudflare_ban_ip':
            _cloudflare_ban_comment($cid, FALSE);
          case 'cloudflare_ban_ip_delete':
            _cloudflare_ban_comment($cid, TRUE);
          case 'cloudflare_whitelist_ip':
            _cloudflare_whitelist_comment($cid, FALSE);
          case 'cloudflare_whitelist_ip_publish':
            _cloudflare_whitelist_comment($cid, TRUE);
          case 'cloudflare_spam':
            _cloudflare_spam_report($cid, FALSE);
          case 'cloudflare_spam_delete':
            _cloudflare_spam_report($cid, TRUE);
  return $form;

* TODO: Implementation of hook_action_info().

//function cloudflare_action_info() {

//  $cloudflare_threat_actions = array();
//  $cloudflare_threat_actions['cloudflare_add_ip_to_ban_list_action'] = array(
//    'description' => t('Add IP Address to Cloudflare ban list'),
//    'type' => 'system',
//    'configurable' => FALSE,
//    'hooks' => array( 'any' => TRUE )
//  );
//  return $cloudflare_threat_actions;


 * TODO: Implementation of a Drupal action.

//function cloudflare_add_ip_to_ban_list_action(&$object, $context = array()) {


function _cloudflare_ban_comment($cid, $deletecid = FALSE) {
  $ip = _get_ip_address_from_comment($cid);

  //if (_cloudflare_ban_ip($ip) == "OK" && $deletecid) {

  // only delete the comment if action returned true.

function _cloudflare_whitelist_comment($cid, $publishcid = FALSE) {
  $ip = _get_ip_address_from_comment($cid);
  if (_cloudflare_whitelist_ip($ip) == "OK" && $publishcid) {

    // only publish the comment if action returned true.
function _cloudflare_spam_report($cid, $deletecid = FALSE) {
  $return_val = _cloudflare_spam_api($cid);
  if ($return_val['result']->result == 'error') {
    watchdog('cloudflare', t('Spam report failed.') . "\n" . serialize($return_val['result']->msg) . "\n" . serialize($return_val['options']));
    drupal_set_message(t("Spam report failed: %msg", array(
      '%msg' => $return_val['result']->msg,
  elseif ($return_val['result']->result == 'success') {
    watchdog('cloudflare', t('Successfully submitted CloudFlare spam report.') . "\n" . serialize($return_val['value']));
    drupal_set_message(t("Successfully submitted CloudFlare spam report for ") . $return_val['value']['am'] . ' / ' . $return_val['value']['ip']);

    // If delete is chosen, let's get that done now.
    if ($deletecid) {
  else {
    watchdog('cloudflare', t('Unexpected Response from CloudFlare.') . "\n" . $return_val['fc']);
    drupal_set_message(t("Unexpected Response from CloudFlare. Please review your watchdog report for detailed information."));
function _cloudflare_whitelist_ip($ip) {
  $result = _cloudflare_threat_api('wl', $ip);

  // Get the first line only
  list($status_code) = explode("\n", $result);
  if ($status_code == "OK") {
    drupal_set_message(t("You have successfully added %ip to your Cloudflare white list.", array(
      '%ip' => $ip,
    )), 'status', FALSE);

    // record a message noting the action taken
    watchdog('cloudflare', t('You have successfully added %ip to your Cloudflare white list.'), array(
      '%ip' => $ip,
  else {
    switch ($status_code) {
      case "E_UNAUTH":
        $message_user = "Cloudflare response: Authorization could not be completed.";
        $message_watchdog = t("Cloudflare response: Authorization could not be completed.");
      case "E_INVLDIP":
        $message_user = "Cloudflare response: Malformed IPv4 address passed in. (IP: %ip)";
        $message_watchdog = t("Cloudflare response: Malformed IPv4 address passed in. (IP: %ip)");
      case "E_INVLDINPUT":
        $message_user = "Cloudflare response: Some other input was not valid.";
        $message_watchdog = t("Cloudflare response: Some other input was not valid.");
      case "E_MAXAPI":
        $message_user = "Cloudflare response: You have exceeded your allowed number of API calls.";
        $message_watchdog = t("Cloudflare response: You have exceeded your allowed number of API calls.");
      case "CF_CIDR":
        $message_user = "Sorry, %ip belongs to Cloudflare and cannot be white listed.";
        $message_watchdog = t("Sorry, %ip belongs to Cloudflare and cannot be white listed.");
      case "MY_IP":
        $message_user = "You dork.  %ip belongs to you!";
        $message_watchdog = t("You dork.  %ip belongs to you!");
    drupal_set_message(t($message_user, array(
      '%ip' => $ip,
    )), 'warning', FALSE);

    // record a message noting the action taken
    watchdog('cloudflare', $message_watchdog, array(
      '%ip' => $ip,
  return $status_code;
function _cloudflare_ban_ip($ip) {
  $result = _cloudflare_threat_api('ban', $ip);

  // Get the first line only
  list($status_code) = explode("\n", $result);
  if ($status_code == "OK") {
    drupal_set_message(t("You have successfully added %ip to your Cloudflare block list.", array(
      '%ip' => $ip,
    )), 'status', FALSE);

    // record a message noting the action taken
    watchdog('cloudflare', t('You have successfully added %ip to your Cloudflare block list.'), array(
      '%ip' => $ip,
  else {
    switch ($status_code) {
      case "E_UNAUTH":
        $message_user = "Cloudflare response: Authorization could not be completed.";
        $message_watchdog = t("Cloudflare response: Authorization could not be completed.");
      case "E_INVLDIP":
        $message_user = "Cloudflare response: Malformed IPv4 address passed in. (IP: %ip)";
        $message_watchdog = t("Cloudflare response: Malformed IPv4 address passed in. (IP: %ip)");
      case "E_INVLDINPUT":
        $message_user = "Cloudflare response: Some other input was not valid.";
        $message_watchdog = t("Cloudflare response: Some other input was not valid.");
      case "E_MAXAPI":
        $message_user = "Cloudflare response: You have exceeded your allowed number of API calls.";
        $message_watchdog = t("Cloudflare response: You have exceeded your allowed number of API calls.");
      case "CF_CIDR":
        $message_user = "Sorry, %ip belongs to Cloudflare and cannot be banned.";
        $message_watchdog = t("Sorry, %ip belongs to Cloudflare and cannot be banned.");
      case "MY_IP":
        $message_user = "You dork.  %ip belongs to you!";
        $message_watchdog = t("You dork.  %ip belongs to you!");
    drupal_set_message(t($message_user, array(
      '%ip' => $ip,
    )), 'warning', FALSE);

    // record a message noting the action taken
    watchdog('cloudflare', $message_watchdog, array(
      '%ip' => $ip,
  return $status_code;

 * TODO: Add a quick ban link on the comments list for a node.
 * Implementation of hook_link()

//function cloudflare_link($type, $comment, $teaser = FALSE) {

//  $links = array();
//  // If cloudflare hasn't been configured, don't display link.
//  if (!_is_cloudflare_configured()) {
//    return $links;
//  }
//  switch($type) {
//    case 'comment':
//      $links['cloudflare_ban_ip'] = array(
//        '#access' => user_access('administer cloudflare'),
//        'title' => t('ban ip'),
//        'attributes' => array('title' => t('Ban IP Address in Cloudflare.')),
//        'href' => "admin/settings/cloudflare/ban/$comment->cid",
//      );
//      break;
//  }
//  return $links;


 * Implementation of hook_form_alter()

// not ready for prime-time.

//function cloudflare_form_comment_form_alter(&$form, $form_state) {

//  //dpm($form);
//  //dpm($form_state);
//  // If cloudflare hasn't been configured, don't display form alterations.
//  if (!_is_cloudflare_configured()) {
//    return $form;
//  }
//  // If we're not in edit mode, don't display form alterations.
//  if (!isset($form['cid']['#value'])) {
//    return $form;
//  }
//  $form['cloudflare_actions'] = array(
//    '#access' => user_access('administer cloudflare'),
//    '#type' => 'fieldset',
//    '#title' => t('Cloudflare actions'),
//    '#collapsible' => FALSE,
//    '#collapsed' => FALSE,
//    '#weight' => 22,
//  );
//  $form['cloudflare_actions']['cloudflare_ban_ip'] = array(
//    '#access' => user_access('administer cloudflare'),
//    '#type' => 'submit',
//    '#value' => t('Ban IP'),
//    '#attributes' => array('title' => t('Ban IP Address in Cloudflare.')),
//    '#weight' => 23,
//  );
//  $form['cloudflare_actions']['cloudflare_ban_ip_delete'] = array(
//    '#access' => user_access('administer cloudflare'),
//    '#type' => 'submit',
//    '#value' => t('Ban IP + Delete Comment'),
//    '#attributes' => array('title' => t('Ban IP Address in Cloudflare, then delete comment.')),
//    '#weight' => 24,
//  );
//  //$form['cloudflare_actions']['cloudflare_report_spam'] = array(
//  //  '#access' => user_access('administer cloudflare'),
//  //  '#type' => 'submit',
//  //  '#value' => t('Report Spam'),
//  //  '#attributes' => array('title' => t('Report Spam to Cloudflare')),
//  //  '#weight' => 25,
//  //);
//  //$form['cloudflare_actions']['cloudflare_report_spam_delete'] = array(
//  //  '#access' => user_access('administer cloudflare'),
//  //  '#type' => 'submit',
//  //  '#value' => t('Report Spam + Delete Comment'),
//  //  '#attributes' => array('title' => t('Report Spam to Cloudflare, then delete comment.')),
//  //  '#weight' => 26,
//  //);


* Perform an action using Cloudflare's Threat API.
function _cloudflare_threat_api($action, $ip) {

  // Retrieve the settings.
  $cf_settings = _cloudflare_settings();
  $cf_api_email = $cf_settings['cf_api_email'];
  $cf_api_key = $cf_settings['cf_api_key'];
  $cf_ip_ranges = $cf_settings['cf_ip_ranges'];
  $my_ip = $cf_settings['my_ip'];

  // if the IP being banned is known to belong to Cloudflare, disallow it.
  foreach ($cf_ip_ranges as $cidr) {
    if (_cidr_match($ip, $cidr) && $action == "ban") {
      return "CF_CIDR";

  // if the IP being banned belongs to the person submitting this request, disallow it.
  if ($ip == $my_ip && $action == "ban") {
    return "MY_IP";
  $url = "/api.html?a={$action}&key={$ip}&u={$cf_api_email}&tkn={$cf_api_key}";
  $opts = array(
    'http' => array(
      'method' => "GET",
      'header' => array(
        "Connection: Close",
  $context = stream_context_create($opts);

  // Open the file using the HTTP headers set above
  $fc = check_plain(file_get_contents($cf_settings['cf_api_https_host'] . $url, false, $context));
  return $fc;
function _cloudflare_spam_api($cid) {

  // Retrieve the settings.
  $cf_settings = _cloudflare_settings();
  $cf_api_email = $cf_settings['cf_api_email'];
  $cf_api_key = $cf_settings['cf_api_key'];

  //$cf_ip_ranges = $cf_settings['cf_ip_ranges'];

  //$my_ip = $cf_settings['my_ip'];
  $comment = comment_load($cid);
  $comment_body = isset($comment->comment_body[LANGUAGE_NONE][0]) ? $comment->comment_body[LANGUAGE_NONE][0]['value'] : "";
  $value = array(
    "a" => $comment->name,
    "am" => $comment->mail,
    "ip" => $comment->hostname,
    "con" => substr($comment_body, 0, 350),
  $postdata = http_build_query(array(
    'evnt_v' => json_encode($value),
    'u' => $cf_api_email,
    'tkn' => $cf_api_key,
    'evnt_t' => 'WP_SPAM',
  ), '', '&');
  $opts = array(
    'http' => array(
      'method' => 'POST',
      'header' => array(
        "Content-type: application/x-www-form-urlencoded",
        "Content-length: " . strlen($postdata),
        "Connection: Close",
      'content' => $postdata,
  $context = stream_context_create($opts);
  $url = "/ajax/external-event.html";

  // Open the file using the HTTP headers set above
  $fc = file_get_contents($cf_settings['cf_api_https_host'] . $url, false, $context);
  $result = json_decode($fc);
  if ($result->result == 'error') {
    return array(
      "result" => $result,
      "options" => $opts,
  elseif ($result->result == 'success') {
    return array(
      "result" => $result,
      "value" => $value,
  else {
    return array(
      "result" => 'other',
      "fc" => $fc,

* Load the cloudflare settings into a static array.
function _cloudflare_settings() {
  static $cloudflare_settings;
  if (!isset($cloudflare_settings)) {
    $cloudflare_settings = array(
      'cf_api_email' => variable_get('cloudflare_api_email', FALSE),
      'cf_api_key' => variable_get('cloudflare_api_key', FALSE),
      'cf_api_ssl_host' => "ssl://",
      'cf_api_https_host' => "",
      'cf_api_port' => 443,
      'cf_ip_ranges' => array(
      'my_ip' => $_SERVER["REMOTE_ADDR"],
  return $cloudflare_settings;

* Check if Cloudflare has been configured.
function _is_cloudflare_configured() {

  // Retrieve the settings.
  $cf_settings = _cloudflare_settings();

  // TRUE if email and api key are configured.
  $cloudflare_configured = $cf_settings['cf_api_email'] && $cf_settings['cf_api_key'];

  // Set a friendly message to remind administrator to configure the module.
  if (!$cloudflare_configured && user_access('administer cloudflare')) {
    drupal_set_message(t('Oops! ') . l('Cloudflare', 'admin/config/people/cloudflare') . t(' has not been configured, so we are hiding some nifty features from you. Let\'s get \'er done shall we?'), 'status', FALSE);
  return $cloudflare_configured;

* Lookup the hostname/IP Address of the comment using the comment id.
function _get_ip_address_from_comment($cid) {
  $comment = comment_load($cid);
  return $comment->hostname;

* Delete comment.
function _cloudflare_delete_comment($cid) {
  $comment = comment_load($cid);

  // hackity hacky hack: set error reporting to hide errors due to bug report

  //error_reporting(E_ALL ^ E_NOTICE);

  $num_deleted = db_delete('comment')
    ->condition('cid', $cid)
  if ($num_deleted > 0) {
    watchdog('action', t("Comment #%id has been deleted.", array(
      '%id' => $cid,

* Publish comment.
function _cloudflare_publish_comment($cid) {
  $context['cid'] = $cid;
  comment_publish_action($comment = null, $context);
  watchdog('action', t("Comment #%id has been published.", array(
    '%id' => $cid,
function _cidr_match($ip, $range) {
  list($subnet, $bits) = explode('/', $range);
  $ip = ip2long($ip);
  $subnet = ip2long($subnet);
  $mask = -1 << 32 - $bits;
  $subnet &= $mask;

  # nb: in case the supplied subnet wasn't correctly aligned
  return ($ip & $mask) == $subnet;


Namesort descending Description
cloudflare_admin cloudflare_menu() page callback function.
cloudflare_form_comment_admin_overview_alter Implementation of hook_form_FORM_ID_alter().
cloudflare_menu Implementation of hook_menu().
cloudflare_permission Implements hook_permission().
_cloudflare_delete_comment Delete comment.
_cloudflare_publish_comment Publish comment.
_cloudflare_settings Load the cloudflare settings into a static array.
_cloudflare_threat_api Perform an action using Cloudflare's Threat API.
_get_ip_address_from_comment Lookup the hostname/IP Address of the comment using the comment id.
_is_cloudflare_configured Check if Cloudflare has been configured.