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10 calls to CvValidatorBase::getElementTitle() in Clientside Validation 3.0.x

Email::getRules in src/Plugin/CvValidator/Email.php
Get the validation rules for this form element.
EqualTo::getRules in clientside_validation_jquery/src/Plugin/CvValidator/EqualTo.php
Get the validation rules for this form element.
Max::getRules in src/Plugin/CvValidator/Max.php
Get the validation rules for this form element.
MaxLength::getRules in src/Plugin/CvValidator/MaxLength.php
Get the validation rules for this form element.
Min::getRules in src/Plugin/CvValidator/Min.php
Get the validation rules for this form element.
Pattern::getRules in clientside_validation_jquery/src/Plugin/CvValidator/Pattern.php
Get the validation rules for this form element.
Required::getRules in src/Plugin/CvValidator/Required.php
Get the validation rules for this form element.
Step::getRules in src/Plugin/CvValidator/Step.php
Get the validation rules for this form element.
Url::getRules in src/Plugin/CvValidator/Url.php
Get the validation rules for this form element.
UrlInternalExternal::getRules in src/Plugin/CvValidator/UrlInternalExternal.php
Get the validation rules for this form element.