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clientside_validation_jquery.schema.yml in Clientside Validation 8.2



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  1. clientside_validation_jquery.settings:
  2. type: config_object
  3. label: 'Clientside Validation jQuery Settings'
  4. mapping:
  5. use_cdn:
  6. type: boolean
  7. label: 'Use JS from CDN'
  8. description: 'CDN is used by default if JS not added into libraries.'
  9. cdn_base_url:
  10. type: string
  11. label: 'CDN Base URL'
  12. description: 'CDN to use (along with version in URL).'
  13. validate_all_ajax_forms:
  14. type: integer
  15. label: 'Validate all forms before AJAX submit'
  16. description: 'All forms with class "cv-validate-before-ajax" will be validated by default'
  17. force_validate_on_blur:
  18. type: integer
  19. label: 'Force validate on Blur/focusout'