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function clients_connection_base::debug in Web Service Clients 7.3

Output debugging data.

This outputs debugging data if the connection is set to debug mode.

The following channels are available:

  • watchdog: The usual Drupal core watchdog. This may not be suitable for large data.
  • dd: Devel module's dd() function.
  • dpm: Devel module's dpm() function.
  • ddl: Devel Debug Log module's ddl() function.

The channels used can be overridden by defining an array of the above names as keys in the site variable 'clients_debug_channels'.


$data: The data to output, such as the request data.

$variables = array(): An array of variables for passing to watchdog(), if that output channel is used.


includes/, line 271
Provides base classes for clients handler entities.


Base class for client connections.


function debug($data, $variables = array()) {

  // Bail if we're not set to debug mode.
  if (empty($this->configuration['debug'])) {

  // Get the channels we output debug data to.
  // Statically cache this, as we'll likely come here several times in one
  // connection request.
  static $clients_debug_channels;
  if (!isset($clients_debug_channels)) {
    $clients_debug_channels = variable_get('clients_debug_channels', array(
      'watchdog' => TRUE,
      'dpm' => module_exists('devel'),
      'ddl' => module_exists('devel_debug_log'),

  // Drupal core watchdog().
  if (isset($clients_debug_channels['watchdog'])) {
    watchdog(get_class($this), $data, $variables, WATCHDOG_DEBUG);

  // Devel dpm().
  if (isset($clients_debug_channels['dpm'])) {
    dpm($data, get_class($this));

  // Devel dd().
  if (isset($clients_debug_channels['dd'])) {

  // Devel debug log ddl().
  if (isset($clients_debug_channels['dd'])) {
    ddl($data, get_class($this));