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22 calls to clients_connection_load() in Web Service Clients 7

clients_call in ./clients.module
defines hook_clients_call
clients_connections_list in ./
Page callback: list connections.
clients_connection_drupal_services::connectionSettingsForm in backends/clients_drupal/
Form builder for adding or editing connections of this class.
clients_connection_drupal_services::connectionSettingsForm_submit in backends/clients_drupal/
Submit handler for saving/updating connections of this class.
clients_connection_edit in ./
Form builder for editing a connection.
clients_connection_view in ./
Page callback to view a single connection.
clients_drupal_clients_call in backends/clients_drupal/clients_drupal.module
Implementation of hook_clients_call
clients_drupal_clients_fields in backends/clients_drupal/clients_drupal.module
Implementation of hook_clients_fields - refactor as inc file? Allows us to get field for a specific resource. Default fields are set at the connection type level here and additional custom field will be defined per resource (@todo). This will allow…
clients_drupal_clients_service_options in backends/clients_drupal/clients_drupal.module
Implementation of hook_clients_service_options
clients_drupal_clients_setparams in backends/clients_drupal/clients_drupal.module
Implementation of hook_clients_setparams
clients_flickr_add_validate in backends/clients_flickr/clients_flickr.module
Implementation of hook_validate()
clients_flickr_clients_call in backends/clients_flickr/clients_flickr.module
Implementation of hook_clients_call
clients_flickr_clients_fields in backends/clients_flickr/clients_flickr.module
Implementation of hook_clients_fields - refactor as inc file? Allows us to get field for a specific resource. Default fields are set at the connection type level here and additional custom field will be defined per resource (@todo). This will allow…
clients_flickr_clients_service_options in backends/clients_flickr/clients_flickr.module
Implementation of hook_clients_service_options
clients_flickr_clients_setparams in backends/clients_flickr/clients_flickr.module
Implementation of hook_clients_setparams
clients_flickr_config in backends/clients_flickr/clients_flickr.module
clients_get_connection in ./clients.module
Create a connection object which can then be used to make method calls.
clients_resources in ./clients.module
clients_resource_view in ./clients.module
@todo hide password until clicked to prevent overshoulder attacks when keys are being checked
clients_service_options in ./clients.module
hook_clients_service_options, configure options
clients_views_views_data in clients/clients_views/clients_views.module
client_delete_confirm in ./clients.module
Form builder for confirmation of deletion of a connection or resource.