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Base class for backends. Handles XML-RPC, REST calls and caching results

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 * @file
 * Base class for backends. Handles XML-RPC, REST calls and caching results

 * Base class for Client connections.
abstract class clients_connection_base {

  // Class properties.
  public $name;
  public $cid;
  public $endpoint;
  public $configuration;

   * Submit handler for saving/updating connections of this class.
   * @see clients_connection_form_submit().
  static function connectionSettingsForm_submit($form, &$form_state) {

    // Base class does nothing; saving of the connection is handled by the
    // 'real' FormAPI submit handler.

   * Constructor method.
   * @param $connection_data
   *  An object containing connection data, as returned from clients_connection_load().
  function __construct($connection_data) {

    // Set the connection properties.
    // TODO: incoming $connection_data should change to an array in due course.
    foreach (array(
    ) as $property) {
      $this->{$property} = $connection_data->{$property};

   * Takes variable number of params after cacheid.
  protected static function doCall($method, $cacheid) {
    $args = func_get_args();
    $args = array_slice($args, 2);

    // any extra params passed to this argument
    $cache_table = 'cache_clients';
    $cache_time = variable_get('clients_api_cache_time', '0');
    if ($cache_time == '0' || !($result = cache_get($cacheid, $cache_table))) {
      if ($method == 'xmlrpc') {
        $data = call_user_func_array('xmlrpc', $args);
      elseif ($method == 'rest') {
        $data = call_user_func_array('drupal_http_request', $args);
      else {
        $data = t('@method not yet supported', array(
          '@method' => $method,

      // @todo error handling/reporting
      if ($cache_time != '0') {
        cache_set($cacheid, $data, $cache_table, $cache_time == 'cron' ? CACHE_TEMPORARY : time() + (int) $cache_time * 60);
      $result = new stdClass();
      $result->data = $data;
      $result->created = time();
    return $result;

   * Provide buttons for the connection testing page.
  function getTestOperations() {
    return array();

   * Connection extending classes must implement the interface below:

   * Sets cacheid and parameters for the service/method and calls self::doCall()
  public static abstract function call($serviceConfig, $serviceOptions);



Namesort descending Description
clients_connection_base Base class for Client connections.