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7 calls to CleantalkFuncs::apbct_getcookie() in Anti Spam by CleanTalk 9.1.x

AntiCrawler::check in src/lib/Cleantalk/Common/Firewall/Modules/AntiCrawler.php
Use this method to execute main logic of the module.
AntiFlood::check in src/lib/Cleantalk/Common/Firewall/Modules/AntiFlood.php
Use this method to execute main logic of the module.
BootSubscriber::handle in src/EventSubscriber/BootSubscriber.php
CleantalkFuncs::_cleantalk_apbct_cookies_test in src/CleantalkFuncs.php
Cookie test
CleantalkFuncs::_cleantalk_check_spam in src/CleantalkFuncs.php
Cleantalk inner function - performs antispam checking.
cleantalk_validate_webform in ./cleantalk.module
Cleantalk inner function - webform validation function.
SFW::check in src/lib/Cleantalk/Common/Firewall/Modules/SFW.php
* Use this method to execute main logic of the module. * *