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CleanerMySqlOptimizationController.php in Cleaner 8


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namespace Drupal\cleaner\Controller;

use Drupal\Component\Utility\Timer;
use Psr\Log\LogLevel;

 * Class CleanerMySqlOptimizationController.
 * @package Drupal\cleaner\Controller
class CleanerMySqlOptimizationController implements CleanerControllersInterface {

   * Configuration name.
   * @var string
  public static $configName = 'cleaner_optimize_db';

   * Watchdog log level.
   * @type string
  protected static $logLevel;

   * Watchdog log message.
   * @type string
  protected static $logMessage;

   * Database connection.
   * @var \Drupal\Core\Database\Connection
  protected $connection;

   * Perform the operation.
  public function execute() {

   * MySQL optimizer.
  protected function mysqlOptimize() {
    $opt = \Drupal::config(CLEANER_SETTINGS)
    if ($opt) {

      // Set's the default log level - info.
      static::$logLevel = LogLevel::INFO;

      // Get database connection.
      $this->connection = \Drupal::database();

      // Get's the database driver name.
      $db_type = $this->connection

      // Make sure the db type hasn't changed.
      if ($db_type == 'mysql') {

        // Gathering tables list.
        $list = $this
        if (!empty($list)) {

          // Run optimization timer.

          // Perform optimization.
            ->optimizeIt(static::getOptimizationQuery($opt, $list));

          // Write a log about successful optimization into the watchdog.
          // Convert tables list into a comma-separated list.
          $list = implode(', ', $list);

          // Get the timers's results.
          $time = static::getTimerResult();

          // Create a log message.
          static::$logMessage = "Optimized tables: {$list}. This required {$time} seconds.";
        else {

          // Write a log about thing that optimization process is
          // no tables which can to be optimized.
          static::$logMessage = 'There is no tables which can to be optimized.';
      else {

        // Write a log(error) about thing that optimization process
        // isn't allowed for non-MySQL databases into the watchdog.
        // Change log level to an error.
        static::$logLevel = LogLevel::ERROR;
        static::$logMessage = "Database type ({$db_type}) not allowed to be optimized.";

      // Write some logs.
        ->log(static::$logLevel, static::$logMessage);

   * Extract and format the timer results.
   * @return string
   *   Formatted timer results.
  private static function getTimerResult() {

    // Get raw timer's data in milliseconds.
    $raw = Timer::read('cleaner_db_optimization');

    // Convert it to seconds.
    $raw /= 1000;

    // Convert it to the correct number format.
    return number_format($raw, 3);

   * Perform the optimization query.
   * @param string $query
   *   Query string.
  protected function optimizeIt($query) {
      ->query((string) $query)

   * Build the optimization query string.
   * @param int $opt
   *   Operation flag.
   * @param array $list
   *   Tables list array.
   * @return string
   *   Optimization query string.
  protected static function getOptimizationQuery($opt, $list) {
    $query = 'OPTIMIZE ' . ($opt == 2 ? 'LOCAL ' : '');
    $query .= 'TABLE {' . implode('}, {', $list) . '}';
    return $query;

   * Build the tables list.
   * @return array Tables list array.
   *   Tables list array.
  protected function buildTablesList() {
    $list = [];
    $tables = (array) $this->connection
      ->query("SHOW TABLE STATUS");
    if (!empty($tables)) {
      foreach ($tables as $table) {
        if (isset($table->Data_free) && !empty($table->Data_free)) {
          $list[] = (string) $table->Name;
    return $list;



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CleanerMySqlOptimizationController Class CleanerMySqlOptimizationController.