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panels-clean_region-region.tpl.php in Clean Markup 7.2

Displays a clean-markup region.

Available variables:

  • $is_region_wrapper: TRUE if a region wrapper should be output, FALSE if it should not.
  • $region_wrapper: The element to wrap the region in.
  • $region_classes: Any classes to apply to the region wrapper.
  • $display_inner_div: TRUE if an inner div should be output, FALSE if it should not.
  • $panes: The HTML of the different panes contained in this region. This file will not be called if the region is empty!


View source

 * @file
 * Displays a clean-markup region.
 * Available variables:
 * - $is_region_wrapper: TRUE if a region wrapper should be output, FALSE if it
 *   should not.
 * - $region_wrapper: The element to wrap the region in.
 * - $region_classes: Any classes to apply to the region wrapper.
 * - $display_inner_div: TRUE if an inner div should be output, FALSE if it
 *   should not.
 * - $panes: The HTML of the different panes contained in this region. This file
 *   will not be called if the region is empty!
 * @see template_preprocess_clean_markup_panels_clean_region()
 * @ingroup themeable
if ($display_region_wrapper) {

  print $region_wrapper;
  print $additional_attributes;
  ?> class="<?php

  print $region_classes;


if ($display_inner_div) {
  ?><div class="inner region-inner inside"><?php


print $panes;

if ($display_inner_div) {

if ($display_region_wrapper) {

  print $region_wrapper;
