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README.txt in CKEditor Youtube 8

Youtube Plugin

This plugin allows inserting Youtube videos using embed code or just the video

1. Download the plugin from
2. Place the plugin in the root libraries folder (/libraries)
or change the location in the module's settings page
3. Enable CKEditor Youtube module in the Drupal admin.
4. Configure your WYSIWYG toolbar to include the button.

Each filter format will now have a config tab for this plugin.

The zip file for the CKEditor YouTube plugin contains several files and one
folder named `youtube`. Only this folder needs to be move to the `libraries`

Reference folder structure:
|-- autoload.php
|-- core
|-- index.php
|-- libraries
|   `-- youtube
|       |-- images
|       |-- lang
|       `-- plugin.js
|-- modules
|   `-- contrib
|       |-- ckeditor_youtube
|       |   |--
|       |   |-- ...
|       |   `-- src
|-- profiles
|-- robots.txt
|-- sites
|-- themes
|-- update.php
`-- web.config

Go to the Text formats and editors settings (/admin/config/content/formats) and
add the Youtube Button to any CKEditor-enabled text format you want.

If you are using the "Limit allowed HTML tags and correct faulty HTML" filter
make sure that Allowed HTML tags include:

<div> <iframe width height src frameborder allowfullscreen> <object> <param>
<a> <img>

If the filter is enabled, these tags should be added automatically the first
time you add the YouTube button to the toolbar.

To change the video once added, place the cursor right after the video and press
the DELETE key. The video is considered just a character and it will be deleted
as any other piece of text. Then you can embed the new video as usual.

This module requires:

* CKEditor (core)

1. Uninstall the module from 'Administer >> Modules'.

Mauricio Dinarte -


Initial development and maintenance by Agaric.


View source
  1. Youtube Plugin
  2. ==============
  3. Description
  4. ===========
  5. This plugin allows inserting Youtube videos using embed code or just the video
  6. URL.
  7. Installation
  8. ============
  9. 1. Download the plugin from
  10. 2. Place the plugin in the root libraries folder (/libraries)
  11. or change the location in the module's settings page
  12. 3. Enable CKEditor Youtube module in the Drupal admin.
  13. 4. Configure your WYSIWYG toolbar to include the button.
  14. Each filter format will now have a config tab for this plugin.
  15. The zip file for the CKEditor YouTube plugin contains several files and one
  16. folder named `youtube`. Only this folder needs to be move to the `libraries`
  17. folder.
  18. Reference folder structure:
  19. .
  20. |-- autoload.php
  21. |-- core
  22. |-- index.php
  23. |-- libraries
  24. | `-- youtube
  25. | |-- images
  26. | |-- lang
  27. | `-- plugin.js
  28. |-- modules
  29. | `-- contrib
  30. | |-- ckeditor_youtube
  31. | | |--
  32. | | |-- ...
  33. | | `-- src
  34. |-- profiles
  35. |-- robots.txt
  36. |-- sites
  37. |-- themes
  38. |-- update.php
  39. `-- web.config
  40. Usage
  41. =====
  42. Go to the Text formats and editors settings (/admin/config/content/formats) and
  43. add the Youtube Button to any CKEditor-enabled text format you want.
  44. If you are using the "Limit allowed HTML tags and correct faulty HTML" filter
  45. make sure that Allowed HTML tags include:
  46. ```