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ckeditor_widgets.module in CKEditor Widgets 7

The module file for ckeditor_widgets module.


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 * @file
 * The module file for ckeditor_widgets module.

 * Implementation of hook_menu().
function ckeditor_widgets_menu() {
  $items['admin/config/content/ckeditor_widgets'] = array(
    'title' => 'CKEditor Widgets',
    'description' => 'Configure CKEditor Widgets Insert Template dropdown',
    'page callback' => 'drupal_get_form',
    'page arguments' => array(
    'access arguments' => array(
      'administer ckeditor',
    'file' => '',
  return $items;

 * Hook to register the CKEditor plugin - it would appear in the plugins list on the profile setting page.
function ckeditor_widgets_ckeditor_plugin() {
  return array(
    'widgetcommon' => array(
      // Name of the plugin used to write it.
      'name' => 'widgetcommon',
      // Description of the plugin - it would be displayed in the plugins management section of profile settings.
      'desc' => t('Plugin to add common widgets'),
      // The full path to the CKEditor plugins directory, with the trailing slash.
      'path' => drupal_get_path('module', 'ckeditor_widgets') . '/plugins/widgetcommon/',
      'buttons' => array(
        'widgetcommonBox' => array(
          'icon' => 'icons/widgetcommonBox.png',
          'label' => 'Insert box',
        'widgetcommonQuotebox' => array(
          'icon' => 'icons/widgetcommonQuotebox.png',
          'label' => 'Insert quote box',
    'widgetbootstrap' => array(
      // Name of the plugin used to write it.
      'name' => 'widgetbootstrap',
      // Description of the plugin - it would be displayed in the plugins management section of profile settings.
      'desc' => t('Plugin to add widgets based on Bootstrap elements'),
      // The full path to the CKEditor plugins directory, with the trailing slash.
      'path' => drupal_get_path('module', 'ckeditor_widgets') . '/plugins/widgetbootstrap/',
      'buttons' => array(
        'widgetbootstrapLeftCol' => array(
          'icon' => 'icons/widgetbootstrapLeftCol.png',
          'label' => 'Insert left column box',
        'widgetbootstrapRightCol' => array(
          'icon' => 'icons/widgetbootstrapRightCol.png',
          'label' => 'Insert right column box',
        'widgetbootstrapTwoCol' => array(
          'icon' => 'icons/widgetbootstrapTwoCol.png',
          'label' => 'Insert two column box',
        'widgetbootstrapThreeCol' => array(
          'icon' => 'icons/widgetbootstrapThreeCol.png',
          'label' => 'Insert three column box',
        'widgetbootstrapAlert' => array(
          'icon' => 'icons/widgetbootstrapAlert.png',
          'label' => 'Insert alert box',
        'widgetbootstrapAccordion' => array(
          'icon' => 'icons/widgetbootstrapAccordion.png',
          'label' => 'Insert accordion box',
    'widgettemplatemenu' => array(
      // Name of the plugin used to write it.
      'name' => 'widgettemplatemenu',
      // Description of the plugin - it would be displayed in the plugins management section of profile settings.
      'desc' => t('Plugin for adding an Insert Template dropdown menu'),
      // The full path to the CKEditor plugins directory, with the trailing slash.
      'path' => drupal_get_path('module', 'ckeditor_widgets') . '/plugins/widgettemplatemenu/',
      'buttons' => array(
        'oembed' => array(
          'icon' => 'extraIcons/oembed.png',
          'label' => 'Insert media',
        'codeSnippet' => array(
          'icon' => 'extraIcons/codesnippet.png',
          'label' => 'Insert code snippet',
        'leaflet' => array(
          'icon' => 'extraIcons/leaflet.png',
          'label' => 'Insert leaflet map',
        'FontAwesome' => array(
          'icon' => 'extraIcons/fontawesome.png',
          'label' => 'Insert Font Awesome icon',
        'WidgetTemplateMenu' => array(
          'icon' => 'icons/widgettemplatemenu.png',
          'label' => 'Add Template Menu',

 * Hook to extend/change the ckeditor settings.
function ckeditor_widgets_ckeditor_settings_alter(&$settings, $conf) {

  // Change the ckeditor config path.
  $var = variable_get('ckeditor_widgets_buttons', FALSE);
  if ($var !== FALSE) {
    $items = array();
    foreach ($var as $key => $value) {
      if ($value != FALSE) {
        $items[] = $key;
    $settings['widgettemplatemenuButtons'] = implode(',', $items);
  $height = variable_get('ckeditor_widgets_height', FALSE);
  if ($height) {
    $settings['height'] = $height;


Namesort descending Description
ckeditor_widgets_ckeditor_plugin Hook to register the CKEditor plugin - it would appear in the plugins list on the profile setting page.
ckeditor_widgets_ckeditor_settings_alter Hook to extend/change the ckeditor settings.
ckeditor_widgets_menu Implementation of hook_menu().