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EmbedInterface.php in CKEditor Media Embed Plugin 8


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namespace Drupal\ckeditor_media_embed;

 * Defines an interface for processing and embedding embeddable content.
interface EmbedInterface {

   * Retrieve the link to the configuration page for the settings.
  public function getSettingsLink();

   * Sets specified provider url as the provider URL.
  public function setEmbedProvider($provider);

   * Retrieve the Embed object as provided by the embed provider.
   * @param string $url
   *   The url to the media to request an embed object for.
   * @return object
   *   The decoded json object retrieved from the provided for the specified
   *   url.
  public function getEmbedObject($url);

   * Replace all oembed tags with the embed html based ona provider resource.
   * @param string $text
   *   The HTML string to replace <oembed> tags.
   * @return string
   *   The HTML with all the <oembed> tags replaced with their embed html.
  public function processEmbeds($text);



Namesort descending Description
EmbedInterface Defines an interface for processing and embedding embeddable content.