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ckeditor_codemirror.install in CKEditor CodeMirror 8.2

Same filename and directory in other branches
  1. 8 ckeditor_codemirror.install
  2. 7 ckeditor_codemirror.install

Install, update and uninstall functions for the CKEditor CodeMirror module.


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 * @file
 * Install, update and uninstall functions for the CKEditor CodeMirror module.

 * Implements hook_requirements().
function ckeditor_codemirror_requirements($phase) {
  $return = [];
  if ($phase != 'runtime') {
    return $return;

  // If the library is installed.
  $library_path = _ckeditor_codemirror_get_library_path();
  if (file_exists(DRUPAL_ROOT . '/' . $library_path . '/codemirror/plugin.js')) {
    $return['ckeditor_codemirror_library'] = [
      'title' => t('CKEditor CodeMirror'),
      'severity' => REQUIREMENT_OK,
      'value' => t('CKEditor CodeMirror plugin version %version installed at %path.', [
        '%path' => base_path() . $library_path,
        '%version' => _ckeditor_codemirror_get_version(),
  else {
    $return['ckeditor_codemirror_library'] = [
      'title' => t('CKEditor CodeMirror'),
      'severity' => REQUIREMENT_ERROR,
      'value' => t('CKEditor CodeMirror plugin was not found. Download <a href=":link">the latest version of library</a>
        and place it in the libraries directory (/libraries/ckeditor.codemirror).', [
        ':link' => '',
  return $return;

 * Gets the version information for the ckeditor_codemirror library.
 * @return string
 *   A string containing the version of the library or empty if the version
 *   cannot be found.
function _ckeditor_codemirror_get_version() {

  // Provide defaults.
  $options = [
    'file' => 'plugin.js',
    'pattern' => '@version:\\s*[\'\\"]?([0-9a-zA-Z\\.-]+)[\'\\"]?@',
    'lines' => 20,
    'cols' => 200,
  $version = '';
  $library_path = _ckeditor_codemirror_get_library_path();
  $file = DRUPAL_ROOT . '/' . $library_path . '/codemirror/' . $options['file'];
  if (!empty($options['file']) && file_exists($file)) {
    $file = fopen($file, 'r');
    while ($options['lines'] && ($line = fgets($file, $options['cols']))) {
      if (preg_match($options['pattern'], $line, $version)) {
  return $version[1];


Namesort descending Description
ckeditor_codemirror_requirements Implements hook_requirements().
_ckeditor_codemirror_get_version Gets the version information for the ckeditor_codemirror library.