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8 calls to ckeditor_base_path() in CKEditor - WYSIWYG HTML editor 7

ckeditor_admin_global_profile_form in includes/
Form builder for a global profile
ckeditor_library_path in ./ckeditor.module
Generate library path of the Drupal installation.
ckeditor_module_path in ./ckeditor.module
Generate module path of the CKEditor module.
ckeditor_path in ./ckeditor.module
Read the CKEditor path from the Global profile.
ckeditor_plugins_path in ./ckeditor.module
Read the CKEditor plugins path from the Global profile.
ckeditor_plugins_render in includes/
Render CKEditor plugins path
ckeditor_skins_path in ./ckeditor.module
Read the CKEditor skins path from the Global profile.
ckfinder_path in ./ckeditor.module
Read the CKFinder path from the Global profile.