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CHANGELOG.txt in CKEditor - WYSIWYG HTML editor 6

Same filename and directory in other branches
  1. 7 CHANGELOG.txt
6.x-1.x dev

[#1063986] by jcisio: Allow user to choose which textarea is enable by default

 New stable release: 6.x-1.15

[#2357029] SA-CONTRIB-2014-098 - CKEditor - Cross Site Scripting (XSS)
[#1971566] by wwalc: Mediaembed throws JS error with ACF enabled
[#1971502] by wwalc: Mediaembed plugin should define allowedContent for ACF
[#1950498] by wwalc: Advanced Content Filter introduced in CKEditor 4.1 is now configurable in CKEditor profile.

 New stable release: 6.x-1.14

[#1908980] by wwalc: Moono should be set as the default skin on install.
[#1961596] by jcisio: Added 'feature_source()' option so that ckeditor_profile() component is visible in drush.
[#1959754] by wwalc: CKFinder is not installed correctly - improve information in the status report
[#1898642] by Elaman, bahaik: Fixed warning: file_get_contents()(./sites/all/libraries/ckeditor/ckeditor.js?I) [function.file-get-contents]: failed to open stream
[#1829574] by bdlangton: Fixed Notice: Trying to get property of non-object in ckeditor_user_delegate().
[#1885952] by michal_cksource: Fix HTML validation for iframe in profile configuration.
[#1885940] by michal_cksource: Disable div based editor on default

 New stable release: 6.x-1.13

Bug fixes:
[#1870288] by dczepierga: Disable plugins which not exists and are stored in ckeditor profiles
[#1866704] by dczepierga: Remove "Skin" and "Toolbar state on startup" options from user profile
[#1866708] by dczepierga: Set default theme if selected not exists

 New stable release: 6.x-1.12

New features:
[#1858882] by dczepierga: Add option to enable/disable aggregate ckeditor.js script
[#1851606] by dczepierga: Add support for CKEditor v4
[#1514376] by dczepierga: Change ckeditor xss url to be passed through url()

Bug fixes:
[#1862820] by ceng: CKEditor features are not reverted or applied from the command line
[#1857920] by dczepierga: Using extraPlugins config option in Custom JavaScript (Advanced options) does not work
[#1663462] by dczepierga: Destroys existing instance when trying to replace it
[#1216096] by michal_cksource: Fix description to "Custom JavaScript configuration" option
[#1594382] by kmcnamee: Wrong instructions for configuring CKFinder
[#1397812] by dczepierga: External plugins not working in ckeditor_basic.js loading method
[#1398910] by dczepierga: Trying to get property of non-object when editing user with no access or profile

 New stable release: 6.x-1.11

New features:
[#1489366] by dczepierga: Add support for the Stylesheet Parser plugin

Bug fixes:
[#1436432] by dczepierga: Problems with the simplified toolbar configuration in the Global profile
[#1497184] by dczepierga: Style changes lost after saving
[#1507362] by kevin.dutra: Path to CKFinder can be constructed improperly
[#1506080] by dczepierga: Refactor code with titles and descriptions now available for translation
[#1496162] by michal_cksource: Buttons are too high when using the drag & drop feature in Firefox
[#1491884] by dczepierga: Portuguese language missing
[#1482874] by dczepierga: Body field is blank
[#1491462] by kevin.dutra: All filters applied in ckeditor_filter_xss() instead of just selected ones

 New stable release: 6.x-1.10

Bug fixes:
[#1483508] by dczepierga: CKFinder requirement check needs fixing

 New stable release: 6.x-1.9

New features:
[#1347994] by dczepierga: Add an option to disable the toolbar wizard
[#1349332] by dczepierga: Add a configuration option to set the CKFinder library path

Bug fixes:
[#1345742] by michal_cksource: Included JavaScript files for the toolbar drag & drop wizard should be minified
[#1376276] by dczepierga: CKEditor is blank if reopened in a pop-up window
[#1363224] by michal_cksource: CKEditor appears despite a global exclude on the field
[#1365510] by jlea9378: CKFinder requirement check needs fixing
[#1361894] by dczepierga: Double scrollbar on drop-down menus in IE
[#1357050] by dczepierga: Invalid attribute "disc-type" in ckeditor.css
[#1350474] by dczepierga: CKEditor plugins added with the "hook_ckeditor_plugin" button do not appear in the toolbar
[#1350386] by michal_cksource: Improve regex pattern to find plugins for CKEditor
[#1349308] by michal_cksource: Change description in CKEditor help page
[#1343314] by michal_cksource: Change settings for private download
[#1348194] by michal_cksource: Change of the default path for CKFinder settings
[#1346820] by michal_cksource: Change of Full toolbar buttons
[#1345788] by michal_cksource: Remove redundant Drupal Page Break button if there is no module to support this feature
[#1345660] by michal_cksource: Enable the Drupal Breaks plugin by default
[#1341988] by michal_cksource: CSS rule to hide the toolbar can hide more than is expected
[#1334518] by michal_cksource: Unable to hide CKEditor on views edit pages by defining a path
[#1333882] by michal_cksource: Cannot select any toolbars
[#1334064] by dczepierga: Changes in the "ckeditor_load_plugins" function

 New stable release: 6.x-1.8

Bug fixes:
[#1327818] by michal_cksource: Fix to edit settings
[#1326660] by michal_cksource: Fix for "Rewrite the output of this field" (Views option)
[#1329166] by michal_cksource: Fix Notice: Undefined index: ckeditor_allow_download_private_files in ckeditor.module
[#1325926] by michal_cksource: Fix jQuery support problems
[#1327196] by michal_cksource: Fix popup window no longer available

 New stable release: 6.x-1.7

New features:
[#1308426] by duozersk: Add plugin to count symbols and words inside CKEditor
[#1297774] by dczepierga: Add Drag & Drop toolbar configuration
[#1294394] by dczepierga: Add multi toolbar configuration, and different settings for each profile

Bug fixes:
[#1278062] by dczepierga: Allow security filters to run their 'prepare' code before 'process'
[#1319668] by michal_cksource: Correct language list in the CKEditor profile configuration
[#963208] by michal_cksource: Fix for CKEditor implementation of hook_file_download globally undermines private file download system
[#1314262] by michal_cksource: Fix for invalid link in CKEditor profile
[#1311926] by dczepierga: Add jquery_ui support to the Drag & Drop toolbar configuration
[#1310390] by dczepierga: Fix for undefined CKEDITOR_FORCE_SIMPLE_TOOLBAR_NAME name
[#1310298] by dczepierga: Fix Notice: Undefined index: default in ckeditor_admin_profile_form() - when editing CKEditor profile
[#1296804] by michal_cksource: Add patch for Tabledrag compatibility
[#1300140] by michal_cksource: Correct messages and add language fixes
[#1298302] by dczepierga: Fix to call to undefined function ckeditor_load_toolbar_options()
[#1297570] by dczepierga: Add sorting to the profiles list
[#1297090] by AlexisWilke: Fix E_NOTICE when calling $conf['ckeditor_load_method'] in module file
[#1286192] by dczepierga: Fix for CKEditor support to Imagefield module textareas
[#1288664] by dczepierga: Fix for CKEditor is not working in Views header and footer text areas
[#1289218] by dczepierga: Disable Linktocontent and IMCE module selection if these modules are not installed
[#1269544] by dczepierga: Call to undefined function ckeditor_plugins_path() when try to update module

 New stable release: 6.x-1.6
- [#1248532] by dczepierga: Replace static paths to plugins in the database with dynamic paths

- [#1063458] by tobykilroy: 'CKEDITOR' is not defined - problem with ckeditor.styles.js

- [#1224726] by dczepierga: Use either underscores or hyphens for excluding/including, not both

- [#1243616] by dczepierga: "Custom JavaScript configuration" field description is wrong

- [#1234274] by GDI: Drupal Pagebreak button not showing
- [#1211554] by dczepierga: Bug with CKFinder path when CKEditor is in the libraries directory

- [#1216458] by dczepierga: Rewrite the loading of CKEditor libraries files

- [#1216096] by dczepierga: Bug in custom JavaScript configuration - semicolon problem

- [#1191634] by ptoly: CKEditor: Using LESS file instead of CSS for custom editor stylesheet

- [#1204786] by dczepierga: Bug in custom JavaScript configuration - editor not showing in some cases

- [#1202508] by dczepierga: Fix warning: array_key_exists(): The first argument should be either a string or an integer in ckeditor.module

 New stable release: 6.x-1.5
- [#1177132] by tangent: Add SCAYT spelling language to match node language

- [#1192676] by dczepierga: Fix is_dir() function error and broken pagebreak button
- [#1193978] by dczepierga: Cleanup CKEditor config file from plugins definitions

 New stable release: 6.x-1.4
- [#1190280] by dczepierga: Add configuration option for setting CKEditor's plugins directory

- [#1080270] by RolandK: Not formatting text between code tags

- [#975746] by dczepierga: Handling arrays in the "Custom javascript configuration"

- [#1184792] by anrikun: Move CKEditor module to "User interface" package

- [#1177062] by neclimdul: Fix broken teasers for long paragraphs

- [#1179912] by dczepierga: Add hook to register plugin
- [#1179766] by dczepierga: Fix calling undefined index: "loadPlugins" in ckeditor_admin_values_to_settings()

- [#1174144] by dczepierga: Add plugins managment in profile settings

- [#1167034] by dczepierga: Add tableresize plugin support for CKEditor library >= 3.6
- [#1166984] by dczepierga: Correct CKEditor simple toolbar
- [#1166972] by dczepierga: Remove bullets from drop-down lists (Format, Font, etc.) in CKEditor on Garland theme
- [#1166936] by dczepierga: Update User Guide link

- [#1165870] by dczepierga:  Improve manual selection of the user interface color

-- 2011-05-17
- [#1095908] by dczepierga: Add Google PageSpeed and Drupal JS/CSS aggregation support

-- 2011-04-21
- [#1117548] by dczepierga: Add HTML Entities configurable option in each profile

-- 2011-03-29
- [#738270] Add support for theme name in include/exclude in editor profile configuration
- [#1108900] by dczepierga: Add a warning message when the wysiwyg module is enabled in Drupal 6

-- 2011-03-28
- [#1102518] by dczepierga: Fix for editing blocks, now the second field is not modified

-- 2011-03-25
- [#758936] by Diogenes: Add automatic setting of the CKFinder library path based on CKEditor library path

-- 2011-03-24
- [#1103872] by dczepierga: Change "ckeditor.make" name to "ckeditor.make.example" for drush make module

-- 2011-03-23
- [#1099748] by tbfisher: Fix drush make error when building a site with CKEditor

-- 2011-03-18
- [#763978] by gaellafond: Fix to work with "Drupal.settings.ckeditor.theme" value when using multiple instances

-- 2011-03-17
- [#1095174] by draenen: Fix to prevent calling "Toggle rich text link" multiple times
- [#1094960] by tobey_p: Fix to display CKEditor in Internet Explorer 6, 7, and 8

 New stable release: 6.x-1.3

-- 2011-03-16
- [#1050118] by dczepierga: Added better support for Line break converter. CKEditor is now able to load properly content where new line characters were used to create new lines
  Improve syntax with Coder module

-- 2011-03-15
- [#1050118] by dczepierga: Added better support for Line break converter. CKEditor is now able to load properly content where new line characters were used to create new lines

-- 2011-02-22
- [#960576] by rjacobs: Add loading ckeditor.css from theme

-- 2011-02-21
- [#1068026] by dczepierga: Added support for CKEditor Link ( module
- [#695264] by dczepierga: Added support for CKEditor SWF  ( module

-- 2011-02-17
- [#1037882] by dczepierga: Add admin/build/views/* to 'Fields to exclude/include' section in Global Profile
- [#1050118] by jcisio: Added better support for Line break converter. CKEditor is now able to load properly content where new line characters were used to create new lines

-- 2011-02-15
- [#906846] by jcisio: Support the Features module API ( to allow bundling of CKEditor's visibility settings

-- 2011-02-14
- [#969486] by dczepierga: Added support for elFinder ( file manager support

-- 2011-02-04
- [#1011178] by dczepierga: Added support for the 'drush make' command

-- 2011-01-25
- [#1019950] by dczepierga: CKEditor Will Not Load - remove CKEditor is not defined
- [#1022208] by dczepierga: 'Send to rich text editor' fails with latest WebFM

-- 2011-01-24
- [#751672] by dczepierga: Table top border creates unwanted borderline

-- 2011-01-20
- [#1015822] by dczepierga: IMCE button in not visible in toolbar with CKEditor 3.5

-- 2011-01-17
- [#940376] by dczepierga: Added schema version 6202 from FCKeditor module during migration
- [#964556] by jcisio: Fix Drupal.ckeditorCompareVersion does not check properly version number

-- 2011-01-13
- [#921826] by dczepierga: CKEditor indenting and aligning problems
- [#865710] by dczepierga: Provide a " Drupal.ckeditorActiveId" variable for tracking the active editor

-- 2010-10-11
- [#935566] by altavis: Added Media Embed translation

 New stable release: 6.x-1.2

-- 2010-09-27
- [#924020] by dczepierga: Add BiDi buttons to toolbar as default
- [#818378] by ahwebd&fmjrey: Not all css files are loaded

-- 2010-09-15
- [#738474] by dczepierga: Cannot edit or delete poorly named profile that include forward slashes
- [#742160] by dczepierga: warning: strtok() expects parameter 1 to be string in
- [#772396] by jcisio: Put ckeditor.utils.js in header for better aggregation

-- 2010-06-18
- [#827238]: README.txt should include the information about sites/all/libraries/
- [#824918]: Disabling, enabling Scayt

-- 2010-06-16
- [#822948]: Fixed: Migrating from fckeditor to ckeditor causes postgresql error
- [#725086] by Dmitriy.trt: Fixed CKEditor does not appear on windows with non-empty window.opener

-- 2010-06-14
- [#814970]: Fixed: Teaser break not working with CKEditor 3.3

-- 2010-05-07
- [#776026]: Fixed: output default values are kept when editing a ckeditor profile

-- 2010-05-06
- [#772134]: Avoid Javascript Caching of editor CSS

-- 2010-03-30
- [#756516] by kosilka: mistake in variable name

-- 2010-03-22
- [#741572] Fixed compatibility with the Ajax module

-- 2010-03-15
- [#742662] Fixed Notices Undefined index: language_direction and forcePasteAsPlainText
- [#742680] Fixed Notice: Undefined property: stdClass::$name
- [#742244] Fixed Creating a CKEditor Profile makes editor disappear

 New stable release: 6.x-1.1

-- 2010-03-10
- [#674454] Changed drush command name

-- 2010-03-09
- [#736786] by irakli: CKEditor is incompatible with Installation profiles

-- 2010-03-06
- [#732264] Fixed ckeditor dialog when editor is running in modal window from ctools

-- 2010-03-05
- [#733512] Fixed editing area size

-- 2010-03-04
- [#731086] Notice: Undefined index: #rows / #value
- [#703960] by hinanui: The CKEditor fails to load sporadically if the teaser of the node is empty
- [#703428] Add forcePasteAsPlainText to CKEditor profile
- [#707878] Add output formatting
- [#725880] RTL solution for editor

-- 2010-03-02
- [#729142] Notice: Undefined variable: filebroswer in ckeditor.module on line 703
- [#728212] by morningtime: Looks for contents.css in wrong location
- [#679976] support Panels
- [#721914] Opening IMCE window without Image Dialog

-- 2010-03-01
- [#716274] Clone Profile incompatible with PCRE <7.0

-- 2010-02-17
- [#651616] by FrankT: added German translation
- [#707370] support Tinybrowser

-- 2010-02-16
- [#651616] by samuelsan: added Spanish translation
- [#713804] by thebuckst0p: Fixed migration from fckeditor (doesn't respect DB prefix for fckeditor_role)

-- 2010-02-03
- [#651616] by chmoindron: added French translation
- [#703316] Advanced settings are broken in the dev release
- [#695474] by jeeba: Fixed warning: Invalid argument supplied for foreach() in ckeditor.module line 998
- [#694082] by FrankT: Fixed string issues

-- 2010-01-25
- [#692558] by J0nathan: Fixed problem with adding boolean values into "Custom javascript configuration

-- 2010-01-15
- Added current instance tracking in javascript for easier integration with other module (Drupal.ckeditorInstance)
- Added Drupal.ckeditorInsertHtml function
- [#686024] by Grizz: Fixed errors in CSS file

 First stable release: 6.x-1.0

-- 2010-01-14
- [#680798] Improved compatibility with NewsFlash theme

-- 2010-01-12
- [#680202] Fixed: image preview not working in IE8
- [#664488] Fixed: CKEditor grabs initial focus in IE

-- 2010-01-08
- [#665108] Fixed: CKeditor Show summary in full view checkbox always checked in editing mode

-- 2010-01-06
- [#674454] by Dave Reid: Add drush integration to download the CKEditor library.

-- 2009-12-23
- [#659278], [#666560], [#666616] Teaser buttons were missing when teasers were disabled by other modules

-- 2009-12-22
- [#663228] Fixed: Link to node not working properly
- [#665108] Fixed: CKeditor hide "Show summary in full view" checkbox
- [#662590] Fixed: If more than one editor css file set in "Edit CKEditor profile" > "Define CSS path", then none are used
- Improvements in MediaEmbed plugin

-- 2009-12-17
- [#654626] Fixed PHP notice (Undefined offset in ckeditor_get_nodetype)

-- 2009-12-16
- Fixed names of 'NumberedList' and 'BulletedList' buttons in Basic Toolbar
- [#656570] Fixed problems with missing ckeditor.styles.js
- [#654626] Fixed PHP notices "Undefined index: simple_incl, excl"
- Fixed double slash in path to break and teaserbreak button images

-- 2009-12-15
- [#659314] Fixed name of Format button in Basic Toolbar

-- 2009-12-10
- Added MediaEmbed plugin
 - [#652274] Fixed: Error Message from Color module with CKEditor
 - [#653498] Fixed: Empty teasers when editing content
 - [#651904] Fixed: CKEditor Widens Beyond content area when Resized
 - [#652570] Fixed: Force simple toolbar doesn't work

 First public (beta) release: 6.x-1.0-beta1

-- 2009-10-05
- Created initial dev version of the CKEditor module


View source
  1. 6.x-1.x dev
  2. [#1063986] by jcisio: Allow user to choose which textarea is enable by default
  3. -----------------------------
  4. 2014-10-14
  5. New stable release: 6.x-1.15
  6. -----------------------------
  7. [#2357029] SA-CONTRIB-2014-098 - CKEditor - Cross Site Scripting (XSS)
  8. [#1971566] by wwalc: Mediaembed throws JS error with ACF enabled
  9. [#1971502] by wwalc: Mediaembed plugin should define allowedContent for ACF
  10. [#1950498] by wwalc: Advanced Content Filter introduced in CKEditor 4.1 is now configurable in CKEditor profile.
  11. -----------------------------
  12. 2013-04-12
  13. New stable release: 6.x-1.14
  14. -----------------------------
  15. [#1908980] by wwalc: Moono should be set as the default skin on install.
  16. [#1961596] by jcisio: Added 'feature_source()' option so that ckeditor_profile() component is visible in drush.
  17. [#1959754] by wwalc: CKFinder is not installed correctly - improve information in the status report
  18. [#1898642] by Elaman, bahaik: Fixed warning: file_get_contents()(./sites/all/libraries/ckeditor/ckeditor.js?I) [function.file-get-contents]: failed to open stream
  19. [#1829574] by bdlangton: Fixed Notice: Trying to get property of non-object in ckeditor_user_delegate().
  20. [#1885952] by michal_cksource: Fix HTML validation for iframe in profile configuration.
  21. [#1885940] by michal_cksource: Disable div based editor on default
  22. -----------------------------
  23. 2012-12-22
  24. New stable release: 6.x-1.13
  25. -----------------------------
  26. Bug fixes:
  27. [#1870288] by dczepierga: Disable plugins which not exists and are stored in ckeditor profiles
  28. [#1866704] by dczepierga: Remove "Skin" and "Toolbar state on startup" options from user profile
  29. [#1866708] by dczepierga: Set default theme if selected not exists
  30. -----------------------------
  31. 2012-12-12
  32. New stable release: 6.x-1.12
  33. -----------------------------
  34. New features:
  35. [#1858882] by dczepierga: Add option to enable/disable aggregate ckeditor.js script
  36. [#1851606] by dczepierga: Add support for CKEditor v4
  37. [#1514376] by dczepierga: Change ckeditor xss url to be passed through url()
  38. Bug fixes:
  39. [#1862820] by ceng: CKEditor features are not reverted or applied from the command line
  40. [#1857920] by dczepierga: Using extraPlugins config option in Custom JavaScript (Advanced options) does not work
  41. [#1663462] by dczepierga: Destroys existing instance when trying to replace it
  42. [#1216096] by michal_cksource: Fix description to "Custom JavaScript configuration" option
  43. [#1594382] by kmcnamee: Wrong instructions for configuring CKFinder
  44. [#1397812] by dczepierga: External plugins not working in ckeditor_basic.js loading method
  45. [#1398910] by dczepierga: Trying to get property of non-object when editing user with no access or profile
  46. -----------------------------
  47. 2012-03-30
  48. New stable release: 6.x-1.11
  49. -----------------------------
  50. New features:
  51. [#1489366] by dczepierga: Add support for the Stylesheet Parser plugin
  52. Bug fixes:
  53. [#1436432] by dczepierga: Problems with the simplified toolbar configuration in the Global profile
  54. [#1497184] by dczepierga: Style changes lost after saving
  55. [#1507362] by kevin.dutra: Path to CKFinder can be constructed improperly
  56. [#1506080] by dczepierga: Refactor code with titles and descriptions now available for translation
  57. [#1496162] by michal_cksource: Buttons are too high when using the drag & drop feature in Firefox
  58. [#1491884] by dczepierga: Portuguese language missing
  59. [#1482874] by dczepierga: Body field is blank
  60. [#1491462] by kevin.dutra: All filters applied in ckeditor_filter_xss() instead of just selected ones
  61. -----------------------------
  62. 2012-03-15
  63. New stable release: 6.x-1.10
  64. -----------------------------
  65. Bug fixes:
  66. [#1483508] by dczepierga: CKFinder requirement check needs fixing
  67. -----------------------------
  68. 2012-03-14
  69. New stable release: 6.x-1.9
  70. -----------------------------
  71. New features:
  72. [#1347994] by dczepierga: Add an option to disable the toolbar wizard
  73. [#1349332] by dczepierga: Add a configuration option to set the CKFinder library path
  74. Bug fixes:
  75. [#1345742] by michal_cksource: Included JavaScript files for the toolbar drag & drop wizard should be minified
  76. [#1376276] by dczepierga: CKEditor is blank if reopened in a pop-up window
  77. [#1363224] by michal_cksource: CKEditor appears despite a global exclude on the field
  78. [#1365510] by jlea9378: CKFinder requirement check needs fixing
  79. [#1361894] by dczepierga: Double scrollbar on drop-down menus in IE
  80. [#1357050] by dczepierga: Invalid attribute "disc-type" in ckeditor.css
  81. [#1350474] by dczepierga: CKEditor plugins added with the "hook_ckeditor_plugin" button do not appear in the toolbar
  82. [#1350386] by michal_cksource: Improve regex pattern to find plugins for CKEditor
  83. [#1349308] by michal_cksource: Change description in CKEditor help page
  84. [#1343314] by michal_cksource: Change settings for private download
  85. [#1348194] by michal_cksource: Change of the default path for CKFinder settings
  86. [#1346820] by michal_cksource: Change of Full toolbar buttons
  87. [#1345788] by michal_cksource: Remove redundant Drupal Page Break button if there is no module to support this feature
  88. [#1345660] by michal_cksource: Enable the Drupal Breaks plugin by default
  89. [#1341988] by michal_cksource: CSS rule to hide the toolbar can hide more than is expected
  90. [#1334518] by michal_cksource: Unable to hide CKEditor on views edit pages by defining a path
  91. [#1333882] by michal_cksource: Cannot select any toolbars
  92. [#1334064] by dczepierga: Changes in the "ckeditor_load_plugins" function
  93. -----------------------------
  94. 2011-11-04
  95. New stable release: 6.x-1.8
  96. -----------------------------
  97. Bug fixes:
  98. [#1327818] by michal_cksource: Fix to edit settings
  99. [#1326660] by michal_cksource: Fix for "Rewrite the output of this field" (Views option)
  100. [#1329166] by michal_cksource: Fix Notice: Undefined index: ckeditor_allow_download_private_files in ckeditor.module
  101. [#1325926] by michal_cksource: Fix jQuery support problems
  102. [#1327196] by michal_cksource: Fix popup window no longer available
  103. -----------------------------
  104. 2011-10-28
  105. New stable release: 6.x-1.7
  106. -----------------------------
  107. New features:
  108. [#1308426] by duozersk: Add plugin to count symbols and words inside CKEditor
  109. [#1297774] by dczepierga: Add Drag & Drop toolbar configuration
  110. [#1294394] by dczepierga: Add multi toolbar configuration, and different settings for each profile
  111. Bug fixes:
  112. [#1278062] by dczepierga: Allow security filters to run their 'prepare' code before 'process'
  113. [#1319668] by michal_cksource: Correct language list in the CKEditor profile configuration
  114. [#963208] by michal_cksource: Fix for CKEditor implementation of hook_file_download globally undermines private file download system
  115. [#1314262] by michal_cksource: Fix for invalid link in CKEditor profile
  116. [#1311926] by dczepierga: Add jquery_ui support to the Drag & Drop toolbar configuration
  117. [#1310390] by dczepierga: Fix for undefined CKEDITOR_FORCE_SIMPLE_TOOLBAR_NAME name
  118. [#1310298] by dczepierga: Fix Notice: Undefined index: default in ckeditor_admin_profile_form() - when editing CKEditor profile
  119. [#1296804] by michal_cksource: Add patch for Tabledrag compatibility
  120. [#1300140] by michal_cksource: Correct messages and add language fixes
  121. [#1298302] by dczepierga: Fix to call to undefined function ckeditor_load_toolbar_options()
  122. [#1297570] by dczepierga: Add sorting to the profiles list
  123. [#1297090] by AlexisWilke: Fix E_NOTICE when calling $conf['ckeditor_load_method'] in module file
  124. [#1286192] by dczepierga: Fix for CKEditor support to Imagefield module textareas
  125. [#1288664] by dczepierga: Fix for CKEditor is not working in Views header and footer text areas
  126. [#1289218] by dczepierga: Disable Linktocontent and IMCE module selection if these modules are not installed
  127. [#1269544] by dczepierga: Call to undefined function ckeditor_plugins_path() when try to update module
  128. -----------------------------
  129. 2011-08-30
  130. New stable release: 6.x-1.6
  131. -----------------------------
  132. --2011-08-25
  133. - [#1248532] by dczepierga: Replace static paths to plugins in the database with dynamic paths
  134. --2011-08-16
  135. - [#1063458] by tobykilroy: 'CKEDITOR' is not defined - problem with ckeditor.styles.js
  136. --2011-08-11
  137. - [#1224726] by dczepierga: Use either underscores or hyphens for excluding/including, not both
  138. --2011-08-10
  139. - [#1243616] by dczepierga: "Custom JavaScript configuration" field description is wrong
  140. --2011-08-02
  141. - [#1234274] by GDI: Drupal Pagebreak button not showing
  142. - [#1211554] by dczepierga: Bug with CKFinder path when CKEditor is in the libraries directory
  143. --2011-07-14
  144. - [#1216458] by dczepierga: Rewrite the loading of CKEditor libraries files
  145. --2011-07-12
  146. - [#1216096] by dczepierga: Bug in custom JavaScript configuration - semicolon problem
  147. --2011-07-08
  148. - [#1191634] by ptoly: CKEditor: Using LESS file instead of CSS for custom editor stylesheet
  149. --2011-06-30
  150. - [#1204786] by dczepierga: Bug in custom JavaScript configuration - editor not showing in some cases
  151. --2011-06-28
  152. - [#1202508] by dczepierga: Fix warning: array_key_exists(): The first argument should be either a string or an integer in ckeditor.module
  153. -----------------------------
  154. 2011-06-28
  155. New stable release: 6.x-1.5
  156. -----------------------------
  157. --2011-06-27
  158. - [#1177132] by tangent: Add SCAYT spelling language to match node language
  159. --2011-06-20
  160. - [#1192676] by dczepierga: Fix is_dir() function error and broken pagebreak button
  161. - [#1193978] by dczepierga: Cleanup CKEditor config file from plugins definitions
  162. -----------------------------
  163. 2011-06-16
  164. New stable release: 6.x-1.4
  165. -----------------------------
  166. --2011-06-16
  167. - [#1190280] by dczepierga: Add configuration option for setting CKEditor's plugins directory
  168. --2011-06-14
  169. - [#1080270] by RolandK: Not formatting text between code tags
  170. --2011-06-13
  171. - [#975746] by dczepierga: Handling arrays in the "Custom javascript configuration"
  172. --2011-06-10
  173. - [#1184792] by anrikun: Move CKEditor module to "User interface" package
  174. --2011-06-09
  175. - [#1177062] by neclimdul: Fix broken teasers for long paragraphs
  176. --2011-06-06
  177. - [#1179912] by dczepierga: Add hook to register plugin
  178. - [#1179766] by dczepierga: Fix calling undefined index: "loadPlugins" in ckeditor_admin_values_to_settings()
  179. --2011-06-02
  180. - [#1174144] by dczepierga: Add plugins managment in profile settings
  181. --2011-05-24
  182. - [#1167034] by dczepierga: Add tableresize plugin support for CKEditor library >= 3.6
  183. - [#1166984] by dczepierga: Correct CKEditor simple toolbar
  184. - [#1166972] by dczepierga: Remove bullets from drop-down lists (Format, Font, etc.) in CKEditor on Garland theme
  185. - [#1166936] by dczepierga: Update User Guide link
  186. --2011-05-23
  187. - [#1165870] by dczepierga: Improve manual selection of the user interface color
  188. -- 2011-05-17
  189. - [#1095908] by dczepierga: Add Google PageSpeed and Drupal JS/CSS aggregation support
  190. -- 2011-04-21
  191. - [#1117548] by dczepierga: Add HTML Entities configurable option in each profile
  192. -- 2011-03-29
  193. - [#738270] Add support for theme name in include/exclude in editor profile configuration
  194. - [#1108900] by dczepierga: Add a warning message when the wysiwyg module is enabled in Drupal 6
  195. -- 2011-03-28
  196. - [#1102518] by dczepierga: Fix for editing blocks, now the second field is not modified
  197. -- 2011-03-25
  198. - [#758936] by Diogenes: Add automatic setting of the CKFinder library path based on CKEditor library path
  199. -- 2011-03-24
  200. - [#1103872] by dczepierga: Change "ckeditor.make" name to "ckeditor.make.example" for drush make module
  201. -- 2011-03-23
  202. - [#1099748] by tbfisher: Fix drush make error when building a site with CKEditor
  203. -- 2011-03-18
  204. - [#763978] by gaellafond: Fix to work with "Drupal.settings.ckeditor.theme" value when using multiple instances
  205. -- 2011-03-17
  206. - [#1095174] by draenen: Fix to prevent calling "Toggle rich text link" multiple times
  207. - [#1094960] by tobey_p: Fix to display CKEditor in Internet Explorer 6, 7, and 8
  208. -----------------------------
  209. 2011-03-17
  210. New stable release: 6.x-1.3
  211. -----------------------------
  212. -- 2011-03-16
  213. - [#1050118] by dczepierga: Added better support for Line break converter. CKEditor is now able to load properly content where new line characters were used to create new lines
  214. Improve syntax with Coder module
  215. -- 2011-03-15
  216. - [#1050118] by dczepierga: Added better support for Line break converter. CKEditor is now able to load properly content where new line characters were used to create new lines
  217. -- 2011-02-22
  218. - [#960576] by rjacobs: Add loading ckeditor.css from theme
  219. -- 2011-02-21
  220. - [#1068026] by dczepierga: Added support for CKEditor Link ( module
  221. - [#695264] by dczepierga: Added support for CKEditor SWF ( module
  222. -- 2011-02-17
  223. - [#1037882] by dczepierga: Add admin/build/views/* to 'Fields to exclude/include' section in Global Profile
  224. - [#1050118] by jcisio: Added better support for Line break converter. CKEditor is now able to load properly content where new line characters were used to create new lines
  225. -- 2011-02-15
  226. - [#906846] by jcisio: Support the Features module API ( to allow bundling of CKEditor's visibility settings
  227. -- 2011-02-14
  228. - [#969486] by dczepierga: Added support for elFinder ( file manager support
  229. -- 2011-02-04
  230. - [#1011178] by dczepierga: Added support for the 'drush make' command
  231. -- 2011-01-25
  232. - [#1019950] by dczepierga: CKEditor Will Not Load - remove CKEditor is not defined
  233. - [#1022208] by dczepierga: 'Send to rich text editor' fails with latest WebFM
  234. -- 2011-01-24
  235. - [#751672] by dczepierga: Table top border creates unwanted borderline
  236. -- 2011-01-20
  237. - [#1015822] by dczepierga: IMCE button in not visible in toolbar with CKEditor 3.5
  238. -- 2011-01-17
  239. - [#940376] by dczepierga: Added schema version 6202 from FCKeditor module during migration
  240. - [#964556] by jcisio: Fix Drupal.ckeditorCompareVersion does not check properly version number
  241. -- 2011-01-13
  242. - [#921826] by dczepierga: CKEditor indenting and aligning problems
  243. - [#865710] by dczepierga: Provide a " Drupal.ckeditorActiveId" variable for tracking the active editor
  244. -- 2010-10-11
  245. - [#935566] by altavis: Added Media Embed translation
  246. -----------------------------
  247. 2010-09-29
  248. New stable release: 6.x-1.2
  249. -----------------------------
  250. -- 2010-09-27
  251. - [#924020] by dczepierga: Add BiDi buttons to toolbar as default
  252. - [#818378] by ahwebd&fmjrey: Not all css files are loaded
  253. -- 2010-09-15
  254. - [#738474] by dczepierga: Cannot edit or delete poorly named profile that include forward slashes
  255. - [#742160] by dczepierga: warning: strtok() expects parameter 1 to be string in
  256. - [#772396] by jcisio: Put ckeditor.utils.js in header for better aggregation
  257. -- 2010-06-18
  258. - [#827238]: README.txt should include the information about sites/all/libraries/
  259. - [#824918]: Disabling, enabling Scayt
  260. -- 2010-06-16
  261. - [#822948]: Fixed: Migrating from fckeditor to ckeditor causes postgresql error
  262. - [#725086] by Dmitriy.trt: Fixed CKEditor does not appear on windows with non-empty window.opener
  263. -- 2010-06-14
  264. - [#814970]: Fixed: Teaser break not working with CKEditor 3.3
  265. -- 2010-05-07
  266. - [#776026]: Fixed: output default values are kept when editing a ckeditor profile
  267. -- 2010-05-06
  268. - [#772134]: Avoid Javascript Caching of editor CSS
  269. -- 2010-03-30
  270. - [#756516] by kosilka: mistake in variable name
  271. -- 2010-03-22
  272. - [#741572] Fixed compatibility with the Ajax module
  273. -- 2010-03-15
  274. - [#742662] Fixed Notices Undefined index: language_direction and forcePasteAsPlainText
  275. - [#742680] Fixed Notice: Undefined property: stdClass::$name
  276. - [#742244] Fixed Creating a CKEditor Profile makes editor disappear
  277. -----------------------------
  278. 2010-03-11
  279. New stable release: 6.x-1.1
  280. -----------------------------
  281. -- 2010-03-10
  282. - [#674454] Changed drush command name
  283. -- 2010-03-09
  284. - [#736786] by irakli: CKEditor is incompatible with Installation profiles
  285. -- 2010-03-06
  286. - [#732264] Fixed ckeditor dialog when editor is running in modal window from ctools
  287. -- 2010-03-05
  288. - [#733512] Fixed editing area size
  289. -- 2010-03-04
  290. - [#731086] Notice: Undefined index: #rows / #value
  291. - [#703960] by hinanui: The CKEditor fails to load sporadically if the teaser of the node is empty
  292. - [#703428] Add forcePasteAsPlainText to CKEditor profile
  293. - [#707878] Add output formatting
  294. - [#725880] RTL solution for editor
  295. -- 2010-03-02
  296. - [#729142] Notice: Undefined variable: filebroswer in ckeditor.module on line 703
  297. - [#728212] by morningtime: Looks for contents.css in wrong location
  298. - [#679976] support Panels
  299. - [#721914] Opening IMCE window without Image Dialog
  300. -- 2010-03-01
  301. - [#716274] Clone Profile incompatible with PCRE <7.0
  302. -- 2010-02-17
  303. - [#651616] by FrankT: added German translation
  304. - [#707370] support Tinybrowser
  305. -- 2010-02-16
  306. - [#651616] by samuelsan: added Spanish translation
  307. - [#713804] by thebuckst0p: Fixed migration from fckeditor (doesn't respect DB prefix for fckeditor_role)
  308. -- 2010-02-03
  309. - [#651616] by chmoindron: added French translation
  310. - [#703316] Advanced settings are broken in the dev release
  311. - [#695474] by jeeba: Fixed warning: Invalid argument supplied for foreach() in ckeditor.module line 998
  312. - [#694082] by FrankT: Fixed string issues
  313. -- 2010-01-25
  314. - [#692558] by J0nathan: Fixed problem with adding boolean values into "Custom javascript configuration
  315. -- 2010-01-15
  316. - Added current instance tracking in javascript for easier integration with other module (Drupal.ckeditorInstance)
  317. - Added Drupal.ckeditorInsertHtml function
  318. - [#686024] by Grizz: Fixed errors in CSS file
  319. ------------------------------
  320. 2010-01-14
  321. First stable release: 6.x-1.0
  322. ------------------------------
  323. -- 2010-01-14
  324. - [#680798] Improved compatibility with NewsFlash theme
  325. -- 2010-01-12
  326. - [#680202] Fixed: image preview not working in IE8
  327. - [#664488] Fixed: CKEditor grabs initial focus in IE
  328. -- 2010-01-08
  329. - [#665108] Fixed: CKeditor Show summary in full view checkbox always checked in editing mode
  330. -- 2010-01-06
  331. - [#674454] by Dave Reid: Add drush integration to download the CKEditor library.
  332. -- 2009-12-23
  333. - [#659278], [#666560], [#666616] Teaser buttons were missing when teasers were disabled by other modules
  334. -- 2009-12-22
  335. - [#663228] Fixed: Link to node not working properly
  336. - [#665108] Fixed: CKeditor hide "Show summary in full view" checkbox
  337. - [#662590] Fixed: If more than one editor css file set in "Edit CKEditor profile" > "Define CSS path", then none are used
  338. - Improvements in MediaEmbed plugin
  339. -- 2009-12-17
  340. - [#654626] Fixed PHP notice (Undefined offset in ckeditor_get_nodetype)
  341. -- 2009-12-16
  342. - Fixed names of 'NumberedList' and 'BulletedList' buttons in Basic Toolbar
  343. - [#656570] Fixed problems with missing ckeditor.styles.js
  344. - [#654626] Fixed PHP notices "Undefined index: simple_incl, excl"
  345. - Fixed double slash in path to break and teaserbreak button images
  346. -- 2009-12-15
  347. - [#659314] Fixed name of Format button in Basic Toolbar
  348. -- 2009-12-10
  349. - Added MediaEmbed plugin
  350. - [#652274] Fixed: Error Message from Color module with CKEditor
  351. - [#653498] Fixed: Empty teasers when editing content
  352. - [#651904] Fixed: CKEditor Widens Beyond content area when Resized
  353. - [#652570] Fixed: Force simple toolbar doesn't work
  354. -------------------------------------------
  355. 2009-12-05
  356. First public (beta) release: 6.x-1.0-beta1
  357. -------------------------------------------
  358. -- 2009-10-05
  359. - Created initial dev version of the CKEditor module