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6 calls to _civicrm_entity_enabled_entities() in CiviCRM Entity 7

civicrm_entity_civicrm_post in ./civicrm_entity.module
Implement the post hook and fire the corresponding rules event.
civicrm_entity_entity_info in ./civicrm_entity.module
Here we declare selected CiviCRM entities to Drupal.
civicrm_entity_entity_property_info_alter in ./civicrm_entity.module
Here we declare Selected CiviCRM entities fields to Drupal.
civicrm_entity_rules_data_info in ./
Implements of hook_rules_data_type_info().
civicrm_entity_rules_event_info in ./
Implements hook_rules_event_info().
civicrm_entity_schema_alter in ./civicrm_entity.module
Implements hook_schema_alter().