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charts_highcharts.install in Charts 5.0.x

Installation and update hooks for the Charts Highcharts module.


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 * @file
 * Installation and update hooks for the Charts Highcharts module.
use Drupal\charts\Settings\ChartsDefaultSettings;

 * Implements hook_requirements().
function charts_highcharts_requirements($phase) {
  $requirements = [];
  switch ($phase) {
    case 'runtime':
      $library_path = charts_highcharts_find_library();
      if (!$library_path) {
        $requirements['charts_highcharts_js'] = [
          'title' => t('Highcharts Library'),
          'value' => t('Not Installed'),
          'severity' => REQUIREMENT_ERROR,
          'description' => t('You are missing the Highcharts library in your Drupal installation directory. Please see the README file inside charts_highcharts for instructions to install the library.'),
      else {
        $requirements['charts_highcharts_js'] = [
          'title' => t('Highcharts Library'),
          'severity' => REQUIREMENT_OK,
          'value' => t('Installed'),
  if (function_exists('libraries_detect') && ($highcharts_info = libraries_detect('highcharts'))) {
    if (is_dir($highcharts_info['library path'] . '/js/exporting-server')) {
      $requirements['highcharts_security'] = [
        'title' => t('Highcharts vulnerability'),
        'severity' => REQUIREMENT_ERROR,
        'value' => t('Dangerous sample code present'),
        'description' => t('Your installation of the Highcharts library at "@path" contains a directory named "exporting-server". This directory contains dangerous sample files that may compromise the security of your site. You must delete this directory before you may use the Charts Highcharts module.', [
          '@path' => $highcharts_info['library path'],
  return $requirements;

 * Get the location of the Highcharts library.
 * @return string
 *   The location of the library, or FALSE if the library isn't installed.
function charts_highcharts_find_library() {

  // The following logic is taken from libraries_get_libraries()
  $searchdir = [];

  // Similar to 'modules' and 'themes' directories inside an installation
  // profile, installation profiles may want to place libraries into a
  // 'libraries' directory.
  $searchdir[] = 'profiles/' . \Drupal::installProfile() . '/libraries';

  // Always search libraries.
  $searchdir[] = 'libraries';

  // Also search sites/<domain>/*.
  $searchdir[] = \Drupal::service('site.path') . '/libraries';
  foreach ($searchdir as $dir) {
    if (file_exists($dir . '/highcharts/highcharts.js')) {
      return $dir . '/highcharts';
  return FALSE;

 * Move the highcharts config to the main settings and plugin configuration.
function charts_highcharts_update_8400() {

  /** @var \Drupal\Core\Config\ConfigFactoryInterface $config_factory */
  $config_factory = \Drupal::service('config.factory');
  $highcharts_config = $config_factory
  $config_keys = [
  $legend_configuration = [];
  foreach ($config_keys as $key) {
    if ($config_value = $highcharts_config
      ->get($key)) {
      $config_value = ChartsDefaultSettings::transformBoolStringValueToBool($config_value);
      if (substr($key, 0, 6) === 'legend') {

        // Stripping legend_.
        $new_key_map = substr($key, 7, strlen($key));
        $legend_configuration[$new_key_map] = $config_value;
      elseif ($key === 'item_style_color') {
        $legend_configuration['item_style']['color'] = $config_value;
      elseif ($key === 'text_overflow') {
        $config_value = $config_value ?: '';
        $legend_configuration['item_style']['text_overflow'] = $config_value;
  if ($legend_configuration) {
    $library_form = 'highcharts_settings';

    // Get the main settings.
    $charts_config = $config_factory
    $settings = $charts_config
      ->get('charts_default_settings') ?: [];

    // Add the plugin configuration as part of it.
    $settings[$library_form]['legend'] = $legend_configuration;

    // Update the main config.
      ->set('charts_default_settings', $settings)

    // Delete the highcharts configuration.


Namesort descending Description
charts_highcharts_find_library Get the location of the Highcharts library.
charts_highcharts_requirements Implements hook_requirements().
charts_highcharts_update_8400 Move the highcharts config to the main settings and plugin configuration.