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charts.module in Charts 7

@author Bruno Massa

Transform DATA into INFORMATION using beautiful CHARTS.

@note For instructions about the API, see chart_api.txt file.


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 * @author Bruno Massa
 * @file
 * Transform DATA into INFORMATION using beautiful CHARTS.
 * @note For instructions about the API, see chart_api.txt file.

 * The main Chart API function, that calls any chart provider
 * to print the given data.
 * @param &$data
 *   Array. The chart data, described on chart_api.txt
 * @return
 *   String. The HTML with the propper chart (might include Flash or
 *   JavaScript external files)
function charts_chart(&$data) {
  module_load_include('inc', 'charts');
  return _charts_chart($data);


Namesort descending Description
charts_chart The main Chart API function, that calls any chart provider to print the given data.