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8 calls to cf_error::invalid_object() in Common Functionality 7.2

cf_dom::change_element in modules/cf_dom/classes/cf_dom.php
Changes the element from one type to another.
cf_dom::change_elements in modules/cf_dom/classes/cf_dom.php
Change all elements of a given element type to another type.
cf_dom::get_markup in modules/cf_dom/classes/cf_dom.php
Converts the body or head element into markup
cf_dom::get_tag_markup in modules/cf_dom/classes/cf_dom.php
Converts the selected tag into HTML markup.
cf_dom::remove_element in modules/cf_dom/classes/cf_dom.php
Removes the given element from its parent.
cf_dom::remove_elements in modules/cf_dom/classes/cf_dom.php
Remove all elements of a given element type.
cf_error_invalid_object in modules/cf_1x_compatibility/cf_1x_compatibility.module
This is a compatibility function for cf-1.x.
cf_node_create in modules/cf_node/cf_node.module
Programatically creates a node of the form type and returns any errors.