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7 calls to cf_error::invalid_numeric() in Common Functionality 7.2

cf_convert_from_crud in ./cf.module
Converts the passed argument into an array of multiple booleans.
cf_db_options_id_to_machine_name in modules/cf_db_options/cf_db_options.module
Returns the machine_name for a given option numeric id.
cf_error::not_numeric in modules/cf_error/classes/cf_error.php
Reports that a given argument is supposed to be numeric but is not.
cf_error_not_numeric in modules/cf_1x_compatibility/cf_1x_compatibility.module
This is a compatibility function for cf-1.x.
cf_http_get_response in modules/cf_http/cf_http.module
Reads an http page at the given path and returns an unprocessed response.
cf_user_get_rids in modules/cf_user/cf_user.module
Provide a simple way to get the roles ids for the current or specified user.
cf_user_has_role in modules/cf_user/cf_user.module
Confirm whether a user is in a given role by the role id.