cf.module in Common Functionality 7
Same filename and directory in other branches
cf.moduleView source
* Implements hook_init().
function cf_init() {
cf_error_append_history($function_history, __FUNCTION__);
global $conf;
if (!isset($conf['role_memory_limits']) || !is_array($conf['role_memory_limits'])) {
$conf['role_memory_limits'] = array();
if (!isset($conf['user_memory_limits']) || !is_array($conf['user_memory_limits'])) {
$conf['user_memory_limits'] = array();
if (!isset($conf['ip_memory_limits']) || !is_array($conf['ip_memory_limits'])) {
$conf['ip_memory_limits'] = array();
$user = cf_current_user();
foreach ($conf['role_memory_limits'] as $key => &$value) {
if (array_key_exists($key, $user->roles) && !empty($value)) {
ini_set('memory_limit', $value);
foreach ($conf['user_memory_limits'] as $key => &$value) {
if ($key == $user->uid && !empty($value)) {
ini_set('memory_limit', $value);
$client_ip = ip_address();
foreach ($conf['ip_memory_limits'] as $key => &$value) {
if (!empty($value) && $key == $client_ip) {
ini_set('memory_limit', $value);
* Implements hook_permission().
function cf_permission() {
$permissions = array();
drupal_alter('cf_permission', $permissions);
return $permissions;
* Provide a safe way to get the current user.
* This protects the user global from coding accidents.
* Why:
* This is to easy to accidentally do: 'if ($user->uid = 1) {'
* The global $user data may also not have contrib modules data included, so
* accessing $user directly is generally not a good idea.
* This function seems rather waseteful given its simplicity.
* It may be better if drupal core would allow $uid to be left empty such
* that the user_load() function would handle accessing the global $user->id if $uid is empty.
* See:
* See:
* @param bool $reset
* TRUE to reset the internal cache and load from the database.
* FALSE (default) to load from the internal cache, if set.
* @param array $function_history
* (optional) An array of function names, ie:
* array('0' => 'my_function_name').
* @return
* A copy of the global variable $user.
* Changes to this variable will not be retained.
function cf_get_user($reset = FALSE, array $function_history = array()) {
cf_error_append_history($function_history, __FUNCTION__);
global $user;
if (!is_object($user) || !property_exists($user, 'uid')) {
cf_error_invalid_object($function_history, 'user', WATCHDOG_CRITICAL);
return FALSE;
return user_load($user->uid, $reset);
* Provide a safe way to get the current user.
* This is a fowards-compatible function of the 7.x-2.x versions.
* Why:
* This is to easy to accidentally do: 'if ($user->uid = 1) {'
* The global $user data may also not have contrib modules data included, so
* accessing $user directly is generally not a good idea.
* This function seems rather waseteful given its simplicity.
* It may be better if drupal core would allow $uid to be left empty such
* that the user_load() function would handle accessing the global $user->id if $uid is empty.
* See:
* See:
* @param bool $reset
* TRUE to reset the internal cache and load from the database.
* FALSE (default) to load from the internal cache, if set.
* @param array $function_history
* (optional) An array of function names, ie:
* array('0' => 'my_function_name').
* @return
* A copy of the global variable $user.
* Changes to this variable will not be retained.
function cf_current_user($reset = FALSE) {
return cf_get_user($reset);
* Check to see if the variable is an array and if the given key exists.
* Why:
* According to the PHP documentation: isset() does not return TRUE for array
* keys that correspond to a NULL value, while array_key_exists() does.
* This means that array_key_exists() should be used to guarantee that a key
* exists as opposed to isset().
* The problem here is that PHP throws an error when the variable is not an
* array.
* This means that if (is_array($variable) && array_key_exists($key,
* $variable)) must be done.
* @param string $key
* The key to look for.
* @param string $variable
* The possible array to search through for the given key.
* @param array $function_history
* (optional) An array of function names, ie:
* array('0' => 'my_function_name').
* @return
* TRUE if the array key exists.
* FALSE if the array key does not exist or a parameter is invalid.
function cf_has_array_key($key, $variable, array $function_history = array()) {
cf_error_append_history($function_history, __FUNCTION__);
if (cf_is_empty_or_non_string($function_history, 'key', $key, WATCHDOG_ERROR)) {
return FALSE;
if (is_array($variable)) {
return array_key_exists($key, $variable);
return FALSE;
* Converts the passed arguments into a single number.
* The passed arguments are booleans.
* Crud works in the same way that the linux filesystem permissions tend to be:
* - create = 1
* - read = 2
* - update = 4
* - delete = 8
* Why:
* For efficiency reasons it may make more sense to store these boolean
* values into a single database column similar to how the unix permission
* umask works.
* @param bool $create
* Boolean that represents whether or not the CREATE flag is set to TRUE or
* @param bool $read
* Boolean that represents whether or not the READ flag is set to TRUE or
* @param bool $update
* Boolean that represents whether or not the UPDATE flag is set to TRUE or
* @param bool delete
* Boolean that represents whether or not the DELETE flag is set to TRUE or
* @param array $function_history
* (optional) An array of function names, ie:
* array('0' => 'my_function_name').
* @return
* A single numerical value that represents all 4 permissions.
function cf_convert_to_crud($create, $read, $update, $delete, array $function_history = array()) {
$crud = 0;
if ($create) {
$crud += 1;
if ($read) {
$crud += 2;
if ($update) {
$crud += 4;
if ($delete) {
$crud += 8;
return $crud;
* Converts the passed argument into an array of multiple booleans.
* An array of booleans is returned whose keys are: create, read, update, and
* delete
* Crud works in the same way that the linux filesystem permissions tend to be:
* - create = 1
* - read = 2
* - update = 4
* - delete = 8
* Why:
* For efficiency reasons it may make more sense to store these boolean
* values into a single database column similar to how the unix permission
* umask works.
* @param int $crud
* An integer representing the crud that is to be converted into an array of
* booleans.
* @param array $function_history
* (optional) An array of function names, ie:
* array('0' => 'my_function_name').
* @return array
* An array containing the following keys:
* - create: A boolean representing create permissions.
* - read: A boolean representing read permissions.
* - update: A boolean representing update permissions.
* - delete: A boolean representing delete permissions.
function cf_convert_from_crud($crud, array $function_history = array()) {
cf_error_append_history($function_history, __FUNCTION__);
$uncrud = array();
$uncrud['create'] = FALSE;
$uncrud['read'] = FALSE;
$uncrud['update'] = FALSE;
$uncrud['delete'] = FALSE;
if (!isset($crud)) {
cf_error_invalid_variable($function_history, 'crud', 'Not defined', array());
return $uncrud;
if (!is_numeric($crud)) {
cf_error_not_numeric($function_history, 'crud');
return $uncrud;
if ($crud - 8 >= 0) {
$uncrud['delete'] = TRUE;
$crud -= 8;
if ($crud - 4 >= 0) {
$uncrud['update'] = TRUE;
$crud -= 4;
if ($crud - 2 >= 0) {
$uncrud['read'] = TRUE;
$crud -= 2;
if ($crud - 1 >= 0) {
$uncrud['create'] = TRUE;
return $uncrud;
* Returns a standard "This page cannot be accessed" message.
* Why:
* The drupal form api core produces problems when anything other than a form
* array is returned.
* See:
* Deprecated:
* drupal_access_denied() cannot be directly used within a page callback
* according the documentation at:
* However, the desired functionality provided by this function can still be
* done by calling drupal_exit() immediately after drupal_access_denied().
* This produces the behavior provided by thus function, therefore you can
* replace this function with drupal_access_denied() and drupal_exit().
* @param string $form_state
* The form state.
* @param string $id
* (optional) The form id, generally this should be taken from: $form['#id'].
* @param array $function_history
* (optional) An array of function names, ie:
* array('0' => 'my_function_name').
* @return array
* An array that can be safely as a return statement for a page.
function cf_page_not_accessible(&$form_state, $id = '', array $function_history = array()) {
* Checks if a variable is an empty string is empty or not a string at all.
* Why:
* Checking that a string is empty may also require a check to see if a
* variable is a string.
* This provides a way to do that two step process in 1 step.
* Do not use this for any other purpose.
* @param array $function_history
* An array of function names, ie: array('0' => 'my_function_name').
* @param string $argument_name
* The variable name of the argument in question.
* @param $variable
* The argument that is to be validated.
* @param int $severity
* (optional) This is passed directly to watchdog and represents the
* severity of the report.
* @return bool
* When the check passed returns TRUE, FALSE otherwise.
function cf_is_empty_or_non_string($function_history, $argument_name, $variable, $severity = WATCHDOG_WARNING) {
cf_error_append_history($function_history, __FUNCTION__);
if ($argument_name == '') {
cf_error_empty_string($function_history, 'argument_name');
if (!is_string($variable)) {
cf_error_not_string($function_history, $argument_name, $severity);
return TRUE;
if ($variable == '') {
cf_error_empty_string($function_history, $argument_name, $severity);
return TRUE;
return FALSE;
* Checks if the argument is a valid drupal form state array.
* A valid form state is defined by form_state_defaults().
* This helps ensure that this argument is a valid form state.
* This handles reporting if the form state is invalid.
* Why:
* Checking if the form_state is valid on every function call can quickly
* clutter up the code, reducing readability.
* form state is common enough to have its own cf error checking function.
* @param array $function_history
* An array of function names, ie: array('0' => 'my_function_name').
* @param string $argument_name
* The variable name of the argument in question.
* @param $variable
* The argument that is to be validated.
* @param int $severity
* (optional) This is passed directly to watchdog and represents the severity
* of the report.
* @return bool
* When the check passed returns TRUE, FALSE otherwise.
function cf_is_not_form_state($function_history, $argument_name, $variable, $severity = WATCHDOG_WARNING) {
cf_error_append_history($function_history, __FUNCTION__);
if ($argument_name == '') {
cf_error_empty_string($function_history, 'argument_name');
if (!is_array($variable)) {
cf_error_invalid_array($function_history, 'argument_name', $variable, $severity);
return TRUE;
foreach (array_keys(form_state_defaults()) as $key) {
if (!array_key_exists($key, $variable)) {
cf_error_missing_array_key($function_history, $argument_name, $key, $severity);
return TRUE;
return FALSE;
Name![]() |
Description |
cf_convert_from_crud | Converts the passed argument into an array of multiple booleans. |
cf_convert_to_crud | Converts the passed arguments into a single number. |
cf_current_user | Provide a safe way to get the current user. |
cf_get_user | Provide a safe way to get the current user. |
cf_has_array_key | Check to see if the variable is an array and if the given key exists. |
cf_init | Implements hook_init(). |
cf_is_empty_or_non_string | Checks if a variable is an empty string is empty or not a string at all. |
cf_is_not_form_state | Checks if the argument is a valid drupal form state array. |
cf_page_not_accessible | Returns a standard "This page cannot be accessed" message. |
cf_permission | Implements hook_permission(). |