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README.txt in Corresponding Entity References 7

Same filename and directory in other branches
  1. 7.3 README.txt
  2. 7.2 README.txt
As this is the next evolution of Corresponding Node References,
I would like to say thanks for all the work done over on Corresponding Node
References. This is almost a direct upgrade from CNR to include handling of 


It syncs the entity reference between two entity types which have an entity
reference to each other, so double editing entities is no longer needed. If one
entity has a reference, the other entity also receives a reference to the saved
entity if it is referenced in that entity.


7.x: Entity Reference


Entity type A has an entity reference to entity type B and entity type B has an
entity reference to entity type A. When you create entity X of type A and
reference it to entity Y of type B entity Y will also receive an update in its
entity reference field pointing to entity X.

Known Issues

Corresponding Entity References only works with the simple mode of selecting
entities. Using a view to select which entities are able to be referenced
breaks things and causes errors.


- To install enable the module at admin/build/modules
- Create entity type A
- Create entity type B
- Create a entity reference field on entity type A pointing to entity B
- Create a entity reference field on entity type B pointing to entity A
- Go to the settings page at admin/config/system/cer. 
  Select to enable the corresponding referencing for these node types pointing 
  to each other.
- Create some entities and reference them to each other


View source
  1. As this is the next evolution of Corresponding Node References,
  2. I would like to say thanks for all the work done over on Corresponding Node
  3. References. This is almost a direct upgrade from CNR to include handling of
  4. entities.
  5. Description
  6. It syncs the entity reference between two entity types which have an entity
  7. reference to each other, so double editing entities is no longer needed. If one
  8. entity has a reference, the other entity also receives a reference to the saved
  9. entity if it is referenced in that entity.
  10. Dependencies
  11. 7.x: Entity Reference
  12. Example
  13. Entity type A has an entity reference to entity type B and entity type B has an
  14. entity reference to entity type A. When you create entity X of type A and
  15. reference it to entity Y of type B entity Y will also receive an update in its
  16. entity reference field pointing to entity X.
  17. Known Issues
  18. Corresponding Entity References only works with the simple mode of selecting
  19. entities. Using a view to select which entities are able to be referenced
  20. breaks things and causes errors.
  21. Install
  22. - To install enable the module at admin/build/modules
  23. - Create entity type A
  24. - Create entity type B
  25. - Create a entity reference field on entity type A pointing to entity B
  26. - Create a entity reference field on entity type B pointing to entity A
  27. - Go to the settings page at admin/config/system/cer.
  28. Select to enable the corresponding referencing for these node types pointing
  29. to each other.
  30. - Create some entities and reference them to each other