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admin-details-mode-pull-cdn-mapping.html in CDN 7.2

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  1. 6.2 help/admin-details-mode-pull-cdn-mapping.html


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<p>Enter one mapping per line, in the format <strong>&lt;URL&gt;[|&lt;extensions&gt;]</strong>:</p>
	<li><strong>&lt;URL&gt;</strong> is the CDN URL that should be used. E.g.: <code></code>
	However, you can also enter <em>multiple</em> URLs, the files will then be distributed randomly (yet <em>consistently</em>, meaning that the same file will always be served from the same URL) from the different URLs! E.g.: <code></code>
	Note that if you want to save just a few more bytes, you should use <em>protocol-relative</em> URLs: <code>//</code> instead of <code></code> (this works fine in all browsers).</li>
	<li><strong>&lt;extensions&gt;</strong> is an <strong>optional</strong> setting to limit which files should be served from a CDN. E.g.: <code>.css .jpg .jpeg .png</code></li>

<h2>Sample mappings</h2>
	<li>This would serve <em>all</em> files from a single CDN: <pre></pre></li>
	<li>This would serve CSS files and images from CDN A, .zip files from CDN B and everything else from CDN C:
<pre>|.css .jpg .jpeg .png|.zip</pre></li>
	<li>This would serve CSS and JS files from CDN A, images from either CDN B or C and everything else from CDN C:
<pre>|.css .js|.jpg .jpeg .png</pre></li>