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cdn.mapping.schema.yml in CDN 8.3



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  1. # The base type all mapping types must extend.
  2. cdn.mapping_base:
  3. type: mapping
  4. mapping:
  5. type:
  6. type: string
  7. label: 'CDN mapping type'
  8. # The base type all mapping types that have conditions must extend.
  9. cdn.mapping_with_conditions_base:
  10. type: cdn.mapping_base
  11. mapping:
  12. conditions:
  13. type: cdn.conditions
  14. # 'simple': a single CDN domain, with conditions.
  15. cdn.mapping.simple:
  16. type: cdn.mapping_with_conditions_base
  17. mapping:
  18. domain:
  19. type: cdn.domain
  20. label: 'A single CDN domain.'
  21. # 'auto-balanced': auto-balanced domains, with conditions.
  23. type: cdn.mapping_with_conditions_base
  24. mapping:
  25. domains:
  26. type: sequence
  27. label: 'Multiple CDN domains across which to auto-balance files (in a consistent manner).'
  28. sequence:
  29. type: cdn.domain
  30. label: 'A CDN domain.'
  31. # 'complex': a mapping that allows to conditionally use different CDN domains.
  32. cdn.mapping.complex:
  33. type: cdn.mapping_base
  34. label: 'Complex'
  35. mapping:
  36. fallback_domain:
  37. type: cdn.domain
  38. nullable: true
  39. label: 'The optional fallback CDN domain to use when none of the other domains are selected.'
  40. domains:
  41. type: sequence
  42. sequence:
  43. # @todo How to prevent recursion? This should only accept 'simple', 'auto-balanced' and whichever ones are added in the future.
  44. type: cdn.mapping.[type]