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tour.tour.cdn-ui.yml in CDN 8.3



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  1. langcode: en
  2. status: true
  3. dependencies:
  4. module:
  5. - cdn_ui
  6. id: cdn-ui
  7. label: 'Configuring CDN integration'
  8. module: cdn_ui
  9. routes:
  10. -
  11. route_name: cdn_ui.settings
  12. tips:
  13. cdn-ui-main:
  14. id: cdn-ui-main
  15. plugin: text
  16. label: 'CDN settings'
  17. body: 'View and edit the CDN settings.'
  18. weight: 1
  19. cdn-ui-status:
  20. id: cdn-ui-status
  21. plugin: text
  22. label: 'Status'
  23. body: 'Enable or disable CDN integration: no need to uninstall the module to disable CDN integration.'
  24. weight: 2
  25. attributes:
  26. data-id: edit-status
  27. cdn-ui-mapping:
  28. id: cdn-ui-mapping
  29. plugin: text
  30. label: 'Mapping'
  31. body: 'Set up a CDN mapping: configure which files are served from a CDN.'
  32. weight: 3
  33. attributes:
  34. data-id: edit-mapping
  35. cdn-ui-mapping-type:
  36. id: cdn-ui-mapping-type
  37. plugin: text
  38. label: 'Mapping type'
  39. body: 'Simple mappings can be configured right in this UI. Advanced mappings can only be configured by modifying and importing the <code>cdn.settings.yml</code> file.'
  40. weight: 4
  41. attributes:
  42. data-id: edit-mapping-type
  43. cdn-ui-mapping-simple-domain:
  44. id: cdn-ui-mapping-simple-domain
  45. plugin: text
  46. label: 'CDN domain'
  47. body: 'Enter the domain name to use. That means just something like <code></code>, not a full URL like <code></code>.'
  48. weight: 5
  49. attributes:
  50. data-id: edit-mapping-simple-domain
  51. cdn-ui-mapping-simple-scheme:
  52. id: cdn-ui-mapping-simple-scheme
  53. plugin: text
  54. label: 'Scheme-relative or absolute CDN URLs'
  55. body: 'By default, scheme-relative URLs are used to link to files on CDN.<br><br>On sites that are only accessible via <code>https://</code>, absolute HTTPS URLs are recommended.<br><br>For local development, absolute HTTP URLs are recommended.'
  56. weight: 6
  57. attributes:
  58. data-id: edit-mapping-simple-scheme
  59. cdn-ui-mapping-simple-conditions:
  60. id: cdn-ui-mapping-simple-conditions
  61. plugin: text
  62. label: 'Conditions'
  63. body: 'You can choose to serve <em>all</em> files from the same CDN, or to only serve files with certain extensions from the chosen CDN domain. Anything more advanced will require modifying and importing <code>cdn.settings.yml</code>.'
  64. weight: 6
  65. attributes:
  66. data-id: edit-mapping-simple-extensions-condition-toggle
  67. cdn-ui-farfuture:
  68. id: cdn-ui-farfuture
  69. plugin: text
  70. label: 'Forever cacheable files'
  71. body: 'Marks all files to expire in the far future, telling browsers to <em>always</em> use cached files, speeding up page loads. Lets Drupal serve files, but cached by the CDN, so server impact is negligible. You can opt out.'
  72. weight: 7
  73. attributes:
  74. data-id: edit-farfuture
  75. cdn-ui-streamwrappers:
  76. id: cdn-ui-streamwrappers
  77. plugin: text
  78. label: 'Stream wrappers'
  79. body: 'Files included with Drupal modules and themes can always be served from a CDN as can files stored in the default Drupal stream wrapper, <code>public://</code>. This site has additional stream wrappers installed, those can optionally be enabled too.'
  80. weight: 8
  81. attributes:
  82. data-id: edit-wrappers