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function ContentCrudTestCase::_assertSchemaMatches in Content Construction Kit (CCK) 6.3

Same name and namespace in other branches
  1. 6 tests/content.crud.test \ContentCrudTestCase::_assertSchemaMatches()
  2. 6.2 tests/content.crud.test \ContentCrudTestCase::_assertSchemaMatches()

Helper function for assertSchemaMatchesTables Checks that the database and schema for the given table contain only the expected fields.


$table Name of the table to check:

$columns Array of column names:

1 call to ContentCrudTestCase::_assertSchemaMatches()
ContentCrudTestCase::assertSchemaMatchesTables in tests/content.crud.test
Checks that the database itself and the reported database schema match the expected columns for the given tables.


tests/content.crud.test, line 102


Base class for CCK CRUD tests. Defines many helper functions useful for writing CCK CRUD tests.


function _assertSchemaMatches($table, $columns) {

  // First test: check the expected structure matches the stored schema.
  $schema = drupal_get_schema($table, TRUE);
  $mismatches = array();
  if ($schema === FALSE) {
    $mismatches[] = t('table does not exist');
  else {
    $fields = $schema['fields'];
    foreach ($columns as $field) {
      if (!isset($fields[$field])) {
        $mismatches[] = t('field !field is missing from table', array(
          '!field' => $field,
    $columns_reverse = array_flip($columns);
    foreach ($fields as $name => $info) {
      if (!isset($columns_reverse[$name])) {
        $mismatches[] = t('table contains unexpected field !field', array(
          '!field' => $name,
    ->assertEqual(count($mismatches), 0, t('Table !table matches schema: !details', array(
    '!table' => $table,
    '!details' => implode($mismatches, ', '),

  // Second test: check the schema matches the actual db structure.
  // This is the part that relies on schema.module.
  if (!$this->enabled_schema) {
    $this->enabled_schema = module_exists('schema');
  if ($this->enabled_schema) {

    // Clunky workaround for
    $prefixed_table = db_prefix_tables('{' . $table . '}');
    $inspect = schema_invoke('inspect', $prefixed_table);
    $inspect = isset($inspect[$table]) ? $inspect[$table] : NULL;
    $compare = schema_compare_table($schema, $inspect);
    if ($compare['status'] == 'missing') {
      $compare['reasons'] = array(
        t('table does not exist'),
  else {
    $compare = array(
      'status' => 'unknown',
      'reasons' => array(
        t('cannot enable schema module'),
    ->assertEqual($compare['status'], 'same', t('Table schema for !table matches database: !details', array(
    '!table' => $table,
    '!details' => implode($compare['reasons'], ', '),