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11 invocations of hook_field_settings() in Content Construction Kit (CCK) 5

content_database_info in ./content.module
Retrieve the database storage location(s) for a field.
content_field_instance_delete in ./
Delete an existing field instance.
content_update_5 in ./content.install
Move data from per-field storage to per-content-type storage where possible.
content_views_arguments in ./
Implementation of hook_views_arguments().
content_views_field_tables in ./
content_views_tables in ./
Implementation of hook_views_tables().
_content_admin_field in ./
Menu callback; presents the field editing page.
_content_admin_field_add_existing_submit in ./
Add an existing field to a content type.
_content_admin_field_add_new_submit in ./
Create a new field for a content type.
_content_admin_field_submit in ./
Save a field's settings after editing.
_content_admin_field_validate in ./
Validate a field's settings.