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9 calls to _content_tablename() in Content Construction Kit (CCK) 5

content_database_info in ./content.module
Retrieve the database storage location(s) for a field.
content_delete in ./content.module
Delete node type fields.
content_delete_revision in ./content.module
delete node type fields for a revision.
content_type_create in ./
Make changes needed when a content type is created.
content_type_delete in ./
Make changes needed when a content type is deleted.
content_type_update in ./
Make changes needed when an existing content type is updated.
content_update_1003 in ./content.install
Rename data tables to avoid collision with core node_* tables
content_update_1004 in ./content.install
Fix corrupted db due to a bug in 1.3 release (
content_update_1009 in ./content.install
Index the 'nid' column on data tables to optimize node deletion. Large tables might deserve a multipass update.